

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pregnancy Insomniac

Every pregnancy I inevitably have trouble sleeping. Yes, at a certain point the growing belly makes it uncomfortable, but it's more getting my mind to turn off. Even once I fall asleep I have very active dreams that don't allow my brain much rest. I have hit that point now, at 26 weeks. 

I am not overly worried because I know this baby will be born and my other children won't die, but it is worrisome giving birth and finding care for my other kids. When I had Daniel we had a wonderful babysitter who was available 24/7 and she even left another family she was sitting for when I was in labor. She had told her other families that I was due any day so they were prepared. She now has a regular job so may or may not be available. I have two other sitters from church who have summer jobs so may or may not be available. I am getting numbers from more girls at church, but so far they all have summer jobs too. My closest friend here who I would definitely trust my kids with will be out of town for five weeks and it is right when I expect baby. My other friends all have kids themselves so I know it is stressful watching other kids, especially when they aren't good sleepers like my boys. Some of my friends I don't know how they would deal with my boys if they had them at night so I don't really want to leave them in their care. Why can't I have more friends who aren't moms and who don't work who could truly be available 24/7 for that last month of pregnancy!?!? It is slightly stressful, especially when Matt will be out of town for Mark's wedding when I am at 37 weeks. He'll have Jackson but I would still need care for Daniel. I wouldn't want him to miss the birth, but if no one was available then he would just stay home with the boys- worst case.

I know it will all work out and I'm going to keep looking for options and hopefully will find someone perfect who can commit to staying with my boys and will be patient and loving with them if it happens to be overnight. I have plenty of time but I do feel that ticking clock. 

The things and thoughts that keep me up at night. When I desperately need sleep. 

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