

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Daniel Watson- 1 year old

My little baby is one year old today! Just like always, it seems like just yesterday we were rushing to the hospital and I was crying because I knew I had missed the window for an epidural. Daniel made his way into the world hastily but has been s slow mover since then. He loves his Mama, Dada, and Dack. I have been so surprised with how my heart has grown with love for him. I never imagined I could hold so much love. He is such a little blessing and I am so thankful for him.

As always, update with more pictures to come.

48 Weeks
3/14 had some of Harrison's Bday cake and loved it! Kept wanting more! Tried some ice cream and liked it, but wanted more cake! 
Slept fine in the pack n play while we were in Chattanooga, thankfully. He would look at it knowing it was different than his crib, but then would lay down and snuggle up. I noticed he wiggles his feet just like I do when he's settling down to fall asleep. Jackson used to do that but I haven't noticed it recently. 
Walks around with the Jake pirate ship and the wooden Walker just fine. He screeches like he's been pinched when it runs into something! You clear his path and he happily walk on until the next blockage.
Doesn't mind touching or crawling on the grass! Jackson hated being on the grass but Daniel loved ripping it up! 
Still startles easily. I hollered to Jackson on my way to get Daniel out of his crib after nap and Daniel shrieked and started crying. He spilled my coffee over himself (not too hot thankfully) and I yelled and he shrieked and cried. Poor sensitive buddy! 
3/18 graduated to size 4 diapers! 

49 weeks 
3/22 played peekaboo by pulling back the shower curtain in front of his face 
Did so well in the car on the way to Michigan! Napped twice at his normal times and went long stretches between nursing. We stopped once two hours in for potty breaks and to nurse and then for lunch. Otherwise we powered through and Daniel was pretty happy with his new steering wheel toy and snacks. 

50 weeks
3/28 first shower, hated it! Screeched when we first stepped in and stood up and tried to climb out the whole time. He had a very shrill screech that sounded scared. Even when Mumma held him and he wasn't in the stream of water he didn't like it. No one else was home to watch the boys and we all needed to get clean.
3/28 Mumma fell asleep in bed nursing Daniel for the first time! He wasn't feeling well and was having a bad night in the pack n play. He slept soundly the first third of the night, wouldn't lay down in the pack n play the second third, and then slept curled in Mumma's arm the last third. He was between me and Jackson, which makes me nervous, but I had him securely and I woke up when he would move. It gave me flashbacks of when Jackson would sleep that way. I'm thankful Daniel sleeps in his own bed, but I do love baby snuggles. It was special because he usually doesn't sleep curled up in the crook of my elbow like that. (Fell asleep in bed the last third of 3/29 too) 
4/2 finally clapped! I looked down at him sitting on the floor and he was slowly clapping his hands while he looked at them in awe. I clapped loudly and said "yay baby!" And he smiled and clapped some more!
4/2 we played a little catch with a tennis ball. Boy's got a good little arm! He would pick up the ball with his right hand, move it to his left hand, and then throw it (over hand) right to me! He did it over and over! I am so impressed! 
4/3 while standing at the coffee table he turned around, let go and stood in the middle on his own, and then moved to the couch
I think he really tries to trade with his brother. He brings over a toy or snack and throws it at his brother's feet and tries to steal whatever Jackson has! Usually he can't have whatever the snack is and I have to pick him up and give him back his original snack. 
Got out the 12 months size clothes/Jammies! They are a little big on him, but such cute spring/summer stuff! Makes him look like such a big boy! 
None of Jack's old shoes will fit over Daniel's fat feet! His feet are also short. We went to Old Navy and got D some summer sandals, flip flops, and slip on tennis shoes. They were 6-12 month size with a little room to grow! J was already in toddler size 3's by this time! 
Shakes his head "no" when he doesn't want something or is upset. 

51 weeks 
Daniel has been pooping nonstop for a couple days. He pooped in the bath, he poops at night, he poops multiple times during the day. He has been fussier and has spit up a couple times too. I think it is his dairy intolerance. I am going to try to cut out as much dairy as possible (still use coffee creamer and cheese in recipes) and see if that helps. 
Hates HATES the birthday blow poppers. In MI Calvin blew one in his face a lot and he was afraid of it. Jackson found one at home and blew it and D still didn't like it. 
4/7 started letting him out of his bath seat. He will get up on all 4's then drop onto his belly making a big splash and he thinks it's just hilarious! He also will crawl around Jackson- he won't let anything get in his way! 
Grab at Jackson's nose like he's booping it. Both boys will giggle. It is so much fun watching Daniel purposefully interact and play with his brother. I love how much they love each other. 
4/8 walked around the couch with his belly touching, but both his hands were up in the air! Gaining more balance!
4/9 took his first unassisted step! He was holding onto Jackson's knee while J was on the potty and then let go, took a step to the bathtub, and then grabbed the tub! 
Not a big fan of bubbles. He makes the same face as when he's afraid of something, but he doesn't cry. He never laughed at them like most babies. 
Taking more single unassisted steps, but hasn't taken 2 or more steps yet. He is getting sturdier, but just not brave enough to try more steps yet. 

52 weeks
Squatted in the bath tub while playing with a toy. Baby squats are so cute! He stands while playing in the bath all the time, he just gets so distracted that he doesn't realize he's standing on his own.

Cleaning the baby in the mirror in the hotel in Chattanooga.

Happy Birthday, Harrison!

He was a little unsure of the aquarium, but he was in the sling so he was snuggled closed to Mumma.

Always wants to be doing what brother is doing. 

Hat Aunt Sue made for Jackson! Daniel looks so cute in it!

Loves the grass!

Shaky while standing.

How I survive the early mornings.

While Daniel was stuffed up I put a pillow under his mattress so he could breath easier.

Toddler time at the gym. 

Sharing his apple with brother.

Fits in Mumma's favorite Jammies of Jackson's. 

Baby time with Mumma's best friend, Abby and her baby, Lydia.

Play date with Mumma's friend, Erika and her daughter, Sage (and Brother Harley too).

Grandpa B and his namesake.

We love our Bonnell cousins!

Mumma's friend's, Laura, boy, Lincoln.

We have a climber.

 Brother came to check on Daniel.

Always grabbing my hair while he nurses.

Developed some pretty bad eczema.

Wants to help Mumma workout.

Boys' combined bday party!

Giving kisses to Noah!

Loves the vacuum.

Standing in the bathtub.

Stealing brother's brownie.

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