

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Jackson Quarterly: 3

Jackson spent his 3rd birthday in the car as we drove to Michigan. We had a little birthday dinner and celebration at my parents house when we arrived. It was a great day and the boys did well in the car. I will have to update later with pictures and to edit the below note from my phone. My little man is growing and learning and making good choices. I am so proud of him and thankful every day to be his Mumma.

Jackson (12/27-3/26)

Started fussing at meals. Doesn't want to eat anything except gummies. We make him sit at the table with us and offer him different foods but if he doesn't eat then he only gets healthy snacks until bedtime. 
When things are different than usual he gets out of sorts. When I went to the gym and Matt and Daniel stayed home, Jackson freaked out since they weren't with us. 
Went to meet Corneilsons for lunch at Chick Fil A. Jack played in the play place all by himself! He was so brave but kept checking through the window to make sure we were still sitting right there. When he was done he opened the door and came to our table and sat down next to me. I was so glad he came right to me, but was a little worried that he just opened the door and walked out. what if he walked out the store door and into the road? 
Enjoys playing with Daniel again, now that Daniel doesn't pull his hair. When Daniel crawls after him, Jackson says "he's gonna get you!" and runs all around laughing. He also likes to make Daniel laugh. 
So proud! Jackson still doesn't hit when other kids don't share. He is usually pretty good at sharing with other kids too. 
So helpful! When I ask him to "get me the _____ please" he does or tries to. When I tell him to pick up his toys he (usually) does too. He is a good little listener. 
He has been kissing our elbows, hips, whatever he can reach a lot lately. He does it randomly, but also when he has been scolded. He still asks for hugs when he knows he's been naughty. 
Several of my friends have texted me saying their kids remember Jack's name when he's not around and ask for him or get excited to see him. We have a very nice boy who shares well. Other kids want to play with him and like him. That makes me so happy and proud. 
1/9-1/10 Grammy and papa came to visit. Every Time Jackson sees my mom on FaceTime, a picture, or in person he calls her "Gramma". I don't know where he picked that up since we call both our moms "Grammy/Grammie". Even after I say "Grammy" he looks at her and says "gramma". 
We've definitely seen some "terrible twos" behavior the past month... But it is extremely mild compared to stories we've heard. He gets upset very quickly when we take something away. He cries and throws toys and yells at us. Then he gets distracted or just calms down on his own and is back to his usual self. His tantrums last about 2 minutes. So definitely not as bad as it could be. 
1/15 Jack seems to think he only needs a 1 hour nap now. If he begins going to bed earlier this won't be a problem. If not, mama might force quiet time in the afternoons! Maybe he will be ready for extended preschool instead of just the mornings!
1/14 put on training underpants after nap until bedtime. Only one accident in the pants! I kept taking him to the potty even if he said he didn't have to go and he went pee pee a little each time. When he had an accident he told me right away, unlike the last time I tried underpants and he didn't seem to notice he was wet. He needs to be able to use the restroom completely by himself for preschool in the fall so I want to be sure we're ready. 
1/15 training underpants after nap until after bath. He had two accidents and told me each time. When he doesn't want to sit on the potty I show him the bag of jellybeans and he sits and goes a little. Whatever works! I wouldn't do this for awhile, but it'll be interesting putting him in training underpants for church, Bible study, or at the Y. Obviously we'd start with pull-ups for when we were at those places before training pants. 
1/15 I have noticed that around 8 pm Jackson gets very fussy and has one of his little tantrums. I had been putting him to bed right around 9, but I decided to try putting him to bed at 8. At first he was very upset, and he had already been fussing/ crying over something. He didn't want to brush his teeth and kept trying to climb out of bed. He didn't hit me, but he kept patting me like he wanted to hit me or push me away. We watched a couple Mickey shorts and he calmed down. He was asleep by 9. It still took him an hour to settle down and fall asleep, but this is better than him falling asleep at 10! I wonder if I start putting him to bed at 7:30 if he'd fall asleep around 8 when he gets cranky. I'll keep testing it out. 
1/22 I realized he has been saying "yummy" instead of "nommy". I'm thankful his speech development is coming along, but I will miss the "nommy". 
1/23 we left the boys with our babysitter, Kelsi, for around 7 hours while we went to the St. Barbara's ball. This is the longest we have ever left either boy, including when Daniel was born. Jackson did so well! Judah Vandegriff came over and they played. Jack had a sore bottom and he pooped 4x while we were gone and each time he cried, said "no thanks" and "sorry", and ran and stood by the air vent when they were finished. Kelsi said that after he calmed down he would go over to her and kiss her knee so she knew they were still friends. When we were almost home she went outside to warm up her car since it was snowing. She told Jack she would be right back but he was crying when she got back inside and he ran to her and hugged her tight. What a sweet boy. He just doesn't like to be left behind. I am so glad he did so well for that long. 
