

Friday, December 26, 2014

Jackson Quarterly

Forgot about this post until now (late at night). Jackson is another quarter of a year old! Next post he'll be 3!!!! Soon I'll load pictures and go through and make these notes into sentences and add to the stories. For now, Jackson has far exceeded my expectations as big brother and is such a joy to me every single day.

*Says "so funny" in context. Started saying it for the first time to Jonny Shaw. "You're so funny!" 
*Can count 1-15 no problem on his own, then needs some help with 16-20. 
*Sings a lot of Daniel Tiger songs: "flish and wish and wish" (flush and wash and be on your way), "you take turn and then get back" (you can take a turn and then I'll get it back). When I sing Daniel Tiger songs to him he seems to understand too, like "grown ups come back". 
*Has been calling me "da ee" since before Matt left. He calls us both "da ee" so we think he just thinks it means "parent". I have been reinforcing "Mumma" but he calls me "da ee" far more often. 
*9/28 at his whole kids meal from Wendy's! 4 chicken nuggets, fries, and milk. 
*9/28 mumma found a frog on the kitchen sink. Showed it to Jackson and he said on his own "a frog! Ribbit ribbit!" I recorded him afterwards looking at the frog. 
*Getting so good at listening! Picks up his snack when he spills his bowl, puts things away in the correct places, comes back to me when we're out and he's wandering too far away, holds my hand when I ask. 
*Sings "the wheels on the bus" little people version. The clearest part is when he goes "1 2 buckle my shoe..." All the way to "9 10 lets do it again!" 
*10/2 all 4 molars have popped through. Finally! We have been waiting on these 2 year molars!
*10/4-5 mumma was very sick and had to lie on the couch/in bed most of the day. Jackson was so sweet and kept coming over to me and saying "mumma hurt. Hug." Then he'd give me a hug and pat my back. He would come lie next to me too, even if he wasn't tired. He would rather do that than play with his toys. 
*Knows about crawling over things. He had a snack bowl and his iPad on one side of the coffee table chest and he climbed up to sit on the chest. I started to tell him to stop so he wouldn't spill his snack but he looked under himself and very carefully lifted his leg over his snack and out it down on the other side.
*Says "hola" "uno" and "dos" in context. I'm not happy about it. He has several toys that have a Spanish option. He also chooses to watch some cartoons on the iPad in Spanish.
*Understands "take it/ go to your room" when I need him to play in there if the baby is sleeping in the living room. 
*10/6 had our first pirate sword fight! I had been showing Jackson how to use the swords since he got them for his birthday but he never wanted to "fight". He's been watching a lot of Jake and the Never Land Pirates and Mickey has a new pirate episode so he had so much fun!
*Singing along with most of his TV shows, movies, and the CDs in the car. 
*10/12-14 Grammy and Papa visit. Jackson played with them, kept climbing all over Papa, and gave both hugs! I am so impressed with how quickly he warmed up to them. He's always happy to see them but usually is slow to offer hugs. He did get jealous of Papa holding Daniel and wedged himself between them (by laying across papa's chest!). 
*Loves to play on playgrounds. Climbs up the stair on his own and goes down the slides. Makes Mumma very nervous because it is so high and there are firemen pole openings he could decided to jump off of. 
*I have been reinforcing Mumma when he calls me "Da ee" and now when he says "da ee" he immediately corrects himself with "mum mum", which is adorable! 
*Likes to pull up the air vent by the back door and put things down there or climb down there! 

