

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Daniel Watson 2 Months

Daniel Watson turned 2 months old today. People without kids get annoyed when parents refer to their kids by months. But in the first two years infants change so quickly! It is almost like a code between parents regarding milestones and development when sharing kids' ages. Granted, having a nephew who was born at 28 weeks has shown that birth age isn't always indicative of size/growth/ development. But it is still a good gauge for the majority of infants. 

These two months have been wonderful and trying for me. I have been stretched as a mother and am learning and growing and asking forgiveness as I go. I will update this same post with weekly details later, as well as write a Michigan trip post with more pictures (since we've been in Michigan the last two weeks). So check back in the next day or two! 


Week 5

Daniel has a lot of gas and spits up whole meals. It seems to be "normal amounts" according to message boards I've read, but this is so different for me since Jackson rarely spit up. We are going to have to get some more burp cloths! When he spits up he doesn't make a lot of noise and rarely cries afterwards. So hopefully we always see him spit up so we can make sure he doesn't choke on it. This makes me nervous to put him in his crib to sleep. 

On 5/15 Daniel smiled at Mumma. I was cooing and smiling at him and he was grinning away! No toots or poops this time! It warms my heart I see my baby smiling at me.

On 5/16 Jackson held Daniel for the first time. Up until then he hadn't sat still or had pushed Daniel off. Jackson sat and put his arms around Daniel and held his hand and patted his head and kissed his cheek. Melts this Mumma's heart! I hope and pray my two boys grow up loving each other and being best friends.

I have dubbed Daniel "pookie bear", "tank", "chub a wub", and "chunk a munk". He has little rolls on his arms, legs, belly, and a big ole neck roll! I love my little "chub bucket". 

Week 6

Daniel hasn't ever liked airplane, when we hold him under his armpits and lift him into the air. He doesn't even like it if we go slowly. He gets a scared look on his face then cries. 

On 5/19 he took his first successful bottle. He dribbles a little of of the corner of his mouth, but not enough to make me feel like we're wasting milk. He drank down 2 oz. and finished off the meal nursing.

Daniel's chin quivers when he's unsure of something, like when we pick him up and he's not expecting it or when there's a loud noise that startles him. Sometimes he'll begin to cry but sometimes realizing that Mumma or Daddy is holding him will calm him down.

No problems with bottles! Good news for date nights and Matt helping to feed him. Love lansinoh momma bottles. 

Loves to be held and cuddled. Mumma is not complaining. I was blessed with too snugglers. I'm going to soak up all the snuggles while I can because soon they either won't want to snuggle or they will be too big for it to be appropriate. Unfortunately, Daniel isn't held all the time like Jackson was. He has to be set down so I can help Jackson or do housework. I try to do everything as quickly as possible because Daniel's little cry is just so sad. He gets big ole tears that drip down his cheeks.

Daniel had been feeling solid so we weighed him. I weighed myself holding him and then weighed myself alone. He weighs at least 12 lbs! 

Week 7

You know you're tired, when you realize you're trying to slide open your phone... On your empty cupped hand! It took about 3 slides for me to realize I didn't have my phone. Life with two kids is much more exhausting than life with just one! Even though that one didn't sleep well.

On 5/27 he moved to size 1 diapers. We should have earlier but wanted to use all the newborns we had. That is the problem with diaper subscriptions, you end up with extras in a smaller size if your kid grows quickly.

Daniel has been awake more often during the day. It's harder to entertain two awake boys! It'll be so nice when they're old enough to play together. Jackson wants to play with Daniel but he's a little too loud and rough.

Daniel is such a great sleeper. At least 3-4 hours between feedings, but has slept 6-7 hours! So nice for Mumma. 

Likes to sit upright being held under the arms for stability. Likes to look around and take it all in. He loves looking at the living room lamp and the pictures on the wall.

On 5/30 he took his first road trip to MI. Did great in the car. Would fuss when we would change speeds or stop driving but otherwise was quiet. I wasn't sitting in the back so not sure if he slept the whole time or was awake. 

On 5/31 Daniel met Aunt CC, Ethan, and Calvin. The boys love having a little cousin around. 

Week 8

On 6/1 we experienced our first blow out up the back at the Holland outlets. Jackson didn't have any true blow outs. That was one nice thing about cloth diapers. I just always have to remember an extra set of cloths, just in case! 

