

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Daniel Watson- 4 Months

Daniel Watson is 4 Months old! That is 1/3 of a year! Time seems to be speeding by with this little man. I love watching him grow and learn, but he is starting to look like such a big boy. I still imagine him being my little baby, but he is already so long and, of course, quite the hefty man! 

More pictures to come tomorrow from the camera. These are all from my phone. His official 4 Month pictures are on the camera also. 

Tomorrow I'll also update with what he's been up to this past month.

{edit: what he's been up to}

13 weeks 
7/14 Daniel was a little more fussy than normal. I'm not sure if it's because my milk didn't seem to fill up throughout the day (ordered flaxseed and brewer's yeast to try to increase production) or because of teething. He's going through the 3 month growth spurt, so hopefully my production will catch up in a couple days. 
7/15 Daniel smiled at Jackson while they were playing together. Jackson loves to boop Daniel's cheek, pat his cheek, and dance around in front of him.
7/15 grabbing and pulling hanging toys on playmat. 
Daniel often makes a "Hmm hmm hmm" noise where his chin is turned up and his little lips curl out. He does this when he's very interested in something: my face, the wall, the hinge on his swing, the hanging toys.
Makes a "wock hmmm" laugh sound. 
Daniel loves getting his cheeks kissed/eaten. He smiles and coos and does a single chuckle when I do it. 

14 weeks
He is a very sensitive baby- just like me. He'll be on the verge of laughing while playing then decide suddenly he doesn't like horsey or bouncing anymore. He'll get a serious face then begin to pout his lip. We jokingly call him "bipolar baby". 
7/20 staring at his hands, moving them around, trying to grab things. 
I have been calling him "buddy bear". 
7/19-7/21 has needed some skin-to-skin time before bed. It seems to help him to calm down and really conk out. Usually begins crying hard when put down during dinner then acts anxious afterwards. Snuggling snd rocking don't calm him so I just let him be skin-to-skin. This should help my milk production also.
7/25 grabs wubbanub and puts in his mouth on his own.

15 weeks
7/26 wearing 3-6 mos clothes! Some of his 0-3 months clothes still fit, but he's getting taller! 
Noticed this week that he's started whimpering in his sleep, but he's not awake. Oh boy, another boy with active dreams. Hopefully he just whimpers and it doesn't grow to full on night terrors like Jackson and I have/had. Daniel is such a better sleeper than Jackson and I would probably go a little crazy of that changed.
Seems to have a milk intolerance. When I drink a glass of milk he is super gassy the next day and uncomfortable. If I eat things with milk as an ingredient or cheese he is ok. It seems when it's either a lot of cheese or a regular glass of milk.
Daniel is always chewing on his fingers or Pacis. He has so much drool! It soaks his shirts and leaves a nice wet spot on my shoulder when I hold him. Drool- the accessory I wear every day. 
Thunder thighs! Seriously so wide! It make his pants/shorts tight so we generally go pants less. He has very stronghold legs though. He can support his whole weight when he stands up, but just needs I figure out how to balance!
8/1 rolled over! Ok, it was in the middle of the night so I'm not sure if it counts. I saw his legs up in the air on the monitor and tried to figure out how he is getting them so straight... he was on his back! He looked like a beetle with his arms and legs waving in the air, but he was still asleep. He hasn't rolled over while awake yet. He'll lift up one side and look like he's about to roll... And then give up and just cry.

16 weeks 
Daniel now plays with toys. He reaches for them, holds them, and chews on them. He also gets frustrated when they don't do what he wants. The o'ball won't fit in his mouth, the rings get stuck around his wrist, etc. 
Daniel still gets startled super easily. He jumps when he is startled, then pouts his little lower lip, cries frantically until he's picked up, and needs help calming down. Sometimes he is startled by a loud noise or sudden movement or even a sneeze that is unexpected! 
He is so close to laughing! He'll do a single chuckle and big smile but hasn't belly laughed yet. He will often go "ha hoo" and then just smile real big. 
8/8 multiple chuckles back to back, but still no belly laugh. I was running my fingers slowly up his chest (ahhhhh bee bee bee bee) and he would anticipate it, smile, and coo and then I'd tickle his neck and he'd giggle again. Since he is a more somber baby he may not belly laugh for awhile. He loves to smile at people and is having more fun playing so I know he's happy even without big laughs. 

17 Weeks 
Always wants to be held. As soon as I begin to shift his weight to put him down he pouts and begins to cry. He arches his back when he's set in the rock n play or the swing. He is so big now that when he arches his back in the swing he slides down and has almost fallen out. He does so great sleeping through the night in his crib, I'm not sure why he hates being laid down for naps. 
Smiles at everyone, little friends or women who see him out and about. 
When he smiles at Daddy it just meltsny heart. Jackson got to spend a lot of time with Matt his first few months of life but Daniel hasn't as much. Daniel still loves his Daddy and smiles at him when he sees him. 

Overall this month:
*goes to bed around 7:15 pm every night. I will take him into his room and nurse him and rock him then lay him in his belly to sleep. 
*generally wakes up around 4:30 am for a snack, then sleeps until 7:30-8 am when he wakes up for the day. 
*eats about every 2 hours. Sometimes goes longer if he's being held and distracted with a paci or sleeping. Sometimes he won't fill up and will want to eat every hour. While we're home I don't care so much and just let him eat whenever he wants. 
*gets baths about twice a week. Doesn't mind the bath until I have to lift up his head to clean his neck roll. It is so deep that I'm sure it's uncomfortable for him when I tilt back his head. If I don'tclean it it then it stays moist and breaks out.
*does not poop every day, but when he does poop it often leaks a little out of his diapers (since it's 2-4 days worth!). 
*wearing size 2 diapers still but could probably be in size 3. Sill have a lot of size 2 to use up.

Love the sun shade on our joovy scooter.

Skin-to-skin go soothe the baby. (Yes, I'm wearing something around the middle)

Took a picture of Jackson not being happy and...

... He set off Daniel who was startled by Jackson's loud cries.

Pookie bear.

When I put him down for the night. 

When he woke up the next morning. Scootchy mcGee! 

Daniel and Isla Shaw- one of our new best friends (mommy Chelsea Shaw). 

Daniel always grabs Isla's hand when they're close enough. Adorable!

Sometimes he doesn't mind airplane anymore. About 3/4 of the time he smiles and 1/4 of the time he does his "unsure about this" flat line face.

Jackson loves being close to the "bebe". 

I looked away from him to see what Jackson was doing and he got upset. He likes attention! 

That poochy pouty lip!

Selfie with my boys on my 27th birthday.

What I wore my 27th birthday even though we didn't leave the house. My baby accessory. 

Drool drool all the time.

Trying to occupy him. 

Isla is one month younger than Daniel. This is how it would feel to have twins!

Put 'em up! (On his 4 month bday) 

These 4 months have flown by. I seriously cannot even appreciate his fast the time is going. My baby is already so big! Matt leaves at the end of this month for a short deployment. When he gets back Daniel will be 6-7 months old! On the one hand, if time keeps going so quickly Matt will be home, safe with us before we know it. But then my baby will be half a year old! 

I love being Daniel's mommy. He needs me in a very special baby way. He relies on me for comfort, security, and nourishment. The infant stage is my forte and I am so thankful to Daniel for giving me that sense of purpose again. 

Daniel brings so much to our family. I love our little family of four. 

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