1/25 I decided to try using clippers to cut Jack's hair. Just around the ears and maybe the back. Put on the attachment and it basically shaved his head! Just the side and thankfully there was enough on top to cover it mostly. I am upset! But before he got in the bath he ran to Daddy, said "on no! Poopies!", and then he went poopy on the potty for the first time! Kinda made up for my mistake.
I love going to play dates and realizing what a pleasant child Jackson truly is. He is a good listener (most of the time) and loves to share with other kids. He still magpies toys (collects random toys and carries them everywhere with him) but does share when kids want whatever has. He doesn't push or hit usually and I so appreciate that. 
1/30 Jackson was going up the stairs to the playroom and halfway up he stopped,  turned around, waved his arm and said "come on, Dan!" This was the first time he has called Daniel by name besides when he repeats after us. 
2/3 Jackson drew circles and triangles when I asked. He scribbled afterwards so I couldn't get a picture or save it, but he did two circles and two triangles.
2/8 when I was getting ready for bed Jack looked at me, pointed, and said "mommy" over and over. It was cute, but I still want him to call me "Mumma". When he woke up in the middle of the night he said "Mumma" so that's good.
Loves the snow! We got about 6 inches and Jackson loved to play in it! He would walk and run, hit it with sticks, pick it up and throw it, and try to make snowballs. He calls it "snowman!"
2/19 first day with no pee pee accidents! We went to Walgreens and Publix and he didn't even have an accident there! He has been wearing pull ups so I don't get so upset when he has accidents 
Can tell us what hurts now: nose! After he bonked his nose. Ouch arm! When he twisted his arm funny in his shirt. Leg hurt foot hurt! When he's having growing pains. Bumpee head! Bumpee foot! So much easier to help him now that he can tell us! 
Pulled over my long necklace holder. When I found it I said "Jackson?" He looked surprised and said "accident?" Very cute and smart, but I still told him he wasn't supposed to touch it. 
Jack was sitting on the potty and said "3 pinks?" (Meaning jellybeans) and I said "no, 1 pink, if you go pee pee on the potty." Jack goes "ummm... 2 pinks?" What a smarty! He still only got 1.
Started sighing when I tell him no. 
When he knows not to touch something he puts his hands behind his back and takes one step at a time towards the thing. 
Very interested in how things work. He tried to take his toys apart and flips them upside down to see what's on the bottom. 
Such a wonderful big brother! He is very concerned when Daniel cries and tries to help him. Matt said Jackson went upstairs to get the little Mickey and brought him downstairs and gave him to Daniel when he was crying. He hugs and kisses him often and loves to make Daniel laugh. 
Learning to share better. I ask him to share a toy or a snack with his friends or brother and he offers them one. Even his beloved screwdrivers! 
He let me finally scrape his tooth with a pick. On his left second to last tooth he has had a brown spot for awhile. He let me scrape it months ago but since then has freaked out when I tried. Tonight (2/27) he calmly lay in bed while I scraped and scraped away at the spot. I got it all up, which was good because I was starting to think it had developed into a cavity. He has a deep crevice in that tooth that food just gets stuck in. 
Bit both sides of a slice of cheese, set it on the table, and said "anvil". Sure enough, the shape looked like an anvil! 
Loves to play in the snow! Loves to draw in the snow with sticks, throw "snowman balls", build snowmen, and stomp all around. 
Gets frustrated with Daniel now that Daniel can crawl or walk against furniture to get Jackson. Jackson doesn't like sharing his iPad or snacks since Daniel usually messes them up. He says "no Dano! No baby!", pushes him away, and sometimes swats his arm or leg or head- never hard enough to hurt. We are working on just moving away from Daniel when Jackson wants to do his own thing.   
In March Jackson began to remember his friends' names. He will refer to them (mostly Ellie) by name and talk to them using their names. It is adorable and I love that he remembers his friends now. 
Grammie and GrandPops came to visit! He said who they were, gave them hugs right away, and showed off with how smart he is. He and GrandPops wrestled and had a lot of fun. 
Jackson has begun to say "no" to Daddy and Mumma a lot more often lately. He is becoming much more independent and is learning that he will not always get his way. He gets easily upset when he doesn't get his way and cries real tears. He is learning that we aren't saying no to fun, but sometimes we have to play quietly or calmly instead of always being loud and running around. 
Overall, Jackson is still a very good listener. We went to the park with friends and it is divided into a big kids park and toddler park. We played in the toddler portion and the kids kept wanting to go to the big kids section with higher slides and ramps. Most of the other kids would run away when their moms told them no. Jackson would usually come back when I told him to or go and stand at the exit to the toddler park and look at me like he was asking if he could go. I let him go into the big kids park a couple times because both parks are fenced in and have only one entrance/exit. He would wander around and climb  up the pathways, but didn't go down the slides. I love that he is a good listener. 
