

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Jackson Quarterly

[to update later]

Jackson (9/27-12/26) 

9/27 for the first time he told me what he did when he was being punished. He bit at church and I told his teacher to come get me since our classrooms share a bathroom. I asked him what happened and he told me he bit. I asked him if he is supposed to bite and he said no, biting hurts. I had him go tell the other boy sorry and kiss him where he bit. I hope he is beginning to understand why he shouldn't bite and understand his punishment so he stops biting. I put him in time out and took away his game boys. I got him a new chore and behavior star chart that velcros to helpfully help him learn responsibility. 
Called the pediatrician to see about getting Jackson evaluated for Asperger's or an emotional delay. I had some people mention the possibility to me and when I looked up Asperger's in preschool children it was like I was reading about Jack. He doesn't have all the symptoms, but Aspergers is on the Autism spectrum so he probably wouldn't have every symptom. He may just need more time to learn to communicate better, but I figure if he does have mild Asperger's we should get him therapy sooner rather than later. The signs that worry me are: always sorting things, loves letters and numbers and shapes, learned all the species of fish, doesn't read social cues well even though he recognizes various smiley face emotions, melting down over the most random things and then being comforted by the most random things (the magnetic L's), doesn't like his hands being messy, not very much imaginative play- more quoting tv shows or movies or books, very systematic and repetitive. 
9/29 we went to Mornings with Mommy at BSLC yesterday and Jack recognized it as preschool. He had fun (though he didn't want to share a shapes puzzle and wouldn't do the activities with me) and said he wanted to go back to preschool. All yesterday and today he asked to go to preschool. I told him if he wanted to go back he had to stop biting and he said ok. He didn't bite at PWOC! I gave him a star on his chart so hopefully he's beginning to understand! 
We got magnetic letters for the fridge and Jack (and Daniel) just love them! Overheard "is that the C? No that's the K. Is that the C? There you are!...? L, W, and last and finally K!" This kid just loves his letters! 
Hasn't bitten at church the past two weeks! At Sunday School and Cubbies they said he behaved well, followed instructions, and didn't bite anyone! He did bite a little boy on the playground when we went though. But he's making progress and I'm hoping he gets out of this biting phase for good!
10/12 Has really begun communicating so much more, figures since I started the process to get him evaluated! When I asked him what he was doing upstairs he smiled and said "making a mess!" I went up to look and make sure he wasn't coloring on the walls or something and the toys were scattered across the entire room and he proudly stretches his hands and said "look! A big mess!" 
Definitely understands when he's being punished. Sometimes doesn't want to be hugged afterward be does still want attention. If I walk away from him he cries harder he if I try to hug him he pushes me away. 
End of October- just seems to not do well when there are too many kids around or if kids are in his personal space. He doesn't know how to respond so he pushes, hits, and tries to bite (thankfully we've been bite free for a couple weeks though). He seems like a "problem" child and I know if I were a teacher and had a child like him in class it would be frustrating. He behaves so well at home so it is difficult trying to get him to behave well and play nicely with other kids. I don't think he knows he's being aggressive or hurting kids sometimes, I think he just doesn't like too many people in close proximity to him. Which is a lot like Matt and my temperaments too. 
Jackson has been with me in class at PWOC for a couple weeks. He pushed Oliver over so he hit his head hard and then he didn't want to clean up another week and had a meltdown about it (he had been playing with magnetic letters). When I ask him if he wants to stay with Mumma he says ok. He gives me hugs and kisses and is happy to just be with me. He sits quietly during worship and likes the music. He colors, works on his letters, and watches his iPad in class. He figured out the headphones let him hear so he took them off and put them back on over and over. He does so well in class with me so I may just try to keep him with me from now on. He get overwhelmed and frustrated in the Watchcare rooms so it may be easier on everyone for him to stay with me.
11/2 we signed him up for preschool next semester, starting in January! I really hope this works out for him so he can learn to cooperate with kids his age and to listen and obey other adults. I know they can work with him on tantrums and pushing, but I really just hope he doesn't bite anyone. He bit Daniel recently when Daniel wouldn't give him a toy and tried to bite a kid at Sunday School, but his teacher said the other kid was provoking Jackson. I just hope he learns that biting is never the right answer. This preschool has a 4 bite policy. We will continue reading our no biting book and I will watch him with Daniel to try to teach him other methods of solving issues. I think he will enjoy preschool and grow so much if he will keep his teeth to himself.
