

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Daniel Watson- 3 Months

How has a quarter of a year passed already? HOW? While I think things will be so much easier (and so much harder- it just doesn't seem fair) when Daniel learns to sit up, crawl, and walk; I am dreading him growing up. Slow down, baby boy! I just have to savor every moment of his baby-ness because it will be gone before I know it.

3 Month Pictures
Taken with my new Panasonic Lumix ZS30. So far, I love it! This little guy is so photogenic and gives me plenty of opportunities for pictures.

9 weeks 
6/12 size 2 diapers 
6/14 sleep in crib for the first time. Since Daniel had been sleeping 5-7 hour stretches at night I decided to put him in his crib when we returned home from Michigan. He did great for nap and night time and has been in his crib ever since.
6/15 took wubbanub. His wubbas are now his best and worst friends. He can keep it in his mouth better than just a paci on its own, but he likes to hold it with his hands and pulls it out. He has a monkey "George" from Abby and a Triceratops that we originally got for Jackson.
6/16 first little mini laugh- when Mumma giving horsey ride on lap. You could tell it was a laugh, but it wasn't a "round" belly laugh. It still warmed my heart.
6/16 Held toy (lion squeaker) for first time. 
Always wants to be held. As soon as he feels his weight shift to be set down he starts to pout and immediately begins to whimper. As soon as you pick him back up he stops and is happy again. Such a little snuggle bug, and I'm not complaining. He's helping my arms get some tone again.
Gets frustrated with fast milk flow- will stop eating even if he's not full. But other times he'll eat with no drips at all. 
Starting to smile and coo much more often. 
Very pouty, poochy lip. Pouts when he's a little upset and quickly escalates to full cry. 
6/18 2 Month well child. 22.5 inches (15%), 12 lbs 14 oz (50 %). Loved following the Dr.'s face instead of the toy she tied to use to get his attention. Smiled at the Dr. He had his first round of shots. His look after the first prick was so sad. He started crying but I blew in his face to distract him and nursed him. He stopped crying and slept most of the afternoon. He nursed for only a minute at a time most of the day. I gave him some Motrin. Wanted to be held and sucked away on paci and wubbanub. Was back to 100% within the next two days.

10 weeks 
Not such a fussy buns anymore! He smiles when Daddy or I talk to him and smile at him. He is very happy when he is being held just how he wants. So still particular, but not fussy. 
"George", his wubbanub, has been a lifesaver. He will contentedly suck on it and while he still pulls it out on accident, I give it back to him and he's happy. Also helps with feedings so he's not constantly eating. 
Scootches forward when on his tummy. I lay him down with a blanket on top of his back and shoulders. He scootched forward so that he wasn't under it at all anymore! How is that possible? He's just growing up too fast!
I've been putting him to bed in his crib in his room between 7-7:30. He doesn't fight it and normally wakes up 1-2 times at night to eat. What a great 2 month old! I did read an article about babies who coslept with their mommies in bed (like I did with Jackson) had healthier heart rates while sleeping than babies who slept on their own- because they feel so safe next to their mommies. It makes me feel a little guilty leaving Daniel in his crib since Jackson slept next to me pretty much the first 18 months, but Daniel doesn't seem to mind his crib. 
Starting to enjoy his bath. Smiles at Mumma but still doesn't like his face getting washed. He has so many rolls to clean! Jackson had some chubby months, but never like Daniel! 
Has a small birthmark/brown freckle on the back of his right upper arm. 
6/26 slept 11 hours straight in his crib! Ever since then he has slept 11-12 hours every night. It is such a dream! It worried me at first because I was so used to having to wake up multiple times with Jackson. He sleeps on his tummy and wiggles around when he's uncomfortable and sucks on his thumb. When he wakes in the morning he just looks up and all around and makes little noises until I go in there to feed him. It is so nice that he wakes up happy and wanting to eat and not screaming or crying.
6/27 got his amber necklace in the mail, we've wondered if he'll teeth early so I wanted to be prepared. I ordered one made by a friend and it has turquoise beads every 10 amber beads or so. I love it!
Makes spit bubbles all the time! When he wakes from a nap or bed he has crusties around his mouth. 
Dealing with object permanence- when I walk away he begins to whimper but when he can see me again he smiles. Hopefully this means that if he can see me he don't always need to be held.

11 weeks 
6/29 first time in church nursery. No crying! Just snuggled the whole time! 
Possible dip in supply? On 6/29 Daniel woke up twice to eat. Have wondered if I'm having supply issues. I read that babies who have lip ties often cause their mothers to have an oversupply at first to compensate for the difficult feeds then the mothers have a dip in supply around 12 weeks. Going to try to eat oatmeal and make lactation cookies and of course, drink lots of water! (my supply seems to be enough to satisfy Daniel and the oatmeal does seem to have helped)
7/3 meets Grammie and GrandPops! Smiled a LOT at Grammie when she first held him. They (and Uncle Mark) stayed for the 4th of July weekend. They arrived Wednesday and Mark left Saturday and Grammie and GrandPops left Sunday. It was so much fun spending time with them.

12 weeks 
Drinks from a bottle fine. Fusses a bit at first but once he gets a good latch does fine. Has had fresh and thawed milk. Love lansinoh momma bottles. 
7/6 first chuckle laugh (not just gasp laugh) when Daddy doing mini horsey ride with "guzz guzz guzz". 
Noticed the start of the back of the head bald patch. I think all moms hope their baby may just skip that stage, but alas, a nice strip of hair on the back and sides of his head is thinning rapidly. That's good though, means he's strengthening his muscles and moving his head around.
7/10 first walk on the greenway with both boys. I went with some friends and used the Phil and Ted/s stroller. I think Daniel would get upset if he were facing forward and couldn't see me. He did want to be worn some so I put him in the wrap. He laughed in his sleep (in the wrap) as we walked and it was pretty much the most adorable thing ever! 
Took out the pack n play mattress and hanging toys and set on the floor for playmat. He loves it! Why didn't I think of this with Jackson! He'll stare up at the animals and grab the hanging rings. Jackson likes to crawl under there with him and play with the toys.
Daniel seems to be coming around to Jackson. He loves to follow Jackson when he runs around the room. He coos at Jackson when they're sitting next to each other. He doesn't seem to mind when Jackson holds him anymore.
When Daniel is doing tummy time on the floor Jackson will get down on all fours and crawl around Daniel in a circle saying "crawl crawl crawl!" It is adorable and hopefully Jackson will help Daniel learn things like sitting up and crawling when the time comes.

first night in crib

our little boxer baby

first time holding a toy

major pouty lip

poor baby with bandaids over his shots


my little turtle

Daniel was crying and Jackson gave him a paci all by himself!

Jackson tried to share with Daniel

first couple practice shots with my new camera

our little family on the 4th of July

after church

since Daniel likes to kick his legs we tried the jumperoo... he wasn't quite ready for it

bald patch

not a big fan of tummy time, but I still make him do it every day!

he began in the middle of his crib. no more blankets and stuffed animals in there now that's he can scootch around

family ruck march

Daniel shows more and more of his little personality more and more. He is such a bright little light in my life and I am so thankful for my baby boy. Days are very full, but my boys make every dirty diaper, every outfit change from spit up, and every temper tantrum worth it when they smile at me. I want to make their childhoods full and happy. I want to teach them how to be successful in their endeavors and to respect others. I want to love them too much.

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