*10/26 was jumping on his bed and fell backwards on purpose, but hit his head on the iPad. Said "ouch! I bump my head!" So clear. 
*Went trunk or treating. Learned quickly that he got candy and could put it in his bag. He then continued to ask for his "bucket" when he wanted candy when we were home.
*Has begun asking "why" when he doesn't understand something. Like why something hurts, why I tell him he isn't allowed to do something (like remove the air vent cover and throw things down the register), why he isn't allowed more Halloween candy. 
*Learning to listen- I tell him to go sit on the couch, go to the table, pick up his toys and he can do it! Makes life a little easier. 
*10/30 Daniel started crying while I was finishing the dishes. Jackson comes running over time "oh no! Baby crying! Baby crying!" Then he patted Daniel on the cheek and said "sorry baby! Sorry baby!" 
*10/30 asked for Daniel by name "Dano? Dano? Dano?" As we got ready for bed. I asked if he wanted his Dino. No. I asked if he wanted Daniel. "Yes! Dano? Baby?" 
*Figures out things on the iPad before I do! He knows how to open screens I didn't know existed in his apps. He downloaded a couple apps I had deleted! 
*Officially says "dub-ba you" for "w" instead of "dub oo". Which is wonderful since he's enunciating and sad because it was so cute. 
*11/1 when daddy came home Jackson ran into his arms when he saw him! He hugged, kissed, and said "love you, da ee". It was so sweet! When Matt had to go turn in his gear Jackson was confused, cried, and said "come back"! 
*11/7 brother bathtime! Jackson was so excited the baby was in with him! He dumped water in front of Daniel so he could watch. Then he dumped it on Daniel's arms. Then he dumped it over his head! But I told him not to and after that he played nicely. 
*Mumma got a Sakura Bloom ring sling  for Daniel and wore Jackson since it's supposed to be good up through toddlerhood. Jackson was more comfy to wear than Daniel since supported himself! I took him out and he said "no! No!" And wanted back in! He always loved being worn before and I just didn't offer it to him since I got so big during pregnancy that it wasn't comfy. 
*11/10 slept the whole night in his own bed! He did wake up a couple times and I had to snuggle him back to sleep. But we're making progress in the right direction! I don't mind him sleeping with me so much so I'm not rushing him to stay in his own bed.
*11/13 went pee pee on the real potty! We'll have to get him a kiddie seat for the big potty. He normally pees when I first put him in the bath and turn the water on, so I tried putting him on the potty first! Success!
*11/15 slept the entire night in his bed with no wakeups! Hallelujah! 
*11/17 went potty on the big potty before bath with no hesitation! Go Jack!
*Says "thank you much". Adorable. 
*Learned the rainbow colors in order from one of the pbs kids shows. He says them in order (like he's counting) and then rearranged his colored blocks so they were in order by color instead of size. He even says "indigo" at the end. 
*Getting a bedtime routine. Give daddy hug and kiss, go potty, wash face, brush teeth, wash hands. Jammies and push the button (the humidifier) and climb into bed. 
*11/24 sitting at dinner Jack looked out the window and was babbling but said something about a moon and later a crescent. I looked out and sure enough there was a very thin crescent moon in the sky. What a smart boy! 
*When he gets the sniffles he says "ew" and "tissue". 

*11/28 swallowed his first coin, a dime. Was playing with a "blues" (doubloon) he found and swallowed it. 
*Jack loves AFV. Requests to watch and rewatch episodes on Hulu. He says "Da ee" when he sees Tom Bergeron, but I am pretty positive he says that because we usually watch the show as a family after dinner. Matt is afraid he thinks Tom Bergeron is his Daddy too. 
*Loves to build with his soft blocks. Builds and then when it's too tall he crashes down the tower! 
*12/11 first trip to the walk in clinic. So thankful for this instead of the regular Dr. office or ER. Nice to have something in between. He put a small stick in his ear while we were in the car. When I parked and was getting Daniel out, Jackson started crying and pulling on his ear. I ran over to check him thinking maybe a bug was inside and bit him. There was the end of the stick. I wasn't sure what it was at first, maybe a bug crawled in his ear? But I was able to pull it out. I wasn't sure if there was any in his ear so I took him to the walk in clinic. He was fine and the nurse practitioner said it was red and would be sore, but no damage. 
*Eats so much food! Eats a big dinner of whatever we're having and then keeps asking for snacks all the way up to bedtime! He is a growing boy! Eats a good variety of things and has been trying new foods. He generally likes what I make for dinner. 
*Has a cold with a runny nose. Brings tissues or boogie wipes over to me and says "ew" and wants me to wipe. We've been working on blowing his nose, and he tries, but so far he hasn't figured it out. 
*Put him in childcare at the YMCA when we got memberships. He played so well with the other kids and then they all left and he started crying. Thankfully we came to pick him  up shortly after. They said it was like he thought we had forgotten about him. He acts like this at church too. When he sees Daniel or the other kids getting picked up then he thinks it's time to go and he cries when we don't get him. 
*For a couple weeks Jackson has seemed to hate the bath. He likes playing in the water and likes brother being in there with him, but he hates getting washed! He will cry and say "no touch!" And push the washcloth away. Sometimes he calms down after we're done washing and he'll play, other times he just climbs out of the tub. 
*12/24 Christmas Eve and it's right at Jackson's bedtime but there is a little bit left of my show. I figure he can stay up a little late as a treat. He gets "The Sleep Book" and has Daddy read it to him. Then he opens the bedroom door and tries to pull me off the couch. His little eyes were droopy. I asked if he wanted to go "nigh nigh" and he said "nokey" (how he's been saying ok lately) and waited for me to put him to bed. Poor buddy was so tired! I can't count on this much longer for future Christmas Eves! 
*Fave song to sing currently is DISCO to the tune of BINGO. He sings it over and over and over. We have three Little People's CDs for the car and he sings along with most of the songs.

At a Fall Festival at a nursery.

He wasn't a huge fan of getting his face painted.

Pumpkin. Immediately when the girl was finished he rubbed his cheek. Thankfully most of it stayed painted on so I could get at least one picture of it!

Lots to do and see and all he wants to do is play in the dirt.

I am wearing Daniel in the Ergo and carrying Jackson. I love being able to hold both my boys.

