

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Silver and Gold

"Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold." 

This took on new meaning for me when I moved away from home (Michigan) to college (Virginia). Then again before marriage and after marriage. Even more so after entering the Army community and moving across the country. I am so blessed to have at least one lifelong, true friend from each stage of my life. These friendships are all so special to me and so unique and they encourage me even when we are thousands of miles apart. 

One of these friends is Rachel (her husband, Chris, and my husband, Matt, also get along so it works out doubly!). We met at Fort Sill and saw each other at least once a week. We found out we had similar value sets, religious views, and general interests. We talked, went for walks, and she helped me occupy Jackson- who was just starting to toddle around. They got stationed in Hawaii and we in Tennessee.

They visited family in Kentucky for Christmas so today we made the 2.5 hour drive to spend the afternoon with them. We both had new babies to introduce to each other, Daniel af 8 months and Shane at 4 months.

We grabbed lunch at Chick Fil A and Jackson ran around the play area by himself (what a big boy! He used to be afraid), the boys shot their firearms on Chris' parents' property, and the girls just caught up and snuggled our babies. It was so nice to see them and made us remember just how much we like and miss them. If we ever get stationed somewhere truly undesirable, I pray Chris and Rachel are there with us to make it bearable (yes, I pray for misery on them too!). 

True friends are rare and not to be taken for granted. I am so thankful for having met this little family and for the continuing friendship we have. We may have moved to different parts of the country, but our friendship is still very much alive and o am so thankful for these pieces of gold in my collection.

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