

Monday, October 27, 2014

Just A Note

Because I feel happy and content, I wanted to share a piece of my life lately. 

1. I received a phone call today with  tentative date for Matt's homecoming! You receive phone calls when that time is very near. So this is very welcome news! It will probably be changed as flight schedules are finalized, but it is fast approaching and we are so excited!

2. I got another call today with an estimate for the Jeep. It is a much more manageable cost than we were expecting. So after 11 years, it looks like the Jeep will be with us a little longer. 

3. Jackson is learning so much and becoming a truly amazing little boy. He is so loving and kind. He shares well, obeys (most of the time), and is constantly asking for hugs or kisses. He is beginning to verbalized his feelings, which is adorable and so helpful. I am so proud of him. 

4. Daniel is such an easy baby, except when he's not but that's ok. He loves to be held (more he hates to not be held), loves playing with Jackson, and loves to eat. It is such a wonderful feeling to pick up your fussing baby and have him immediately stop because he is just content to be with you, his beloved Mumma. He makes me feel so needed and that is a wonderful feeling. 

5. This morning I went for a walk on the Greenway with friends. The leaves are gold, orange, red, and brown and danced around us. It was the perfect temperature. The kids behaved. We had good conversation and good exercise. Finding likeminded friends is such a blessing in this Army life (and life in general). 

6. Do devotions every day, people! It makes such a difference! Not only will God speak to you and give you what you need for that particular day (which is pretty incredible), but also you will feel refreshed and encouraged since today's society makes living very tiring. I am currently reading a chapter in Proverbs a day, reading inn Genesis, and doing my PWOC study "Hope for the Homefront". Some days are busy and I only have one for the Proverbs. But on days when I can sit back and dive into the Word and truly listen to God, on those days I gain so much more. Those days are so much more positive and I am a better mother and friend. Do it for God, do it for yourself, do it for others. Win win win. 

7. I made a batch of cookies two days ago. Twelve cookies. All gone. I have no regrets. Jackson asked for them but only took about two bites each time. So twelve oatmeal raisin (my fave, not trying to be healthy) in my tummy. Yum. 

These are reasons I am happy. I hope you have abundant happiness in your life as well. 

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