

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Daniel Watson 10 Months

Guys! It's getting so close to Daniel's first birthday! Unreal! He is just my little baby, but here he is 10 months old already! 

He is showing more of his little personality every day. He is slowly gaining independence, big for the most part still wants to be held and snuggled. He is much more vocal, loves his family, and laughs a lot. 

39 weeks 
1/13 starting pulling himself up on his knees in his crib against the railing.
1/13 top right tooth pushed through. Hopefully this means Daniel will start sleeping better and do better when in nursery or with a babysitter for awhile! 
Daniel knows when he's being told no. He does a long whine, but continues to do what he was doing. 
Gets very distraught when he's crawling towards me and sees me walk away. When he wants to be held (all the time) he can crawl across the floor super quickly. 
Giggles so much at Jackson! Loves watching him jump and throw things especially. 
I'm pretty sure for the past week he's been saying mama. 
1/15 tried putting baby food in a pouch. At first he was intrigued and put it right in his mouth, but when he tasted the baby food he pushed the pouch out of his mouth with his tongue. 
Sleep schedule: bedtime between 6:30-7. Wakes up 2x to eat at night usually. Awake for the day around 4:15-4:30, for around 9 total hours of sleep. Morning nap around 10 for 30-45 minutes. Afternoon nap for 1.5-2 hours around 1. He sleeps so much better than Jackson and sleeps in his own crib. I will love it when he starts sleeping through the night again. Between teething and rolling over he just hasn't been able to stay asleep since his sleep regression around 4 months. 
Dr. said that since he's a snuggler and prefers to be carried that he may not walk until 15 months and that's still considered normal. So not to worry if he doesn't walk around a year (which is right when Jackson got the hang of it). If Daniel is content crawling, then if he decides not to walk until later that will be fine. If he really does want to just be carried he may need to learn to walk! Mumma's arms can't carry him everywhere! 
Very interested in shadows on the floor. I turn the blinds to make more distinct shadows for him in the afternoon. He tries to touch them and hit them and he laughs at them. 

40 weeks
Has a banshee cry when he's angry. Like during diaper changes or when I lay him down after a bath. He does cry tears, but it's mostly a very shrill shriek of displeasure over and over until you pick him up. 
When tears drop down his face into his ear (when he's lying on his back) he grabs his ear confused. 
Climbs over the bottom of the chairs. Gets frustrated when he's halfway over, but then figures it out and gets his bottom half over the rungs too! 
1/22 let him try some goldfish- he liked them but they were bigger than his puffs so he would spit them out.
1/23 Matt and I went to the St. Barbara's Day ball and left the boys for 7 hours. I was worried Daniel wouldn't take a bottle or go to bed. He took a bottle and fell right asleep! He woke up a couple hours later, but drank some more milk and went back to sleep! No fussing or anything! Then he slept so much better the rest of the night! It's a miracle! He only drank about 4 oz before we got home though. Maybe I'm over feeding him before bed! 

41 weeks 
1/24 First snow! Daniel was taking a super long nap so I woke him up because the snow was melting fast. I put on two pairs of pants and his puffer coat and we went outside. He sat in the snow and he hit it a few times and poked it. After his pants started soaking through he fussed and was ready to go inside. 
Can sit on the pirate ship wheely toy on his own and play with the buttons. 
Constantly chewing with his new toofers to test them out. Also grinds his teeth together, very unpleasant! 
Has been spitting up a little after eating again. Not sure if he eats too much or if the pressure of crawling on his belly or lying on my shoulder pushes a little back out. 
Made a very happy squeak and reached for me (he was in a jumperoo) when I picked him up from Bible study. It was so nice that he was excited to see me but didn't feel like he needed to cry after realizing I had left him.
1/28 tried veggie straws at Emily Bonfiglio's house. Bought him the gerber veggie straws. 
This child can sleep anywhere, just like his big brother. Even when there are loud noises and other kids playing, he can fall asleep as long as Mumma's holding him. 
1/29 pulled himself up to his knees on a laundry basket! It is so much in to watch him try to figure new things out. 
When he wants to be held (always) he will crawl over to me and bump his head against my leg while fussing or roll over onto his back at my feet and fuss. 
Loves when I hold him under his armpits and slowly lift him up and down. Nice because he doesn't have to jump or bounce, but still a decent arm workout since he's 20 lbs! 
Rolls over several times at night in his sleep and gets his feet tangled in the crib slats or gets stuck on his back. Makes me want to just let him cry and figure it out, but I go and hold him and he usually goes right back to sleep. 

