

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

See Ya Later, Not Goodbye

These are some of my Army sisters. We see each other at Bible study every week and usually have one or more play dates during the week. We eachhave two kids who play together about as well as preschoolers are capable of playing together. I have been so incredibly blessed both here and at Fort Sill with wonderful friends. It makes the lonely moments when our husbands have staff duty, are in the field training, are away at schools, or are deployed much more bearable. It gives me adult interaction when my mornings are often filled with Daniel Tiger and Pocoyo. It gives me encouragement on days when I feel like a mommy failure. We are meant to live in community and it takes a village to raise our children. These ladies are part of my village and I couldn't ask for any better, 

The Army brought us together here at Fort Campbell, but the Army is the Army is the Army. Spring means pcs season is upon us. We are losing one of our number and it doesn't even seem real yet. I keep mentioning future play dates without remembering she will be leaving this weekend. She will take her two wonderful littles and Jackson will be losing one of his few male friends (we just have so many little girl friends!). She has been such an encouragement to me just by being real and being open and honest and showing me how to be fearless in this motherhood and Army journey. We have laughed often and sent ridiculous "guess what the kids just did" texts. She has helped make me feel welcome at PWOC, which had been instrumental to making Fort Campbell feel like home. I am so thankful to know her and cannot wait to see where we both are stationed in the future, hopefully close. 

This is a "See Ya Later" because I hope we will see each other again someday. The world is a small place even if the Army seems so big sometimes. By the time we'll be going to our next duty station she may be moving again as well. We can only hope to be at the same post again. 

While it is so hard to say Goodbye, I am so thankful for the time we have had. Life could have been much more miserable here at Fort Campbell if I stayed holed up at home. But I chose to try to make friends. I made some pretty great ones who I know will be lifelong friends. I thank the Lord for bringing us together. 

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