

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pregnancy: Month 6

Baby is definitely growing in there! I am starting to feel very pregnant and he is taking up all the extra space my middle has to offer. No stretch marks yet, but I know they're coming! Hopefully mild like his brothers pregnancies. He wiggles a lot and it is so fun to feel him and start to get a sense of who he is. Most days I look down at my belly and cannot believe we have a third child brewing in there! I am so very excited for him to be born and join our family, but the nervousness is creeping in. Three kids is a whole new adventure and I'll need extra patience and very alert eyes! 

21 Weeks
*Still have this miserable cold! When I have coughing fits I can feel my abdomen tensing up and it feels sore afterwards. Poor baby probably gets all shaken up during those fits! 
*We went to the park for Jackson's birthday and I was talking to another mom there. When she found out I was pregnant she said she couldn't even tell! She had been facing me, so it is harder to tell as opposed to the side, but it made me feel good! 
*I might be starting to have Braxton Hicks. My belly feels so firm and hard at times, even Matt has noticed it. It comes and goes and isn't just a small bulge where baby might be sitting. Thankfully, they aren't painful yet. Hopefully my BH this time around remain just tight with little or no pain, unlike with Daniel where they were on par (sometimes stronger) with labor contractions! 
*Baby feels low based on his movements inside. My belly doesn't look super low though. 
*Have to maneuver Daniel around my belly when he wants to be held or carried, which is often. He doesn't seem to notice but it does make things more difficult for me. 

22 Weeks
*3/31 had a level 2 ultrasound in Nashville to check baby's heart and brain. The cysts on his brain have disappeared already, which generally happens. The heart issue is a echogenic cardiac foci. This is apparently so common in Asians that in Asia they don't consider it an abnormality. The Dr. wasn't concerned so we aren't either. Very thankful for a healthy baby! 
*I saw on the ultrasound that baby was measuring around 20 weeks 2 days. I have my regular Dr. Appt in a couple days so we'll see what he thinks for due date. My LMP due date is August 4 and what I've been going off. But at my first ultrasound the Dr. moved it to August 12 based on baby's size. Just one week difference thankfully so I can plan. It will be interesting to see when baby comes. Makes me want to go to MI for Mark's wedding since I won't be 37 weeks yet based on the new due date, but I don't want to tempt baby to be born while we're traveling! Heart rate was 149 bpm. 
*had my first leg cramps while I was sleeping. I felt it begin to seize and immediately straightened my leg as straight as I could. It took a couple seconds to loosen, but could have been much worse. I got really bad leg cramps with both boys so I'm hoping I will always be able to straighten my legs immediately to prevent days of sore legs from one bad cramping spell. 

23 Weeks 
*feeling SO exhausted. Hoping it's just me catching up on sleep after being sick for so long and skipping naps for a few days. 
*baby is filling out! My tummy is definitely stretching and starting to get uncomfortable. 
*4/10 Jackson felt the baby kick and smiled. He is so excited for another baby! 

24 Weeks
*can see baby moving around from the outside! It's very slight but he's definitely growing and filling in that space!
*every evening after dinner through bedtime baby likes to move to the very front of my tummy. During the night he is very active, hopefully he sorts that out before he's born! 
*more mild leg cramps. Usually when I'm stretching in bed. Since I'm already stretching it's easy to stop the cramp before it gets full blown. I need to begin doing regular stretches to prepare my body for labor and delivery. 
*people keep commenting on how small I am and some mention they couldn't even tell I am pregnant! At this point I think I have a very big belly and would hope no one would think I just have a pot belly! 
*Typical spring in TN, we had a couple beautiful days and then it got hot hot hot! Been in the 80s-90s most days and is already exhausting me! I need to buy some more maternity shorts to last through the hot summer months. 
*still no cravings or aversions. That is the strangest part of this pregnancy! The extreme absence of symptoms! But I am certainly not complaining! 
*more difficult to get comfortable to sleep. I am usually so exhausted that I will conk out hard and not notice if my belly isn't too comfortable. 
*ordered baby's navy blue wood grain crib sheet on etsy! It is custom made so it won't be here until mid-May, but I am excited! I changed the color scheme to navy, green, and brown. Possibly with a little mustard in there for small accents. Still trees and moose though. 

It still seems like we have a long way to go with this pregnancy, but we have 3 months! What?!?! That time will it's fly by and Chase will be with us before we know it! I am so excited! 

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