11/4 the past two weeks Jackson has walked down the hall from my class to his class at Cubbies on his own. He walks right in and puts his quarters in their bank. He is learning the schedule and what is expected at Cubbies and he behaves well now. I love that he is doing so much better so his leaders can see the sweet side of him instead of just the tantrum side of him. 
Very interested in sharks and whales recently. He sleeps with his shark pillow pet and watches lots of YouTube kids videos on sharks. He talks about them often. 
11/6 peed in a urinal for the first time. Daddy took him potty at the dmv (to renew his concealed carry permit) and he asked Jack if he wanted to go in the urinal and Jack said no. So he started to take him in a stall and Jack said no thanks and decided he wanted to try on the urinal. He had no problems. 
11/6 asked to wear Buzz Lightyear Jammies instead of the Lightning McQueen Jammies he wore last night. Starting to have an opinion on clothes! 
11/7 we've been working on Jackson saying "may I have a _____ please?" When he wants something. Today he said it on his own without me having to remind him! Raising a polite little boy!
Been working on chores with Jackson. He makes his bed and when we put away laundry I have him find and count his undies as he it's them away, match his socks, and we're working  on putting shirts on 
11/15 went into the bathroom in his class, peed, and came out all on his own! Didn't tell her anyone he had to go. So glad he understands what to do when I'm not around and we're not at home 
Jackson loves watching YouTube kids. He watches all kinds of videos, especially Finger Family and Egg Surprise. He has learned more shapes and can count higher (I think to 100! But he usually doesn't last that long when he's really counting things), has his phonics down pat, and... listens to other languages! He learned all of the sign language alphabet and he now says "and zed" at the end of the alphabet! So funny! I don't like him having so much screen time but he is learning so much! 
11/19 knows all he planets
11/23 knows about deception and compromising. Daddy told him to put his Legos outside the trampoline and Jack hid them under his armpits. If Matt hadn't seen him do it he probably wouldn't have seen he Legos! Then when I tell Jack "10 more minutes until bedtime" he says "11 more minutes!" And gives me a sly smile. 
11/25 Jackson is finally interested in Dinoasaurs! I'm so excited for this new phase. We went to the new Walmart Market across from Jackson's preschool and he had to go potty in the car but he waited while we drove and walked through the store to the bathroom! So I let him choose a toy and he went right to the plastic dinosaurs. I gave him and Daniel one each and bought more for Christmas presents. The boys have been playing with them every since. They roar and "fight" each other, it's adorable! 
12/9 Jack had been doing so much better with self control. I've been trying to teach him other methods for working through his frustration, but is especially hard when his frustration is justified (like if someone snatches his toy or won't share after he's asked nicely). The other day he didn't want to hold my hand while we were walking in a parking lot but I told him he had to. He got upset and put his mouth near my hand and said "biting!" I asked if he wanted to bite me and he said yes. I told him it was a good decision not to bite me and to use his words instead. Today Daniel was in Jackson's way when he was playing with his numbers. Jackson pulled back his hand to hit Daniel but he put his hand back down on his own and chose not to hit. I told him that was a great choice! So he is making progress! He has been showing so many signs of maturity lately and I hope he's beginning to understand about what actions hurt people and not to do them. 
12/17 read all on his own "big" off a cereal box. He said "ba ba ii ii ga ga BIG!" No prompting from me at all. 
12/20 for the past couple days Jackson has been sounding out words and reading. He has read no and added the "w" for now all by himself, red, ox, fox, box, down, kid 
Loved Christmas in Michigan. He got some sharks, a book on planets, and a Mickey remote control car! He opened his own presents and requested help when he needed it. He has loved playing with his cousins and seems to do much better with older children than kids his own age in bigger groups. 
12/26 has continued to sound out words and spell words all on his own. He loves his letters! He's such a smart little boy and I need to stop worrying so much about the social skills. Yes, those are important- but he has been consistently improving so I'm sure it will come. 

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