

Monday, October 12, 2015

Daniel Quarterly: 18 Months

I loaded the notes on Daniel's latest quarter of the year as a draft almost a month ago. It's time to at least publish his milestones since I am so behind on updating pictures! 

Daniel Quarterly (7/13-10/12)

7/13- 8/12
7/13 figured out how zippers work! Makes a mess of everything!
7/13 Daniel was lying on the couch looking at the iPad. Jackson was lying perpendicular to him and his foot went right in front of Daniel's face, which he didn't like. Daniel shook his hands, grabbed Jackson's foot, and bit it hard! Poor Jackson was shocked and upset and was going to bite Daniel back until I stopped him. Daniel has been punished before but he is becoming a naughty little mister!
Pushes people out of the way when he wants to walk somewhere or get into a cupboard.
Afraid of the opening scenes in Monster's Inc (scare simulator) and UP (b&w movie). 
Definitely has a little anger streak. He has a temper.
7/18 "walked" down the stairs! Would only sit on his bottom when he would catch his balance after taking a step down 
Consistently finds things of the same color and holds them looking back and forth- two white puzzles pieces, two blue toys, two yellow balls. 
Started dancing with Jackson. Usually to bubble guppies. 
7/28 kept spilling his goldfish all over the floor. I pointed to them and told him to pick them up. He looked at them, looked at me, and slowly picked one up and put it back in his bowl! 
When he gets upset he leans forward (like when Jackson pees standing up) and just fusses in that pose. 
Having a horrible time teething his molars. All 4 decided to pop through at the same time. Nurses constantly (which did  increase my milk supply), always wants to be held, sleeping much more total in a 24 hour period. 

