

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Daniel Quarterly

This little man is now 15 months. I plan to do some major blog updating tomorrow and will have his 15 month stats after his appointment in the morning. 

He is such a do-er. He observes, learns, and figures out so much on his own. He is very hands on and is still a snuggler.

He is very interested in food and steals for anybody and everybody. He will go up to anyone with food and just stand next to them hoping they will share. He grabs food away from Jackson and will not give up. His Sunday School teachers say he steals the other kids' puffs! 
4/25 crawling down the stairs. Figured out how to scootch backwards down one step at a time on his own. 
Does not like carrots! Gave him a raw carrot to  chew on while I did the dishes and I hear him squeal. He has several bites in his mouth and he won't swallow and is pawing them out of his mouth as best he can. 
Really likes breads and sweets. 
Loves playing in the pots cupboard. He will get down the Pyrex and pull out all the pots and pans to play with. 
He stands on his own much more often now, and can lower himself slowly to squatting. Still isn't brave enough to take more than one step on his own though.
4/28 took 3 small and hurried steps on his own! He was reaching for the couch but it was just out of his reach so he took quick steps to grab onto the couch. >>> later he took 2-3 steps towards the back door to look out the window. 
Very aware of his body. When he bumps something he holds it while he cries or when Jackson hits his back he tries to touch it. He rolled his ankle and held it. 
Does not like when water is too cold or too hot. Fussed once when the bath was just a little warmer than normal. Did not like sitting in  the kiddie pool outside when I first out the water in! A half hour later he was fine once the sun warmed it. 
5/2 I counted 6 steps! He walks all over the place now! He will often take a few steps, squat when he feels shaky, then stand back up and take more steps! 
Daniel listens when I tell him "no" and "come here". Such a smart boy! 
5/11 falls head over heels down the steps into the garage. He tried to catch himself, so it was a slow fall. He looked like a human slinky. 
Tries to mimic what Jackson does. He wrestles with Daddy in the same way he see Jackson do it, he tries to follow Jackson up the slide ladder in the play room, he learned how to put the cars down the racetrack. 

5/17-18 horrible teething! Fever of 102.5, threw up, shakes while he sleeps, would only nap if I held him, cried if I set him down or handed him to Daddy (but Daddy could calm him down), and had a real bad night of sleep. I tried snuggling in the crib with him (and Jackson), tried bringing him to bed with me and Jackson, and eventually just rocked him until he was in a deep enough sleep to lay down on his crib. After that he still work every 1-2 hours and wanted to just be held. 
Can walk rather quickly, almost running! He tries to keep up with Jackson. Sometimes he gets going a little too fast and he trips over his feet. He rolls his ankles sometimes too and then sits and cries and holds that foot. It is adorable and sad. He seems so much older now that he is walking around! 
5/25 first applesauce pouch. I have offered hen to him before but he wasn't too interested. He ate about half of it.
5/25 climbed up onto the couch on his own for the first time 
5/27 we were dog sitting and Daniel would look at the doggies and say "da". It's hard to know how much he understands since he says "da" for daddy, Jack, and now dog. But he seems to understand. 
5/28 waved and said "bye" to Kelsi when she left after babysitting.
Been carrying the giraffe popper around the house. Figured out how to push the top to make the balls pop. Loves carrying it by the giraffe neck. 
I hear Daniel "running" into a room behind me and he's going so fast I'm positive it's Jackson! I am so impressed with how well Daniel can walk and how quickly!
5/29 untwisted the top of an applesauce pouch and held it himself while he ate it. Did not want help!
Has been getting his knees stuck in the crib slats every day. He stands up and his knees squeeze through and get stuck. 
First week of June: sang along (the beat) to Daniel Tiger, Mimics a lot of noises/songs Jackson makes 
Wants to be doing everything Jack is doing! Playing with the same toys, using a spoon/fork, playing with sticks, wrestling, sword fighting. He learns so much by playing with his brother. 

Favorite word in "na!" for no. He says it when he is frustrated and when he doesn't want something. He has started standing up for himself when Jackson pushes him or takes away toys and growls then tells "na!" 
He loves to put things inside of other things- like straws in the holes in juice boxes or cups. Whence has a snack he puts it in a bowl, dumps it out, and does it again. 
He holds food with his first few fingers and holds the others up straight in the air all dainty-like. 
Plays much more with Daddy and brother. Runs over to them when they're wrestling and jumps in the mix! 
Gets into the cupboard and pulls out the chocolate shredded wheat, pulls the bag out of the box, and sticks his hand in to grab a couple. Only does this with that cereal.
6/21 has been eating much more table food instead of just playing with it. Loves breads, eats Bologna, loves pizza, wants to try everything we're having but doesn't eat much of it. But getting so much better! 
6/28 learned to go under things. Kept walking into Daddy's leg with his forehead and figured out to bend his knees to get lower under Daddy's leg! 
6/28-7/4 California trip to see Grammie and GrandPops. First time in swimming pool and loved it! Started walking down the steps (not sitting or scootching) by using the handrails. Ate SO much while we were there! Ate lots of meat! 
7/5 went outside while Daddy was grilling. Crawled down the steps, walked over to the sandbox, opened it himself, and started playing! 
7/7 was walking towards the splash pad at the gate 5 park and I said "Daniel!", he turned and smiled at me. I said "come back" and he said "na!" Loudly and ran in the other direction! 
Climbs up on the couch all on his own. So adorable! Has mastered climbing off the couch, off beds, and down the stairs too.

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