Still Cosleeping next to me. It is easier so Jackson will sleep the whole night (usually) since Daniel wakes to eat. If Jackson was in his room and tried to come find me and I wasn't in bed, he would cry and that would make Daniel cry. I hope to transition Jackson to his own bed for the whole night soon. It may not happen until Daniel sleeps through the night though. In the meantime, I really enjoy Cosleeping. Jackson is still my little boy and I know all too soon he will be my big boy that doesn't like snuggles. 
When he bumps something he comes and tells me "bunka foot/hand/tummy/head". It is nice having him say what hurts and I love his little voice and his toddler words. 
3/13 wrote D and then JMI! He sees it on his wall in his bedroom. 
So excited to see Uncle Mark, Aunt Jamie, Uncle Josh, and cousins Waverly and Harrison! He loved playing with Waverly, but he was a little too loud for her taste. By the end of the weekend she was squealing from wrestling with her uncles just like Jackson! Unfortunately, the cousins usually wanted to play with exactly the same toy, which didn't always work, but I was so proud of Jackson sharing! 
We went to the Chattanooga Aquarium and Jackson was in awe! He loved seeing all the fish, especially the tank with clown fish, regal tang fish (Dory), and Angel fish. There were tanks that were 3 floors high! He backed up quickly when the shark came too close and there were some fish as tall as Jackson and he wasn't too sure about them. There were some big fish that were looking right at Jackson. He waved his hands at them and they waved their fins and he would just giggle and giggle. 
At Harrison's birthday party, Jack just wanted to play with the balloons. After he kept hitting Waverly on the head (they were both doing it to each other), he got it taken away and had to be taken into Harrison's room to calm down twice and then outside for a walk with Daddy. We left the party with one orange balloon. Jack napped with it and slept with it that night! Matt wanted to pop it, but I told him to let Jack release it outside and say bye bye. Jack didn't cry, but when he woke up from his nap he asked for orange balloon. I got him a mickey birthday balloon since it's almost his birthday! 
3/17 and following, gave the naked potty training method another chance. It helps him with having no pee pee accidents, but he still doesn't go poopy on the potty. One time the poopy trail led into the bathroom and one little poop was on the floor, I consider that progress!
3/18 one pee pee accident (I asked if he needed to go and he said no, walked into his room, and peed) BUT he went poopy on the potty and no poopy accidents! 
When Jackson toots he says "excuse me!" And says "excuse you" if someone else does it. It is adorable! 
Does a "pee pee squat" when he has to pee now (naked method) so it helps me know when he has to go sit on the potty. 
When I ask him if he has to go potty and he doesn't he says "nope! I'm fine!" 
Did the fish flash cards on the iPad for Daddy and said "what's it like?" For each one until Matt said the name. At the end he said "great job, Daddy!" 
3/21 first accident free day of potty training!!!!
3/24 went to feed Daniel in the middle of the night. Came back and didn't see Jackson. He wasn't with Matt (who thankfully didn't wake up when I looked), wasn't in the kitchen, wasn't in his room. I was beginning to panic and was walking past the bed again when he moved at the foot of the bed. He had scooted down to the foot of the bed under the covers! It was scary because he could have easily gotten twisted in the covers and suffocated. As it was, he was sweating and very hot and it was like a cocoon around him. I wasn't gone that long (maybe 10 minutes) so that happened super quickly. Scary that even at practically age 3 he could suffocate that easily in bed. Makes me uneasy, especially since he likes to pile pillows over his head like his Daddy. 
3/24 can sing the alphabet backwards! And it is super intelligible! I've been singing it to him since he was a baby but hadn't in a long time. I sang it to him and he thought it was so silly! After me singing it maybe 3x he sang it all on his own! What a smart cookie! 
3/25 after having poopy accidents the past couple days, he finally went poopy on the potty again! He ran over to me and had this alarmed look on his face. I asked if he needed to go potty and he said "ok!" And we rushed into the bathroom. He sat and seemed to think going poopy would hurt. I got a package of sour patch kids (he calls them "yellow" because of the wrapping) and said he could have them if he pooped. He did! What a good boy! 
3/25 since we are driving to MI tomorrow, we opened his birthday presents today! When we brought out the bags and asked him if he knew what they were he said "happy birthday!" and was very excited. He opened the presents from Matt and I (soccer goal, a melissa and Doug stitching toy, and a Jake toy set from daddy) and a present from Grammie and GrandPops (a spiderman motorcycle toy and summer outfit). Each time his mouth would make an "o" shape and he would clap his hand to his mouth and was so happy. He loved playing with his new toys. And of course, he's been loving his picnic table from Grammie and GrandPops.

