

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Bright Sunshiney Day

Today the boys and I slept in until around 8. Yes, 8 am is sleeping in for us. Daniel has certainly helped get Jackson and I on a more normal schedule. I didn't want to get up and around quite yet, but we had plans. I got up and washed my face and it helped wake me up. That is my new morning rule. If I don't feel up to plans, get up and wash my face. If I still don't feel up to leaving the house then I probably need to rest. More often than not, though, I'll probably be able to follow through and not be a flake (which I hate). 

So we got up and around, piles into the car, and met some friends at the Greenway: a lovely paved 2 mile path that is surrounded by trees providing much needed shade. The path is straight so if you walk to the end you have to turn around to make it back to the entrance d, making it 4 miles. Today was the perfect day for a long walk and to catch up with our friends. 

This is our double jogging stroller (Phil&Ted's Dash). I love it for times like this when I don't need a full diaper bag. I love how compact it is for a double and Jackson loves sitting in his special little seat. I have only tried our side by side Joovy double stroller once when Daniel was in the infant cocoon, but it has a huge basket for when I need storage. This jogger is wonderful for long walks. 

Look at this hat! It was a super sale find at The Gap. I only use this stroller fan on walks. I don't leave it attached to the car seat when we're driving. That's a big no-no, so please don't do it! 

We picked up some lunch from Wendy's on the way home (because Mumma wanted a chocolate frosty) and watched some Pororo while we ate. Then both boys napped at the same time and I even got a quick nap in! 

The boys woke up and we played and Jackson wanted to hold Daniel, as he often does. He is learning his to support his brother now that Daniel is a bit stronger. 

Those two! They make my heart melt. They make me feel so blessed, so privileged. Jackson loves Daniel so much and it has been so wonderful watching him transition into his big brother role. Daniel's interest in Jackson is growing and he will watch him play now. The makings of a beautiful friendship.

Watching them play together, seeing Jackson cup Daniel's cheek, seeing Jackson being so careful around Daniel, seeing Daniel follow Jackson with his eyes; it brings tears to my eyes. I love having two boys and watching their relationship blossom. It has only been {almost} three months and our family is so much the better from Daniel's presence. Just as motherhood (first to just Jackson, now to both boys) taught me so much about God, relationships, and myself so also brotherhood is helping my boys develop their personalities. I think they will be much better men for having a brother [and someday hopefully at least one more sibling] in their lives. I've always a said that siblings build character. 

My hope is that my boys will grow to unconditionally love each other. That they will always have each other's backs. That they will not only be brothers, but also true friends. That they will bring out the best in each other. That they will teach each other valuable life lessons, especially how to love, trust, and forgive. That they will strengthen each other with their differences and build up one another. 

I love being these two boys' Mumma. It is an honor. I pray daily that I will rear them I The Lord. That I will teach them wisely. That I will be patient and loving first and foremost. That I will have little regrets and many joys. That I will never be too proud to learn. That I will never think the job of parenthood is dull, monotonous, or worthless. 

Thank you, Lord, for my boys. May they grow to be men grounded in you and mission minded. 

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