

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Daniel Quarterly 3

My little Pookie Bear is now 21 months old! That means he's ALMOST 2!!!!!! Where has the time gone! Our little baby is turning into an independent, sweet little boy and he adds so much to our family. 

Will update later! 

Daniel (10/13-1/12)

10/13 said cookie while watching a Cookie Monster video. Said it very clearly.
Little stinker pants- I was just thinning his hair and as I was finishing Daniel decided he was done. He ran into Jack's room, squeezed between the bookshelf and the drawers, sat down, and just grinned at me since he knew I couldn't cut his hair there. 
Giggles if Jackson chews on his arm/leg. The two times I've caught Jackson doing it he wasn't biting down hard and the second time he didn't even leave a mark. It was very absentminded. Daniel not crying when he's bitten is not aiding Jack's biting situation! 
10/15 said "Hersh" (horse) and "dug" (dog) when I was reading him the touchy book Matt got him. He loves that book and tries to feel textures on all our other books that don't have it. Upstairs he was playing behind the car garage toy and I couldn't see him I said "where's Daniel?" And he said "right there!" And I said "where's Daniel?" Again and he said "there he is!" As he stood up. (A little garbled, but definitely sounded like the right words) I am so impressed with how close he is to really taking off talking. 
Consistently says "digga digga digga" when he chases the cat around for "kitty kitty kitty". 
Seems like he will go through a more normal "terrible two's" phase than Jackson. He already throws little fits when he doesn't get his way and stomps his feet and throws himself on the ground crying. I hope it is a short phase and I can teach him better ways to manage his frustration as he grows. His fits don't last long and I think having an older brother helps Daniel since he's used to not getting his way. 
10/31 said "Ziss" before giving a kiss! Gave it to Daddy. Earlier this week he began giving real kisses to Matt and I. He did it to Matt first and that made me a little sad. 
Saying so many words now! I love hearing him say "what's this?" 
Puts together the shapes puzzle correctly. Knows to move the pieces until they fit in the slots. 
Plays basketball and knows to put the ball in the hoop! He loves to do it over and over which is more than Jack used to do at this age. Jack still is more interested in how the hoop is built than in playing ball.
11/4 Daniel likes to climb. Everything. He climbs in the kitchen table, on nigh stands, on Daddy's desk. When he begins to climb onto Daddy's desk we just say his name and he stops and sits down on the couch now. Sometimes he will tell us no and cry, but he won't climb on the desk. He is learning to obey and that makes my Mumma heart happy!
11/7 I've been trying to get Daniel to go pee pee on the potty before bath. He sees Jackson doing it and sometimes stands in the bath tub and pees. He won't stand on a stool for the toilet and won't pee if he's sitting on it. He stood and peed on the floor right next to the potty tonight! I might buy him a kiddie potty to put on the floor for him to pee in. Not trying to fully potty train yet, but baby steps! 
11/8 sneezed and looked up at me expectantly and said "bless" 
Recognizing colors. Brings me the same color egg halves (plastic Easter eggs) to pair together. Can put together the shapes puzzle all on his own, I think he is matching the colors. 
Folds his hands when he sees us praying. We didn't even teach him to do that, he just observed us doing it. He puts his food down to fold his hands and everything.

11/14 words Daniel says: Kitty, daddy, mmmm, thank you, what's this, there he is, peekaboo, 1-2-3, yay, no, shoes, kiss, muah, bless you 
11/19 this past Sunday at Sunday School he went into the class with no tears. Then on Tuesday at PWOC he didn't fuss or cry at all when I dropped him off. Then tonight at Awana he whined once and he was a happy boy! Growing up and getting out of this clingy phase! But he still is a snuggly bug and I love that. 
Sings along with songs!!!!! I just love it! He doesn't really sing the words yet, but he tries to mimic it and knows the tunes. He loves happy and you know it and when 5 Little monkeys comes on he always goes "yay" when they do! It's just adorable! 
Sunday School teachers say he claps after every song and that he's their little cheerleader!
As of 12/7 can say eyes, up, down, brush teeth, good job, uh oh, good job 
Gets a bowl when he wants a snack.
Follows Jackson around constantly and wants to do what he's doing. Usually they play well together but if there's one specific toy they both want they can get frustrated at each other. 
Points with his pointer finger when he wants something or when he wants to go in another room. He's been pointing with one finger for awhile, but it's much more purposeful now. He will shake his head no if he's pointing at a snack and I offer him the wrong snack. 

Such a little temper! Knows when he's being told no and doesn't like it, doesn't like it when toys are taken away, doesn't like it if he can't nurse when he wants to. 
Does not like getting strapped into his car seat. Screams and straightens his legs, which since he's still rear facing makes it difficult to strap him in. 
Can say nose, eyes, go upstairs
Loved opening presents! Actually understood there were toys inside and wanted to get the wrapping and boxes off to see what it was!
Been working on weaning him since we got home from Michigan. He gets super angry at me and cries for hours, but he is slowly (after a week) getting used to only nursing before nap and bed time. He has bed sleeping in bed with me because he will sleep the entire night that way. I'm hoping I can fully wean him and get him sleeping through the night before I try to transition him to his crib. Hopefully then I won't be as exhausted all the time too. 

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