

Monday, February 15, 2016


Baby boy 3 is due at the beginning of August! We are so excited for our growing family! 

A recap of the past couple months:

I got the positive test on Dec. 3, 2015 when I was 5 weeks pregnant. I had been testing the whole week because with all my other pregnancies I found out right at or before 4 weeks and Matt's parents and brother were in town for Thanksgiving so I wanted to tell them in person. But the test came a week late. I ran out and bought Jackson a big brother shirt and put his old shirt on Daniel to tell Daddy when he got home. 

Month 1
*no nausea. 
*have to pee about every 5 minutes! Not really, but do have to pee much more often regardless of how much or little I have to drink. 
*craved BWW, which is a rarity for me.
*always, always hungry, always. 
* noticed my bootcut jeans were too tight for comfort in the waist. Hoped it was first trimester bloat and not just holiday over eating. 
*dry face skin. No pre-period breakouts. Skin is looking clearer than it has since before I was pregnant with Daniel.

Month 2 

5 weeks
*Very tired. Even after two cups of coffee throughout the day- but now that I know I'm pregnant I'll have to limit that. 
*Really wanted waffles after dinner- so I made some up and they were totally worth it. 
*Mood swings are alive and well. Trying to learn to control myself so I don't react to the boys just because I'm emotional. 
*Pregnant brain! I say the wrong words often and can't think of what I want to say. For example, I meant to say "fluidly" and said "liquidly" when referring to movement. 
*Bad indigestion when I first wake up. 
*Got half caf kcups so I can still drink a large cup of coffee in the morning! 

6 weeks
*At 6 weeks my belly is already growing! Other people may just think I'm a little chubby, but both Matt and I have noticed that the bump has begun! 
*Craving eggs. Egg bagel sandwiches, scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs, lots of eggs at all times of day (or night). 
*Already feeling twinges when I stretch just right and pull on my middle. 
*So so tired! Growing a little human is so exhausting! Most days I nap if Matt is home or if the boys nap at the same time. 
*When I am standing or walking for a couple hours (like running errands all morning) I get very tired quickly. I come home and feel light headed and need to just sit on the couch for a bit to recover. 
*Told my local friends, Stefanie and Annie. Because I just had to tell someone!
*Told Uncle Mark when he called about wedding plans. We wanted to make sure he was aware so that they could factor that into their planning. 

7 weeks 
*Feel a little icky in the early mornings, but might have to do with restless sleep. 
*Pregnancy insomnia! No matter how tired I am, which is very since Daniel hasn't slept well in Michigan, I just lie there trying to fall asleep for hours.
*Not much sounds good and when something kinda sounds good it tastes a little blah. But I can keep food down just fine. 
*Got maternity clothes I ordered in the mail (in Michigan). Mostly summer clothes that I'll layer since I'll be biggest then. 
*Told Grammy and Papa, Aunt CC, Aunt Jamie, planned to tell Grammie and GrandPops but found out Daddy already told them. Made picture books of the boys for Christmas presents at one the last page it said "Merry Christmas from the 5 of us". 

8 weeks 
*12/26 first time getting sick this pregnancy. I've been feeling a little icky but I forgot that raw ground beef just isn't ideal while pregnant. I cooked up tacos for everyone and had to get sick before I ate any. I was able to eat some nachos and enjoy them though, so it's mostly the raw meat.
*12/26 very slight spotting before I went to bed. I pray it stops so I can rest easy. 
*I get so hungry so I eat until I'm full, then I feel too full and worry I'm going to gain too much weight, then I feel like I'm starving again! 
*Craving: salad! Caesar salads especially, which I know I'm not supposed to eat- but I may have indulged! But any salad tastes so good! Even salads I wouldn't think of trying normally! All varieties or dressings and ingredients- yum! 
*Feeling twinges when I stretch too far when bending over or reaching up- my middle is definitely settling into preggo mode much quicker this time since it knows what's going on and where everything is going to end up. 
*Worst neck pain I've had in a long time. Hoping it is mostly the mattress at my parents' house and that this isn't going to last the entire pregnancy. I've tried laying different ways and propped myself up with pillows. Neck pain makes me feel nauseated and makes me cranky. If I deeply massage my neck for hours it begins to loosen and I feel better, but it literally takes hours plus a heating pack plus Matt massaging until his fingers can't anymore. 

[edit once due date changed]
*Exhaustion is still going strong but we've added some nausea! I'm still very thankful I am not sick 24/7 like with Jackson or every day suddenly like with Daniel, but hope that the nausea calms down soon! 
*Making a grocery lists and then grocery shopping is so difficult! I have to make a smaller list of things that don't make me sick so we'll be making more trips as food runs out. Hopefully I can at least make meals for my family even if the food makes me queasy. 
*Really wanted pasta salad at bedtime. Went back and forth on making it for about two hours while I put the boys to bed. Finally made it and ate some before bed. 
*Told my Sunday school co-teachers I was pregnant and they were so excited for me. That helped increase my excitement. I think it still feels a little unreal since I've had so little nausea and since it happened so fast and we hadn't been planning it for long before we began trying. 
*1/4 first u/s! Baby is measuring one week small so Dr. Changed my due date to August 12. Both boys were measuring one week small in the first trimester too so we'll see if this changes later on in the pregnancy. Heartbeat was 173. 

Month 3

9 weeks
*In my mind, I'm still 10 weeks. We'll see as baby grows if my due date changes back to the original August 4. Both boys were small at first but then were regular size by their 20 week u/s. 
*Sleeping whenever both boys are sleeping. 
*Orange juice! 
*Can't get enough cucumber sandwiches!!!!!

10 weeks
*Starting to get more energy- may also be the long holiday weekend so Daddy can help with the boys so I can sleep in. But finished all the laundry and put it away and did all the dishes instead of just most of them- both of which haven't happened since before Christmas! We live out of the clean dishwasher until it needs to be filled again and out of laundry baskets! 
*So overly emotional to tv or movies! The slightest sad scene and I'm crying! Good old pregnancy hormones! 
*Meal prep hasn't been taxing, but I often will stand in front of the fridge and nothing sounds good. Food doesn't really turn my stomach, but nothing sounds like what I'm hungry for. My constant fallback is cereal. Cereal is always a safe option. 

11 Weeks
*Cubbies night always drains me. I sit as much as I can because the next morning my legs are always so tired! I definitely need to start stretching and doing some exercises now so I can build up endurance for the rest of this pregnancy and labor and delivery! I have been majorly slacking on that!  

12 Weeks
*I feel little "blips" every once in awhile that don't have to do with gas or digestion. Pretty sure it's the baby. 
*2/4 dr appt. heart rate 160. 

There! All caught up for the first three months/first trimester! This pregnancy has been so much easier on me than the other boys. That is so welcome because it is much more tiring caring for two little boys while pregnant! It would be much more difficult if I were constantly getting sick also. I pray the pregnancy continues to be smooth sailing. Especially since Matt will be deploying when I am 6 months pregnant and will be gone for the birth. We both feel prepared for this deployment and welcoming our third child into the world while he's away, but it will be sad that he misses it. I hope this pregnancy is easy and baby is calm and that both boys handle the transition well. 

I am so thankful for this new baby and am so excited to watch my boys welcome their little brother into the family. 

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