

Monday, January 12, 2015

Daniel Watson 9 Months

It's been three quarters of a year! How? When? 

35 weeks 
12/14 tried a pickle. Wasn't too sure about it at first because it was slippery when he touched it. Eventually picked it up and sucked on it with a pinched face. Dropped it and just ate puffs 
12/18 tried first cucumber. Chewed it up a while- looked like he was waiting for it to dissolve like his other snacks. Eventually it slipped out of his mouth with a lot of drool. He didn't put any other pieces in his mouth so we went back to puffs. 
Realllly hates when you lay him down when he just wants to be held while he's sleeping! He'll be all snuggled on my shoulder and seemingly sound asleep, I go to lay him down and he crunches all up in a ball and whines and does a "fake cry" so I pick him back up. Unfortunately, while his "fake cry" is just him fussing, he will still actually cry so I don't want to just leave him alone. 
Daniel has enjoyed reading picture books for a couple months (especially the free books he receive in the mail each month from the Imagination library since he's a TN resident!) but now he enjoys reading longer books with his brother! Jackson's favorites are Curious George and Daniel sits and looks at the books quietly too. 

36 weeks 
Caught Jackson's cold. Up every 15 minutes the first half of the night since he was stuffed up. Then settled down and slept for 5 hours. 
12/22 first grapes- tried a couple bites but then didn't want anymore. Tried to get him to try cucumber a few days before but he just spit it back out. He doesn't seem to like the slippery, slimy outsides of either. 
12/23 splashing and having fun in the bath! Didn't want to sit up so I could wash him! 
Daniel just wants to stand all the time now! He doesn't have great balance yet and he tries to catch himself as he slowly falls to the side. I stand him against the bottom of the couch or against the leather side of the couch so he can watch Daddy play videogames. He wants me to hold him so he's standing too. 
Has an opinion on what he wants to eat. Sometimes he refuses to nurse if he want puffs or a mum mum. Sometimes he'll push the mum mum off his plate so he can have puffs. Sometimes he'll just cry until I give him baby food. He eats plenty and gets a good variety and is still a great nurser. 

37 weeks 
Army crawls across the room for toys, food, or people. 
Notices when mumma's not in the room and fusses. 
Tried some Christmas mix that brother left in a bowl on the floor. Seemed to like it. 
12/30 visited corneilsons in KY. Sat in high chair at chick fil a and did great while we ate. Loved their dog and pet it and laughed when she licked his hands and face. Was mesmerized when Chris' brother played the guitar and whimpered and pouted when he stopped. Stood so well with the music table and played with it- will definitely have to find one for him to borrow! 

38 weeks 
1/6 sat in the car attachment of the shopping cart at publix for the first time. Jackson was sitting next to him and they loved playing throughout the store. 
A friend gave us her used music table and Daniel loves it! He is still wobbly and falls over, but he is getting stronger with the table! 
I got a silicone teething necklace- I wear it and Daniel can safely chew on it. He loves it and I am thankful to be able to wear jewelry again and not worry about him ruining it. 
Top two teeth are coming in. Just bumps but left one looks like it will pop anytime. He has been fussier and I give him motrin almost every day to help ease him. 
Has been hating baby food for the past week. Maybe it's partly due to teething and his cold. 
Chases Jackson around and growls at him. Both boys think it's so funny. Daniel will be playing on the ground and will hear or see Jackson and will crawl quickly towards him. 
Loves to be held on my left side so my forearm is supporting his rear but he's still standing. Then he'll jump jump jump against my side. Prefers this to being held in front of me. Either way, he's heavy enough that both are uncomfortable for me. 
Daniel loves to grab my hair in his left hand when I'm holding him. If it's up he'll grab part of the bottom (making it uneven and messed up). 

39 weeks 
12/11 top left tooth pops through. Top right is a big bump. 
Army crawls all around the living room and kitchen. Follows me around corners and into my bedroom. 
1 hour is how long I can workout at the gym. 1.5 is too long and Daniel can't handle it. They had to come get me because he wouldn't stop crying. I try to go during his morning naptime. 
Attacks Jackson's snacks. If Jackson leaves a bowl on the floor, Daniel crawls over to it and samples whatever is in it. Jackson brought a bowl of honey kix in the bath and Daniel got a couple. He got red cheeks and a weird dry red rash on his bottom afterwards. Will have to keep and eye on possible allergies. 

First time in a shopping cart.

Not a fan of peas.

Action shot. Up on all fours! 

Indestructible books.

Pulled down the Christmas tree!

Jumperoo while we get up the leaves. 


Silicone teething necklace.

Tried some mashed potatoes. Wasn't a fan.

Wanted to eat the ornament. Wasn't happy when mumma took it away.

Christmas morning! 

Still loves the sakura bloom ring sling! 

First time in a highchair at chick fil a. 

Chewing on Daddy's desk while he watches him play Warcraft. 

Baby's first New Year's. 

I love seeing Daddy calming baby back to sleep. 

Eating Daddy's nose! 

Trying out the Walker! 

Crawling all over the house! Love the open concept of this house. 

Fun in a box! 

Playing with friend, Noah Bryson... Until he bit him! 

Big brother reading to little brother. 

Always needs a handful of Mumma's hair.

How naptimes often end.

Top two toofers. 

I have a few more pictures to add from my camera. But that will have to wait for another day. 

My snuggle bug is growing up and becoming more independent. That makes me both happy and sad. Happy 9 months, little bear. 

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