Have had to give Daniel light spankings when he's naughty and doesn't obey. They are barely more than a pat but he knows he's being punished and he cries. 
Daniel is very observant. He was watching me change Jack's night time diaper, picked up a clean diaper, and set it on Jack! He helps pick up toys now. He learns so much by watching Jackson and mimicking what he does. 
What a temper! Throws things when he's unhappy with them. If a toy doesn't do what he wants he throws it and yells. If he falls over onto a toy he picks it up and throws it. Unfortunately he gets it from me.
8/16 pinched his fingers in the part of the door where the hinges are! He did it very slowly so it didn't pinch then horribly. Hopefully he learned his lesson 
Tries to communicate so much now! Mimics us when we talk to him, but it is just gibberish now. He tries to talk to cartoons.
He loves to play with stuffed animals and cars! Jackson wasn't really into either of those toys. Daniel will push the cars around the floor and will put it on the car track upstairs. He will bring stuffed animals to Matt or I and get super excited when we play them with him. He will have such a good little imagination!
Every single day he will pull all the books off the shelf and all the puzzles off the shelf. He likes having a big pile on the floor. I will pick them up and he'll just pull them off again! 
8/19 says "naan-na" when he sees a banana. His words so far "mum mum", "da da", "DA" (jack), "dog", and "naan na". He might be saying "cur-cle" for circle too but I have to test it on more occasions. 
8/21 Jackson tried to share his banana with Daniel and Daniel shook his head and said "no nana"
8/22 we were at Stefanie's and Daniel would run through the kitchen and peek through the doorway into the playroom and grin at me, then run back through the kitchen to the other doorway into the living room and peek at me, back and forth over and over again. 
Daniel doesn't like it when toys look at him. He is very unsure about toys with eyes at first. We got a new bowling ball set and the pins are these little caterpillars with eyes and Daniel was looking back and forth between them and whining. It took him a half hour to warm up to them and touch them. 
His Sunday school teachers have said he's been extra fussy the past two weeks. He recently got all 4 molars so I thought we'd have a teething break, but sure enough, there's an incisor popping through! I couldn't feel the other yet, but I guess more Motrin is on the horizon while he cuts this tooth! 
8/24 I swear the last couple days he's been saying "th you" for thank you after I give him snacks! He's done it at least three times and I plan to listen more closely. He picks up on so much! When he sees me with a snack box of something he wants he looks around for a bowl and brings it to me! What a smart little cookie! 
8/25 Daniel wasn't settling down to go to bed. I put him in his crib planning to let him cry a couple minutes and then going in there to rock him. He cried for 3-5 minutes, but it was an angry cry not a scared cry. Then he stopped and just sat there looking around. He kept moving closer to his pillow then would sit there for a bit. When he was on his pillow he crawled to the opposite end of his crib, between the small stuffed animals I gave him, lay down, and fell asleep! I don't like the cry it out method, but I have wanted to put Daniel in his crib to go to sleep on his own. Maybe he's ready now! 
^no- he was not ready! He sleeps so much better when I rock him to sleep so we will keep doing that! 
Daniel gets so excited when he sees Jackson when we pick him up from preschool. He smiles and waves at the other kids we pass in the hall but he screeches when he sees Jackson! 
Daniel has been having a very fussy, clingy couple of weeks. His teachers at church noticed it, I had to get him out of PWOC nursery, and when we're at home he wants to be held so much and will just fall on the floor crying! I think it's still his teeth. I figured out I was giving him about 1/3 the amount of Motrin he can have so hopefully that will help. 
Daniel still loves playing with stuffed animals. He brings them to me and wants me to act things out with them. He loves watching me then he'll take the animals and mimic what I did. 
Puts his face/head under the running water while I'm drawing the bath. He thinks it's so silly! But still doesn't like when I rinse out his hair with the bottle of water. 
When we go for neighborhood walks we let Daniel walk. I'm so nervous he's going to fall and bust his teeth when he's running down the hills. He has scraped his knee and bumped his head a couple times, but so far no broken teeth! 
Whenever he sees a door opening/closing he wants to go through it. If he can't he just sits down and cries. He wants to be everywhere, especially outside. 
9/6 sounds like he was saying "stop and listen to stay safe" with Daniel Tiger and had his hand out and by his ear just like they do! So smart. 
Always always wants to go outside. When he sees someone putting on shoes he grabs the nearest shoes and gives them to you and holds his foot up so he can go outside too. 
9/8 when I was putting on his shoes he pointed to them and said "da goos" (the shoes). 
Pulls up air vents and puts things down there. I'll have to make sure we don't lose toys! 
Continues to be verrrry screechy. He screams loudly when he's happy so sometimes we don't know if he needs help or is hurt! 

Loves to put things inside of other things- we often find toys in shoes and he likes to hide toys in boxes and bins and baskets. 
Such stinky piggies! 
Loves to do what Jackson does. Builds with Legos, draw with markers, eat the same snack out of the same bowl. Sometimes it works out well, sometimes the brothers are too close to get along well.
Daniel's favorite word is "no". Undoubtedly. He shakes his head and says no when he doesn't want a certain snack or doesn't want to play with a toy I give him or when he doesn't want to go to bed. It's pretty cute when he says it.
Just Ioves to paint! At Mornings with Mommy I kept losing track of him and every time he had gone back to the paint table and sat down to paint. He was painting correctly with the brushes and using his hands (it was finger paint). We painted 3 times that morning! 
Fave song is "If you're happy and you know it". He does the clapping and shouting hooray, we're working on stomping- he walked around for the first time during that verse instead of clapping his hands more. 
9/7 climbed out of his crib last night! I wish I had seen it happen over the video monitor but he didn't fall out so maybe if he does it again I can watch him do it.

It is so interesting to see how different he is from Jackson. Jackson is very good at memorization but Daniel learns through observation. Both were very happy toddlers, but Daniel is very much a younger brother. He tries to do everything Jackson does and mimics him. Daniel is like a wrecking ball and just bulldozes trough anything and everything. I love my second boy so much and am so thankful for what he adds to our family. I never thought I would be such a happy boy-mom, but it is a wonderful life! 

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