

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Today has been a full and very pleasant day. Matt's parents, brother, and brother's girlfriend came to town for the weekend. The boys are so excited to see our family and we all are enjoying time together. A wonderful meal cooked by my MIL was enjoyed, naps were had, football was watched, and some pictures were taken. The girls put together a puzzle and I'm pretty sure this is the first puzzle I've ever helped put together all the way to the end. We went for a walk around the neighborhood since it got into the low 70s and just had a wonderful day. 

As I think about thankfulness I am thankful for the chance to learn and grow. I am thankful for so many things, but today that really stuck with me. I know that comparison is the thief of joy and that contentment is next to godliness. I know I have more than knees and a wonderful life. Yet I still find myself comparing myself to others. I compare myself in different ways to different people, sometimes I compare my academics, sometimes my physical appearance, sometimes my mothering, sometimes my career history. But I have strengths and I  have weaknesses and if I who I am and it has brought me to a really good place. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and I just focus on the strengths of others that I admire. 

Today I mentioned a self-conscious thought I had and he said he didn't think anyone else thought about that issue. Ever. It's just something I think of and let create insecurities that wedge their way into my relationships. I was comparing myself to another person and wishing I was different and "better". A lot of it had to do with my core personality as an introvert and a self-conscious person. While I hope I can outgrow my self-conscious tendencies, I generally like being an introvert. I like being more private (about some things) and feelings things deeply. I like needing alone time and not being overwhelmed with busyness. But sometimes I look at others who appear to have more "fun" than me and find myself wishing I was that way. But fun is subjective and I have fun with my family and playing toddler games and having conversations. Fun for me isn't going out to busy activities and having adventures. 

I am so thankful that every day I have he chance to learn and grow and to become a better version of myself than yesterday. Not a new version of someone else that I wish I could be, but a truer and more genuine version of myself. I hope that I can continue to appreciate my strengths and build up my weaknesses so they do not hinder me. 

I am also thankful for my little family and that I have 3 loving boys who love me just the way I am. 

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