Eating rocks. Gross.

Trying out Star Wars. I put in Episode 1 thinking it would be the least scary. He still ran away so we'll give him another couple years.

New boots.

He was upset that I stopped vacuuming. Poor buddy.

Chick Fil A with the Shaw's.

He thought he was sharing.

I'm getting ready and I hear giggling...

I just wanted one nice picture of them in their plaid shirts. Nope.

He loves olives and discovered the ole "Alien fingers". 

Papa took this picture when he and Jackson went for a walk around the neighborhood.

Jack would put the tees in the holes then flip them upside down and set them on top of the holes.

Family movie: Robin Hood.

He collected these green sticks and made a pile and then a separate pile for leaves.

Upset that we had to come inside, even though he asked for lunch.

He loves making his brother laugh.

First time painting.

I love that he always waits for me to hold his hand when we are outside. He knows that's what is expected so he just stands next to me holding up his hand until I can grab it.

Put on Mumma's flip flops all on his own.

He walked across a few of these slats himself before he lost balance.

Sitting in the air vent.

Sometimes nap time ends up with both boys snuggling with me in my bed. I don't mind.

Trunk or Treat with our friend's the Talleys at their church, First Baptist of Clarksville. 

He was brave enough to give Mickey a high five if I was right there with him.

He proved to have a pretty good aim! See the ball going straight for the center hole?

Pacman and a pacman ghost.

He thought it was so funny to put things on the baby's head.

So so proud of him! I drew a J and asked him if he could draw a J too! I tried to get a video, but these two J's were all he would mimic before he just wanted to scribble.

At the pumpkin patch with our friends the Talleys and the Boyles.

Picking out his mini pumpkin.

Trunk of Treat at our church on Halloween night (the other one was the previous Sunday).

Our friend Eliana Boyles joined us. It was very cold outside.

His snack bowl floated so he could have snack in his bath!

At the Nashville Zoo with the Boyles and Talleys. 

On the train at the zoo.

While Daddy was away I would rock the baby to sleep in the nursery and leave  the door open so I could see Jackson. He knew he wasn't allowed in the nursery while I was putting the baby to bed, but he still wanted to be close.

After Matt got home, Jackson just wanted to be by him all the time. 

Little feetsies poking out after he fell asleep.

Brother bath time!

Poor buddy was so tired.

He's still afraid of the carwash, just like I was a child.

I love the Sunday School crafts he does. I have kept them all so far. It's hard to imagine someday throwing any of them out!

Put on Mumma's booties on his own and walked around.

Hugs for our friends Jonny and Danny Shaw who moved back to Fort Sill.

Jackson ran around the yard (Daniel was on the porch in the jumperoo) while Mumma raked the whole yard. That's only half the leaves and some were still in the trees!

He's holding on just by his ankles!

I was trying to take a picture of the baby and Jackson jumped in front and made this face!

Last playdate with the Shaw's while their Mommy finished cleaning their house to move out. Jonny is in the tunnel and Danny and Jackson were banging on it! After they moved Chelsea texted me saying Jonny kept asking for "Mo Dack? Mo Dack?" (More Jack?).

We painted pottery with the kids for Christmas presents! Jackson made a mug for Daddy, a vase for Grammie, and a bowl for Grammy. He did so well.

Christmas cookie decorating and gingerbread house making (the super simple version) at the Talleys house!

Having Daddy home means horsey rides and wrestling.

Jackson was such a great helper when we picked up leaves.

Tried hot cocoa, but still not a fan.

He built the center pieces and said "two I's" then added the purple end pieces and said "Two L's".

He loves Mumma's old Gameboys. He pushes the buttons but mostly loves the music.


(apparently these loaded out of order) The frog I found in the sink.

Putting on Mumma's shoes.

He colored on his hands. Whenever he colors on himself he gets his markers taken away.

This is how he has been coloring lately. Lots of spirals over and over.

Jack sits next to me in the chair when I rock Daniel often. He falls asleep too.

There was a major rain storm one night when my parents were visiting. We couldn't see anything in front of us while we drove home. It was warm rain so I took Jackson out in it to play.

Grammy bought Jackson a drum and he loves it.

Stinker put a whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet.

My little packman ghost.

Painting a Welcome Home banner for Daddy.

Kisses for brother.

Thanksgiving. Jackson wouldn't cooperate for pictures.

His new potty chair. He likes this much better than the little toilet we got him.

Chem light baths. 

He drew on the wall with his Hershey's kiss. So he had to clean it up.

Lighting the tree on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Morning.

Reading the story of the first Christmas.

My boy is definitely no longer a baby. He is growing into such a responsible and obedient little boy and I am so proud of him. He definitely has some terrible two moments, but those are few and far between and usually when he is past his regular nap time. He is such a joy and I am so grateful I get to spend my days with him. 

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