

Monday, February 29, 2016

Pregnancy: Month 4

So I missed the official 4 month mark. This pregnancy is so different than the others that it makes it harder to keep track! I don't have morning sickness, I don't have overly strong cravings or aversions. What made me remember to post this is feeling little baby thump as I lie in bed! 

13 weeks
*Craving popcorn 
*Getting more energy- haven't napped for two days and was able to do more household chores, like mopping the kitchen that I haven't done in about 2 months!
*Drinking lots of cranberry juice. This is common in all my pregnancies. I don't know if I forget about it not-pregnant or if it really is just a craving. 

14/15 weeks 
*2/12 went in for our early gender u/s at Love My Baby Bump. Based on the size of the baby I'm going to go back to counting weeks from my original due date since baby looked like a normal 15 week baby, according the the tech. Baby is a BOY! We were so surprised since this pregnancy is so different! Baby was wiggling almost the entire time! He likes to be spread out with his legs straight out and sometimes crossing his little ankles. His hands were in fists and around his face and waving his arms all around. My placenta is in the anterior position so the tech said I may not feel as much movement as I would expect, but I have felt fluttering said far. The heartbeat was at 154 bpm, which is right on par with his brother's. 
*Right now we are thinking of naming him Chase Andrew. Matt thought he looked like a Chase when he saw him and it might fit if his little legs keep moving as much as they were on the scan! Andrew after Uncle Mark, and because he is our third and Andrew Wiggin was THE third (our geeky side peeking out). I think of him as Chase now so I doubt we'll change his name before he's born. 
*Bump is really starting to pop. I am excited to start wearing maternity shirts that accentuate my belly! I've been wearing maternity jeans as opposed to regular because the buttons hit right at my tender spot on my abdomen. I wear leggings or sweats at home though. Comfy clothes are a preggos best friend! 
*I've been browsing nursery ideas and I think I'm going to do a woodland/buffalo plaid theme. It is very trendy right now, but it is adorable. I have some artwork picked out on Etsy I plan to order, a crib set, and a stuffed moose for his lovey. I wanted a theme that would match the brown recliner we have and this woodland theme matches perfectly.
*2/14 we announced the baby on Facebook. I took a picture with the older boys in their "big brother/middle brother" shirts and I'm standing next to them. I wrote "baby brother" over my belly and wrote "roses are red, violets are blue. Our family is growing, baby brother is due" across the bottom of the pic. It got over 200 likes on Facebook and IG and lots of well wishes. I am getting more and more excited about being a #boymom and am so excited to be able to share our joy with all our friends and family. It was sweet keeping the secret too but I love the excitement from others in our journey. 

16 weeks 
Watched my friend, Stefanie's, kids for a couple days while she moved. Drank regular coffee instead of half caf. Oh my word! What a difference! I will be so happy to go back to regular coffee once baby is born! 

See? In past pregnancies I would have is much to update! I would have every typical pregnancy symptom. No restless legs (so far!), no more insomnia than I normally have as a night owl, not a whole lot of anything! If my belly wasn't continuing to grow I might think this was all just an elaborate prank someone was pulling on me. 

In all seriousness, I think God just knew I needed this to be an easy pregnancy. With it happening rather unexpectedly since we weren't planning on birthing a third... Until we changed our minds, and then just the stress of having to care for two little boys while pregnant, then Matt deploying mid pregnancy and missing the birth and newborn phase= God knew I needed nice and easy and uncomplicated. If nothing else, it is helping me not worry about Matt leaving, finishing up this pregnancy on my own, and birthing this baby. I continue to pray this pregnancy stays easy and the birth is simple and fast. 

I am so excited to have 3 boys! God keeps bringing moms of boys into my life as both an encouragement and as role models. I have encountered numerous moms of 3+ boys (no girls) via social media who I look up to and the moms I know personally with only boys have such wonderful, full lives. It will be and adventure different than what I used to picture (back when I thought I wanted 3 girls and that was all), but there is nothing like the love of my two boys now and I know adding a third will just increase that love. I have no doubt that both Jackson and Daniel will thrive as older brothers and will be my good little helpers and love their baby brother. 

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