

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Real Life

I am over-blessed. I have a great abundance of blessings. Some days I just sit in awe that this is my real life. 

*I have been very happily married for 6.5 years. We just had our 10 year dating anniversary a couple weeks ago. We have changed a lot in the past decade, but we are still the same people... Just the grown up versions. Matt is not the perfect husband and I am not the perfect wife, but we love each other and work through all the imperfections of our marriage to become closer to God and closer to each other. 

*I have two wonderful boys who light up my life. Their little personalities are so bright and cheerful and I am a much, MUCH better person from being their Mumma. They challenge me to be the best example of a decent person I can be. It is a work in progress but they give me motivation. 

*I am doing my dream job as a stay at home mom. This is because my husband is doing his job of choice as a soldier in the US Army. We are financially comfortable for the current and are working to build up our future. We both feel fulfilled in our work and that makes our quality of life so much better. 

*We live in a nice home with plenty of room for comfortable living. We have a nice kitchen where I don't feel cramped cooking meals for my family. We have a cozy living room for movies, gaming (al Matt), and playtime, 3 comfy bedrooms for some private rest, and a big ole playroom to have friends over and where we can make a big mess without stressing over clean up (even though I keep it pretty organized). 

*We have good health. I read stories of child deaths or tragic accidents/illnesses and my heart hurts for those families. I hold my boys close and pray that they will lead good, full, long lives. We have the occasional cold or tummy bug, but so far nothing serious in this house. I hope I never take our health for granted.

So many more blessing in my life, but this is my day-to-day. I sit back and am so thankful for my little family and our life together. God is good and I am trying o become a person who is even a little deserving of all His goodness. 

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