

Thursday, January 1, 2015


I normally do an overview of the previous year, but today all I'll say is 2014 was wonderful. We grew a lot as a family, both in quantity and in quality. We loved much and lived large. It was a great year and I have high hopes for this next one.

This morning I woke up not knowing what my focal verse for the year would be. I had been thinking over how I wanted to grow spiritually and trying to find verses that emphasized that growth. I want to grow my faith. I have faith in God and that He answers my prayers, but sometimes I limit Him. I think He couldn't possibly care about the small details in my life (like healing a paper cut for example), but He tells us He does care. So I need to grow my faith in the minute details. I wonder what blessings will come my way or what lessons I will learn with an increase of faith. So this morning I opened my Bible and looked up verses dealing with steadfastness. This was the first verse I found and it is perfect for my aim this next year.

2 Peter 1:5-8

I do not want to be "ineffective or unfruitful". I hope to grow as a follower of Christ so that I may lead others to Hin and bless those I encounter. I hope to be a more gracious person who offers hope to all, especially those I do not think deserve it. I want to live peacefully, both with my family, personal friends, and strangers. 

No specific resolutions this year. I have some goals for myself and my family, but overall I just want to work on becoming more Christlike. If my life is in tune with Him, then everything else will fall into place. One of my favorite quotes is from my friend, Savannah, "When Jesus becomes your everything, everything else just comes". Wisdom.

Happy New Year. May the Lord greatly bless you and grow you in 2015. 

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