

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

In Honor of my Best Girlfriend

This was Abigail Rose Hollemans and she was my best girlfriend since 2001.

She is now Abigail Rose Elebaas. 

I'm a bit peeved that I was not able to fulfill my Matron of Honor duties that I have been planning for years (I had two Pinterest boards entitled "My BFFs Wedding" and "Abby's Bachelorette Party" that have now been deleted and unused. I had stressed over the Matron of Honor speech even before she began dating her new husband, Mark. All for naught. 

... But as she had a small ceremony with just immediate family, I guess I can overlook it. It certainly does save me a lo of $$$. 

So here is my tribute to my best girlfriend, Abby. We met in 2000 in 8th grade. We had a few mutual friends and we began talking via AIM (remember AIM?). Everyone who knew her (ironically they were all boys- we went to different schools at the time) said she was the nicest person they knew. She was certain to be popular when she came to our school the next year. Me being the popularity driven junior higher that I was (I was such a confused little adolescent, running around trying to please everyone and not having much of a personality), I wanted to become friends with her before she arrived so we could be popular together. Preemptive friendship. 

Freshman year rolled around and we both joined the tennis team. What so you know, she really was the nicest person! We hit it off immediately and became real friends, not just AIM buddies. Throughout high school our friendship grew and solidified, a firm foundation for a lifetime. 

We went to different colleges that were 800 miles apart. Whenever we would be home for holidays we would get together and it was like no time had passed. We talked for hours filling each other in on our lives (and generally the lives of everyone we knew). She was my sounding board. We were the same height, both intelligent and studious, but not so studious we had no lives, and enjoyed staying in more than going out. Other friends came and went in our lives but we were constant. 

I got married a month after college graduation and Abby was my maid of honor. In my almost six years of marriage she has supported me and maintained our friendship even though we were in different places in life. When I had my two sons she was excited for me and didn't mind coming over to hang out since going out wasn't as easy for me anymore. She understood that my time was limited and my attention would always be divided while listening to her and making sure my toddler wasn't about to destroy my parents' house. 

Abby is the best girlfriend I've ever had because she's always been there for me. She has never judged me and always has given me the benefit of the doubt. She has commiserated with me and let me vent. I have no fear of things I tell her getting told to others, which is especially important since I am much more honest with her than with others. She doesn't think I'm a horrible, rotten person even though she has been with me through my lowest points. She has let me make my own life choices and hasn't fallen away when those differed from hers. While we have so much in common, we also are so different. But it works. 

Abby is steadfast and loyal. Abby is honest and caring. Abby has been my other half in so many ways, but now she will be Mark's other half. As they enter into marriage I hope they always remember their love story. Where they began, how they fell in love, and that it isn't yet finished. Abby doesn't give up on people so I know no matter what happens she won't give up on her marriage. This is the beginning of the next chapter in her and Mark's story. 

Selfishly, I am sad that things between she and I will be changing, which is totally unfair since I pioneered the changes. But change can be very good. I am not losing a best friend, but gaining a new lifelong friend in Mark. 

I pray Abby and Mark always look to God for direction. I pray they put Him first in their relationship so they can properly love each other. I pray they will always always show each other mercy and patience. 

I love you, Abby. Happy wedding day. 

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