

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


We have successfully completed our first week of Preschool! Jackson is attending preschool two days a week (5 hours a day). 

I was so excited to buy him new school clothes and a backpack/lunchbox. All the backpacks I found that I liked were too big for Jackson. I let him choose and, of course, he wanted a Mickey backpack. I am not a fan of character items, but he loves his Mickey backpack and it is worth it. 

We cinched up his straps a little more and ended up putting his lunchbox inside his backpack. He loves being a big boy and going to school! 

The first day he was all smiles while we waited and very excited to go into his class. No tears like a lot of the other kids. He could barely wait his turn and I had to call him back for a kiss goodbye.

I picked him up and he was still smiling and in the same shorts I dropped him off in! There is an underwear only policy for his age group so I was expecting at least one accident this first day since he was in a new place with a new schedule and new teachers. But he didn't have any accidents! I am one proud Mumma! We both give preschool a thumbs up. 

I asked him if he liked preschool, if he made new friends, and if he wanted to go back. Each time he responded with "yeah!" I think preschool was a good choice for us this year. 

Daniel was so excited to see Jackson after that first day! He squealed so loudly when he saw him! 

On our second day of preschool Jack walked into his class fine but then turned around, had an alarmed look on his face, and said "Mumma?" I gave him a kiss and left, knowing that he would be fine. I picked him up later and he was still in the same shorts! I am so excited about this! Both days his water cup was still full when I picked him up. I need to ask if he drinks at all during lunch. But if he isn't thirsty and it's helping him to not have potty accidents then I'm ok with that! 

We came home and he said he didn't want to take a nap. Monday he didn't take a nap. Today he crashed an hour after we got home. 

He is such a good boy and I can't believe he is old enough to be in preschool. We're that much closer to Kindergarten! He makes me so proud and I just keep praying he will love school, love learning, obey his teachers, and be a nice friend and a good example to the others. 

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