

Monday, December 28, 2015

Closing out 2015

I don't know if I'll get around to an official 2015 close out NYE post or not. But what I've been thinking of for this next year is three-fold: manifesting the fruit of the Spirit, prayer prayer prayer, and rest. 

The fruit of the Spirit is just that- fruit. I should be producing it. It is not fruits of the Spirit- if I have the Spirit and am keeping in step with the Spirit I should manifest all the fruit of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. I have grown in some of the fruit in the past decade, but others are still weak areas in my life. I want to live Spirit-filled so I have no choice but to bear each of the fruit daily. 

Prayer. More of it. All the time. More focused prayer. More personal prayer. More communal prayer. I finally saw The War Room tonight. I have known I needed to work on my prayer life but his was another great reminder of just how strong prayer is. I say quick prayers throughout the day as people or things come to mind, but I need time devoted just for prayer every day. Time just for God and me to talk and for me not to be distracted by the boys of other things in life. 

Rest. We have a lot happening in 2016 and a few extra possibilities that aren't solidified yet. It looks like a very promising year but will be very busy and hectic and possibly stress-filled. I have become much better about managing my stress because I know being idle isn't helping the situation, but I had one of my "stress dreams" the other night so my sub conscious is telling me that I need to calm down and relax. I need to find rest. I need to not take on extra commitments. I need to spend time focusing on my family and making sure I'm not too busy to invest in them and myself so I can properly serve them. Rest. Be still. Pause. 

I have learned a lot this past year and it has been a pretty great year. I am thankful for the people God has brought into my life and where my family is at through His guidance. I hope to become a stronger believer, more devoted wife, and more capable mother in this next year. 

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