

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Blogs Breeding Discontentment

I had a "mommy heart attack" a moment ago when I returned back to bed after feeding Daniel and couldn't find Jackson (he had smuggled way down under the covers at the foot of the bed, which didn't help my panic as he could easily get caught and suffocate), so I was browsing the instas of some of my fave bloggers to calm down. 

But I didn't calm down. These bloggers who seem to have these put together lives with every hair in place, beautiful children (which I can claim as well), perfect lighting all the time for their pictures, and such wonderful decor didn't calm me down. Their pictures stirred me up with discontentment. The envy was building and I was all kinds of jealous. 

Part of it is definitely a heart issue. A large part. I have a wonderful life, a beautiful and comfortable home, and more things than I need. My needs are provided as well as many of my wants. I have no grounds for complaint. I look to these bloggers for style inspiration, discounts at  the stores they frequent, and encouragement because they are pretty positive in their postings. 

But every single one of them has a greater income than I do so they are able to furnish their homes in a way I am not. They can complete their room decor instead of building little by little. They are paid through their blog to try new clothing or beauty items so that is their job and why they have so many options. They are sent certain samples to review for free. And my heart covets what they have. 

So maybe I need to take a break from reading their blogs for awhile. They are wonderful people (all of them Christians!) and have so much to offer, but I need to work on curing this seed of discontentment in my life. I have more than enough and I need to learn to live with less so I appreciate what I have more. I am blessed and have such a beautiful life and I just need to remember that.

And now, I feel much more calm and ready for bed. It is almost 2 am. I hope that was coherent. Wink.

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