On 6/1 Daniel also met Mumma's friend Abby and Uncle Mark. We're so spoiled having family and friends in Michigan. 

Does not like having his feet or hands touched. He will curl his fingers and toes and try to pull away from you. This makes clipping his nails real fun. He cries and cries like I'm hurting him. 

Daniel is fascinated by the tv. I don't put him in front of it long term, but when I lay him down in the same room he cranes his neck to see the colors.

I thought I would do everything the same in parenting all my kids. Some things are the same, like overall attachment methods and I will be using positive reinforcement and hopefully less punishment as a result. But sleep habits is certainly something I am doing differently. I still do not plan to utilize the various cry it out techniques, but I am not allowing Daniel to co-sleep in bed with me either. Daniel sleeps in his own bed next to my bed. He is within arms reach to rock him or feed him. During the day I try to lay him down while he naps, but if he just wants to be held I will hold him because there's not much better than a sleeping snuggly baby! But he will be sleeping in his own bed soon and I'm already working on laying him down to fall asleep on his own. He is a better (longer) night sleeper than Jackson ever was in his entire first year. I hope it keeps up this way! 

He had really begun cooing this week. Would do one or two coos before, but now will sit and talk to himself for a couple minutes. Amazing since he fusses if he isn't being held. 

Going to be on the move sooner than expected! I lay him on his tummy on a blanket and when I picked him back up he had already scootched forward so his head and shoulders were off the blanket! He wiggles to get closer to people. 

On 6/2 he met Great- Grpa and Great-Aunt Ruth. What a special meeting this was as Daniel Watson is named after Bruce Watson. I teared up while Grpa was holding him. My Grpa is such a wonderful man and one of my favorite people in the world. I am honored to have his namesake as my son.

On 6/4 Daniel and I visited Great-Grma at her home. She lives in an Alzheimer's home. She was so excited to see me and the boys. She held Daniel and kept saying "hi" and barking at him. She was loud, but Daniel didn't get startled or cry like he normally does. What a  blessing! 

On 6/4 Daniel also met Aunt Lisa, Noah, Alicia, and Brooklyn. We went to dinner at Olga's and they met us there. 

On 6/7 Daniel met Uncle Ryan. My sister's and their families came over to my parents for a cookout. Ryan was on a school trip (he is the middle school dean at a charter school) when we went to Olga's. 

Week 9 

Been having more blow outs. Think it's because he's too big for size 1 diapers but I want to use up all the ones we have. He has just been growing so quickly! I didn't have this problem with Jackson since we used one size cloth diapers! 

Regularly sleeps 5-7 hours at night! Amazing! Thank you, baby. It is definitely now his normal sleep pattern and not a fluke night when he sleeps long. He meet had his days and nights confused either. He has spoiled me with sleep!

On 6/9 Daniel met Great- Gpa and Great-Gma Iveson and Great- Aunt Sue. We went to Gpa's for dinner. It is so nice having family of mine and Matt's in town. I don't know when we would ever see grandparents otherwise. 

On 6/11 Daniel met Great- Grandma Koutz. We drove across the state to have lunch with her an Aunt Beck. So Daniel has met all of his loving Great- Grandparents. How special.

On 6/11 he also moved up to size 2 diapers. I didn't bring enough diapers with me to Michigan so we bought more. Papa actually ran out to pick them up for me. What a wonderful Papa.

On 6/13 Daniel met Great-Uncle rob, Great-AuntPam, Alicia, Brandon, and Kailey. Grma had a birthday party and we went to see everyone. It is nice to see family and, of course, show off my baby. Daniel was passed around and did so well being moved around and meeting so many new people. While he is a Mumma's boy overall, he doesn't mind other people holding him. Jackson generally wanted Mumma to hold him. 


Midway through week 9 Daniel turned 2 months old. Next month will have the second half of week 9. 

I can hardly believe he is already two months old! The time is going so much more quickly than with Jackson, it seems. He has already changed so much in looks since he's chubbed up. We see now how different the boys look from each other and Daniel definitely has his own personality. 

I am so blessed by this little boy. There is something wonderful about being needed by a baby. I love calming him by just picking him up when he's upset. I love feeding him. I love when he turns to find my voice when I talk to him. 

Thank you, God, for my precious baby boy.

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