We're trying to teach Jackson to put on his own clothes. This happens every time.

Met up with our friends, Chris and Rachel Corneilson and their son, Shane.

Jackson does this often and say "wait! Don't tell me..." I know it's from one of his cartoons but I haven't seen which it's from yet. I think he looks like a little squirrel though. 

Found these protein bars and lined them all up.

... And got real upset when I took them away.

Our friends: Bennett, Adalyn, Raegan, and Ellie.

Airplane from Uncle Rob and Aunt Pam.

Hair doesn't look too bad, right?

Wrong! Poor buddy has an almost shaved side!

I found a little caterpillar and showed Jack.

Daniel is always following Jackson.

Play date with Gabriel, Allie, and Gavin.

Taking a meal over to the Worleys after Lia was born. The boys just love playing with Bennett.

He said he wasn't tired. But he just wanted to lay across me.

He was so excited to see a big Mickey!

Sometimes waking up from naps is hard.

Our heat went out and the boys just stayed in front of the space heater until it was fixed. 

He loves his new book "the Pout Pour Fish" from Grammie.

Snuggled up after playing in the snow.

Just moments later, he was sound asleep.

Taking a nap with Daddy. 

He looked at me and said "cheese" so I took his picture.

Little brother is a biter.

Helping Mumma with dinner.

How we fall asleep. 

He does this often when I got to get him out of the car. Where's Jackson? 

He was being so silly and putting his bin on his head. 

Writing in the snow with a stick.

First happy meal. He ate it all up!

He started to run away when the shark swam right in front of him. 

He just loved the clown fish, regal tang fish, and butterfly fish. 

This fish startled him when it suddenly swam upwards.

He thoughts these fish were so funny! They were just looking right at him.

Bye bye orange balloon.

Definitely has Iveson blood in him!

That little lump is Jackson under the covers at the foot of the bed.

Birthday lunch! Arby's in the way up to MI.

He began putting his Cheerios on this stick all by himself.

"Happy Birthday!"

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