

Friday, December 12, 2014

Daniel Watson 8 Months

Another month gone and my little baby doesn't seem quite so little anymore! He is so interactive with people, loves to stand (with assistance), and is so so close to army crawling. He loves to eat (mama's milk, baby food, and puffs) and loves his family. He loves to be held and being with people. He wants to jump while being held, but does like to be in his jumperoo also. I love his snuggles and rocking him to sleep. Overall he is still a good sleeper: sleeping a total of 11 hours on average at night and waking up 2-3 times to eat. He eats babyfood 1-2 times per day and has tried sweet potatoes and squash. He takes two naps during the day: a half hour one at 10 and a 2-3 hour one after lunchtime. 

30 weeks 
Daniel just smiles at everyone! I had friends over and when Daniel woke up from his nap he looked at them and was instantly happy and flirting! When he got his second round of the flu shot he smiled at all nurses while we were waiting to check out. They were so surprised since babies normally cry and cry after shots.
When he got his second flu shot he whimpered at first, but as I was picking him up he seemed back to normal. No crying! What a champ! The nurse was pleasantly surprised! Since he normally gets 3 shots at once, I think it's more the multiple pricks that make him cry. Too bad he can't get just 1 shot each visit.

31 Weeks 
11/16 Daniel picked up his puffs and put them in his mouth and ate them! He was very precise, just like Jackson always was. He picked them up using his thumb and forefinger and then cupped his second hand under his hand holding the puff for support. Good fine motor skills for my boys! He loves to eat puffs now and eats about 30 at one sitting!
It's so nice to be able to sit Daniel on the floor with his bucket of toys. He reaches in and grabs the one he wants and play happily on his own. I do need to be watchful that no small toys and close to him though. 
Daniel does bite when he first starts to nurse. I have tried flicking his cheek when he bites and pinching his cheek. He doesn't notice the flicking and cries when I pinch him. I don't want him to get used to biting me though! It already hurts and I don't want to wean him early just because he bites.
Does a lot of chewing when nothing is in his mouth. Just getting used to having two little pokies in his mouth. 
11/20 moved jumperoo up a notch so he could jump better. He is getting so tall and so strong!
Daniel has really been enjoying baby food. He is learning not to push it out of his mouth with his tongue by trying to suck it like when he nurses. Tried squash and loves it! 

32 Weeks 
11/22 Daniel rolled off the couch for the first time. Jackson fell off the couch or bed several times by this age. He was just scared, but his shriek was unlike any he's made before. 
11/14 Daniel got up on all fours twice on his own! He is trying to crawl but can't push himself forward. Does the inch worm movement but doesn't go anywhere. He gets frustrated easily with crawling so usually gives up quickly and lies there crying.
11/26 Tried a sippy cup. He figured out to put the spout in his mouth and likes to chew on it. Got a couple gulps of water and didn't know what to think. 
11/26 woke up twice with bad dreams. A very different cry than when he normally wakes up at night. Shaking and clutching me when I pick him up. I hope he doesn't have as bad of dreams as Jackson did. He snapped out of it fairly quickly, unlike Jackson.
Daniel has been pulling hair lately. Mumma's, Jackson's, our baby friend Isla's. No one likes it much. 
Loves laughing at Jackson jumping on the couch. 
Has been skipping a day or two between poos and then having blow outs. The honest diapers were holding up so well before but now definitely don't hold in the poo. I canceled our subscription and plan to use Amazon mom instead. I have been testing different brands to see what might hold the poo in best.
Started shaking his head no, not when he's saying no. He thinks it's so silly. 

33 Weeks
12/1 Daddy gave Daniel his first peas (not baby food). Made a scrunched up face while chewing. Only ate one and dropped the others into his seat. 
Smiles and giggles at me while he's nursing. So very endearing. Makes me feel like I'm doing a good job of being his Mommy and providing his needs for him- both nourishment and affection.
Very screechy talker. Sounds like he yelling at things. Sometimes it's hard to tell if he's upset or just playing. When he's upset he quickly escalates to crying though.
Has started reaching for toys Jackson has. If Jackson takes a toy away from Daniel he'll try to get it back.
12/3 big boy carseat arrives! We found a great sale (40% off!) so we jumped on it! 
Scrunched up face and whimpers when he eats all his puffs and I don't give him more immediately. Doesn't drop as many on the floor or in his seat anymore. 
At PWOC he did fine the whole time, but when he saw me in the room to pick him up he whimpered until I picked him up. At least they didn't have to come get me! The previous few weeks I had to go get Daniel towards the end because he had been crying.
12/5 Worst mommy moment to date. Daniel choked on something. I heard him making a funny noise on the floor and he was gagging. Heimliched him but he was still gagging. Heimliched him again and put my finger in his mouth to see if I could see anything. Every time he swallowed he'd start crying hard so I was worried something was still lodged in there. After awhile he was crying so hard and wouldn't nurse, but he was breathing fine. I rocked him and calmed him down and he nursed and took a nap. So so scary! Jackson never choked like that so it was new.

34 Weeks
Scootches and rolls across the whole living room. Likes to play with the magazine bin and the Christmas tree. 
Much fuller laugh now. Really lets go and belly laughs sometimes. 
So interested in his feet. Will sit and wiggle his toes and just stare at them. Chews on them and tries to pull off his booties or socks. 
Thinks it's so funny when we make the noises he makes. Smiles and laughs when Daddy, Mumma, or Jackson talk to him. 
Wants anything you're holding: phone, ipad, food, remotes, toys. 
12/9 ate a whole #1 container of baby food, as opposed to half a container. 
Fave bath toys: fishing pole and dory.
12/10 first mum mum! He loved it and we will be buying some soon! 
12/11 inch worming towards toys, Jackson, and Mumma! Can get from one end of the TV stand to the other. Can also roll all the way across the floor when he wants to get somewhere.
When he's sitting and playing he will try to turn towards me to crawl into my lap. He just loves to be held and doesn't see why he should be sitting by himself when I could be holding him.

blurry, but he is just so adorable!

little toofers!

still loving our Sakura Bloom ring sling.

He plays in the jumperoo while I get some yard work done.

big boy carseat arrived! recaro proride.

watching big brother play with his iPad

This was the day he choked. I was so grateful that he woke up from his nap smiling. He still fussed for a few days afterwards since I probably poked his throat while trying to clear it.

trying to pick up the baby.

hugging the baby.

letting him play with the iPad

Always wants to be sitting up instead of lying down.

first mum mum. he demolished it!

He is such a happy little baby and I am so blessed by his smiles and snuggles. He makes me feel needed in a way only an infant can to a mother. He is so close to crawling and that makes him seem like such a big boy. I am excited to watch him grow and learn in the next couple months. 

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