42 weeks 
2/1 started crawling on all 4s. Still will do army crawl sometimes, but consistently starts off on all 4s. 
For a long time Daniel had been slipping his hands under his body while he's sleeping. He'll push his rump up in the air and then push his hands under his middle. Maybe it's just comfy or maybe it keeps his hands warm, either way it's adorable. 
Greets Daddy when he comes home from work each day. He looks at the door when it opens, smiles when he sees Daddy, and crawls towards him quickly until he touches his boot laces. 
Says both dada and mmmm for Matt and I. Says dada a lot when he's jabbering too. 
Crawls over to a person when he wants them and rocks so he hits his head against them. He does it to me when I'm cooking dinner, he does it to Jackson when he wants to play. 
I keep offering him real food but he doesn't seem to like the feel on his hands so he doesn't try most of it. 
Had a miserable cold all week (still going strong). Barking cough, constant runny nose, scratchy voice. He's wanted to be held constantly and cried a lot more than usual. He took more naps throughout the day and woke more often at night. 
He's a biter! He often bites me when he's finished eating and sometimes when I rock him and he's in my shoulder he'll randomly bite my shoulder! When I tell him "no" he usually smiles and giggles. Apparently I look funny when I scold him. 

43 weeks 
2/8 pulled himself to standing against the coffee table chest. Had been trying so hard with laundry baskets, music table, and boxes but finally was able to do it without falling and hitting his poor face. So proud of himself. A few minutes later he was able to lower himself from standing to sitting with the jumperoo without falling over. 
Replaced my "mama" with "nana". Still says it when he wants me or is following me... But we're working on getting back to the "mmmm" sound. 
Can sit up from crawling on his own. Seems so minor, but he wasn't able to do that last week! I have thought Daniel might take awhile to walk, but he's been learning so many new things so quickly! Who knows! 
Found him munching on brother's craisins and later a pop tart! Guess he's not allergic to those things!
Watches Jackson play then tries to mimic him! He watched Jackson play on his drum, then picked up the drumstick and hit the drum too! 
2/9 crawled up the stairs to follow Jackson upstairs. He made it up 3 stairs on his own. He did turn around to try to get to me and fell head first, but I was there to catch him thankfully. We'll have to watch out now! Time to get out the baby gate! 
2/10 Daniel climbed up 3/4 of the stairs going to the playroom, turned and saw me, then rolled down 2-3 stairs! I was right there and he rolled right into my arms and didn't hit his head or anything, but we put the baby gate up. Then he climbed up the baby gate! He wedged his feet into the little rungs to try to get over it! 
He is climbing over anything and everything on the floor! Little monster. 

Aquarium at Cheddar's when Grammy and Papa were here.

I looked over and saw this. Someone was tired! 

Met my friend, Rachel Swenson, outside Nashville! We worked together at LUO and now her husband is in the Air Force Reserves.

First Apple slice.

Crawled over to find Jackson. When he pulled open the door Jackson said "You found me!" I love watching them play together. 

It's hard to see, but he was chewing on s blue Tinkertoy stick and it rubbed off on his face and hands.

I peeked in on the boys while I was at the gym and Daniel was sleeping away.

Looking at Allie and wondering what she had.

She was kind enough to share with him.

Now he's very content! 

Playing with Jackson and Peter Bennett.

Nursing while I make dinner. 

This was when he had his horrible cold that lasted 2 weeks! He had just taken an extra nap and woke up much happier... Until he started coughing again.

See his littles hands under his tummy? He does that almost every time he sleeps.

Lately he's been sticking his tongue out all the time.

Lowered his crib mattress. What a big boy!

Trying to figure out the steps, but he wasn't quite ready yet.

This is the face he makes when I scold him for biting me.

Crawling over everything and sometimes getting stuck.

Not so sure about strawberries.

He does this or stands up when he wakes up from nap or at night now. So funny to check the monitor and see him just sitting and looking around! 

Followed brother and drummed! 

This was when he managed to climb up the steps! 

Jackson woke up at 3:30 am and Daniel woke up at 4:45 am. They both fell asleep around 7 for 3 hours/2 hours! 

We needed a new AC/heating unit so while we waited we put on sweatshirts and sat in front of the space heater.

I told Jackson to get down so he didn't crush his brother but Daniel didn't seem to mind.

Big brother loves his little brother.

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