

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Daniel Watson 11 Months

{will update with more pictures after our weekend away for cousin Harrison's birthday!}

Daniel Watson is 11 months old today. Only one more month as my little baby bear! Then he will be my big toddler bear!  This is both wonderful and horrible in a way only a mother can understand. Daniel is growing into such a spunky little mister. He is certainly a Mumma's boy, he loves to greet Dada when he comes home from work, and he always wants to be doing what Jackson is doing with Jackson. He knows what he wants and he wants it immediately and he screeches and squeals until he gets his way. He is very sensitive, hates to be told no, and loves to snuggle. I am so thankful for what he has added to our family. 

43 weeks 
Loves veggie tales! Even when it's just a commercial on Hulu, he always stops what he's doing when he hears Bob and Larry. 

44 weeks 
2/15 tried real cheese and loved it! 
2/16 moved from standing against the couch to standing against the chest. Is starting to get more and more mobile!
Got at least 6 inches of snow! We played in the snow and Daniel liked crawling in it and putting his mittens in it, but didn't like the snow falling in his face.
2/18 first haircut! Just around the ears and the back since it was getting so long and looked like a mullet. I wanted to wait until he was a year old, but it looks so much better now!
2/18 I had been thinking Daniel might be ready to go to one nap a day. Today he woke up around 5:30 and didn't nap until 12:30. He stayed asleep for about 2.5 hours and then stayed awake until bedtime. He's been staying up later at night too, around 7:30-8 instead of 6. But he's been waking up at 4:30 so I'll take it! 
2/19 using coffee table and couch to walk around while holding onto the edge for balance.
Follows us everywhere. If I leave the living room I eventually see him crawling after me! He knows to look in bathrooms. 
Sometimes he whimpers like a little puppy dog. It's a mix of his super high pitched squeal and his fussy cry. Usually he does this when he's getting tired and is crawling after us to pick him up but we don't. 
Loves to eat snacks! Milk definitely doesn't fill him up entirely anymore! Goldfish, graham crackers, pretzel sticks, mum mums, puffs, and cheese are his favorites. He doesn't seem to like healthy food much yet, because it's slimy and squishy. 

45 weeks 
2/22 terrified of peekaboo bear. Trembling, startled, and crying hysterically. 
2/23 still overly sensitive. Afraid of the car wash. I farted, Daniel jumped, and cried. Poor buddy. 
Went back to two naps a day, which makes him much happier. The second nap is usually at 2, so it still usually overlaps with Jackson's but not the whole time. 
Poor buddy gets bonked so much. He loves to climb on things now, but that results in a lot of bumped heads if he loses his balance. He is pretty resilient and he gets right back at it after I calm him down, but I wish he didn't have to get hurt first. 
Starting to hate sleeping in his crib. He will stay there for his naps and then for the first half of the night. Then he just wants me to hold him and starts crying immediately when I put him down. Not just whimpering, full on crying. I have been up until 5 am and 3 am (the two nights I bothered to look at the clock) without any sleep until then. I will usually try to sleep in 15-30 minute intervals on the couch throughout the morning while the boys play. Thank God for boys who play well by themselves and don't play rough so they get hurt. 
Daniel loves Jackson so much! Crawls after him everywhere and loves to "attack" him. He climbs on him and pats his face and head. Jackson does pretty well with it but after awhile or a hard pat he will push Daniel off. 
Sits in his knees and bounces when he's playing with toys. It is absolutely adorable! 
2/27 stood on his own for about 5 seconds! We were upstairs and he was standing with one hand on my knee and the other hand holding the Orange iPhone teether. He let go of my knee to hold the phone with both hands and just stood there! He then toppled over onto his bottom but didn't seem to notice his standing or falling over at all. He is getting so much stronger! 
Has super dry skin. It feels rough and he gets little red spots in patches over his entire body. I lotion him often but his skin always feels so dry because of the cold weather.
When he wants something and you take it away (mostly big people food) he gets so upset and frustrated! He can only be consoled with some of his toddler food! 

46 weeks 
Hates baby food. Tried fruits and he still hated it. 
3/2 let him have chicken nuggets! He liked the soft chicken but not the crusty outside. 
Pretzels and goldfish are his favorite snacks. 
3/5 fell while standing against the coffee table he bonked his chin. Checked his mouth and he was bleeding. His third top tooth is pushing through on the left side and he tore the skin over it. 
Is very curious about snow, but is completely finished with it once it gets on his face. 
Walks all around furniture, stands against everything he can manage. Loves to dump over all the puzzles from the bookshelf. 
Loves to walk around while holding our hands. If I try to help him stand on his own he immediately sits down. 
Follows Jackson everywhere! Wants to do everything Jackson does. 

47 weeks 
Falls over/bumps into things a lot. Poor buddy, but he is developing much better balance! 
3/8 went to publix and the boys got their cookies. Daniel dropped his and immediately let out a shrill shriek that sounded like he got pinched. He continued to cry very loudly while I picked up his cookie and gave it back to him. Matt had come over to check on Daniel because the cry sounded much more urgent than when he normally gets hurt. Nope, just over a cookie! Daniel takes his food very seriously! 
Loves the magazines I have in a bin by the TV. Flips through them and chews on them. I try to give him his indestructibles to chew on but he goes right back to the magazines. 
Has stood on his own at least 3 times without noticing he was balancing. Just have to get him to notice and practice more.
Grammie and GrandPops visited. They came for an afternoon to play with the boys. Daniel let both of them hold him and was smiley and happy. 

I hope I never forget how special these nursing sessions are.

First hair trim.

Not pleased when you take something away.

I just think this is hilarious. He kept patting any part of Jackson he could reach!

Then he tried to climb out of his chair! 

Not such a fan of dogs- he's at perfect face licking level!

Crawling over the chairs.

Constantly clenches his jaws.

Started letting him try out some apps on the iPad when brother isn't using it.

The shoe box worked great at keeping him contained... Until...

Always jumping in his brother.

He was quiet. He found a blue m&m and was very happily eating it until I found him.

He loves this rocking chair.

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