

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Daniel Watson - 7 Months

Yesterday Daniel turned 7 months old. He is growing up so much! What changes in  just one month! 

I forgot to post yesterday... And don't have time to do the full post today. So here are his monthly/weekly pictures and my "notes". I'll add more pictures and more updates soon!

26 weeks
*Loves being talked to. Full of smiles and laughs for anyone who talks to him.
*Very interested in TV, phone, iPad already! Oh boy! Daniel Tiger has consistently been his favorite show so far. 

27 weeks 
*Takes about 3 naps: 10 am1 pm5 pm. Range from 30 min- 2 hours. 
*Has an opinion on which toy he wants- sometimes I'll hold one out to him and he'll just look at it. I'll grab another and he'll reach for it. He also will grab a toy and fling it behind him if he doesn't want it. Faves: o'ball, crinkle fish book, toggle triangle, and lion teether. 
*Started reaching for me when he wants me to pick him up. So endearing and impossible to resist.
*Loves playing with toys but always gets so frustrated with rings. He'll chew on them and start yelling at them right away. But if I take them away he starts to cry. 
*10/23 first time in a swing at the park. He loved it! Would do a little giggle and  smile. 

28 weeks 
*Very purposefully reaches for toys or things he wants. If you try to distract him with something else he keeps reaching for the original item, even if it's out of his reach. While sitting he can lean over to pick up toys and then sit back up to play with it (chew on it). 
*Jackson was playing and laughing and Daniel started laughing with him. Jackson noticed and kept laughing. So adorable! 
*I had to go pick him up at the end of Pwoc. He had red splotches on his head from his crying. He calmed down right away when I got him. He's starting to realize when mumma isn't holding him. Hopefully it will be ok since he has the same church nursery workers and same pwoc workers every week. 

29 weeks 
*Daddy arrived home! Daniel went right to him and smiled at him. 
*Has regressed a bit with sitting up, needed some support from the boppy. But now is back to sitting and reaching for toys on his own without a problem. 
*Reaches for faces and hands. Still loves to be held and is very interactive with others. 
*Has been waking up around 4:30 am due to dst. Daddy is usually awake around then so he hangs out with daddy until mumma and brother are ready to wake up. Won't be able to do that when daddy goes back to a regular work schedule. 
*Has so much trouble staying asleep now that he rolls over. He is like a beetle on his back when he rolls onto his back and then sometimes he want to sleep on his side. Someday he'll sleep through the night again. I'm just glad he slept 12 hour stretches at one point. Gives me hope. 
*Splashes and plays in the backtub. Tries to chew on his toes but can't since they're under water. He gets so frustrated at me when I hold him upright and don't let him stick his face in the water.
*11/7 brother bathtime! Daniel's bath seat arrived in the mail so we tried a dual bath! The boys loved playing together and Jackson only dumped one cup of water over Daniel's head... But Daniel smiled. Daniel got a little cold so maybe we'll put the space heater in there next time. 
*Mumma got a Sakura Bloom ring sling and we both love it! Daniel can see what's going on and still snuggle close to Mumma. It does strain my neck a little, but is still so much easier than just holding him on my hip. It will be much easier once Daniel supports himself a little. I wore Jackson a bit in the sling and it was far easier on my neck.

30 weeks 
*Trying to crawl to toys on the floor. "Swims" in place a lot and then scootches his bum up in the air and tries to move forward but generally stays in place or moves around in a circle. 
*Reaching for Jackson and grabbing onto his shirt, face, or hair when he's near. Jackson usually says "hey! Stoppit!" Because Daniel won't let go. 
*Teething horribly. Can set your watch to when it's time for another dose of motrin. Very fussy, wants to be held all the time, chewing on everything, lots of drool, inconsolable until he has motrin. I try to go without it but after we've tried to soothe him every other way I give him medicine and he is much happier. 
*Has the cutest, fuzziest hair. I'm so glad he didn't get the typical baby bald patch on the back of his head. His hair is so nice and even all around. 
*Very screechy when he talks.
Sometimes it sounds like he's upset but he is just talking to a toy in front of him. 
*11/12 first tooth popped through! He was immediately much happier and didn't need motrin around the clock.

His face while watching Daniel Tiger. mesmerized.

First time in the SB ring sling.

Learning all about WoW.

Daniel Watson, you have taught me so much in the past seven months! I didn't know how much love I had to give. Before you were born I was worried I wouldn't be able to love you equally with Jackson since all I knew was my total love for him. You have helped me grow my love and stretch it. You have given me so many more reasons to love. You have filled my love tank to overflowing. You make me feel so very needed and adored, as only an infant can. Your smiles warm my heart every single time and brighten my days. Watching you grow and learn fills me with joy and I am just so proud of you. You are very relaxed but also emotional and I love seeing different sides of your personality come out as you grow. The past seven months have been so very rewarding for me. I am so thankful I am your Mumma and you are my baby. I love you so completely and promise that I always will. 

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