

Friday, June 26, 2015

Jackson Quarterly

I am so behind with this blog! I still need to update Jackson's last Quarterly post and Daniel's last post with pictures! I WILL update those posts and this post when we return from vacation! 

Jackson is now 3.25 years old. Another quarter of a year old! When on earth did that happen? He is learning more independence, which is both wonderful and extremely difficult. Overall he is still a good listener and responds so well to praise. He plays well with other kids, but still likes to play on his own in his own imaginary world sometimes. He loves his little brother and I watching them together is the best part of my day.

Jackson (3/27-6/26)

Got his potty watch and have been using it to try to help him pee on the potty while wearing a pull up. 
Jackson doesn't throw many fits (especially compared to other preschoolers), but when he does it usually has to do with food. He asks for s snack, then doesn't want to eat it, but we won't give him something else until he eats at least part of his snack. He usually calms down after a couple minutes and eat his original snack. At least he usually behaves well out in public. Fits at home are ok because I know it's just him expressing himself. 
4/5 starting to try to get Jackson to sleep in his own bed. Most of the time he sleeps soundly through the night, but not sure if that's because when he wiggles he feels me in bed. Hopefully we can transfer him into his own bed all night. That and potty training will be out big hurdles the next couple months. 
At MOPS the kids were playing outside on the playground and I would watch Jackson through the window. His flip flop came off and he stood on one foot looking around for someone to help him. When no one did he put it back on all on his own! Learning! 
He dropped a Reese's pieces on the ground and I asked him to pick it up. He grabbed it with his toes and then put it in his hand when he lifted his foot up. I wonder if this was instinct or if he has watched Matt and I do it. 
Matt was putting Jackson to bed in his own bed one night. I brought Jackson his big Mickey and he hugged him. When Matt came out later he said Jackson whispered "thank you, Mumma" after I left. That just makes my heart swell!
4/19 we have started having to discipline Jackson for hitting/pushing Daniel. He is starting to stand up for himself, but Daniel had gotten hurt when he falls over after being pushed. It is ok for Jackson to be frustrated with Daniel and to stand up for himself, but it is not ok for him to push him over. 
4/19 Jackson will go into the bathroom on his own and pee if he doesn't have a pull up on. Still resist pooping on the potty. Going to try to get him in underwear this next week. 
Remembers Ellie Boyles when we're at home. He gets really excited when he sees her.
4/24 we had a play date at the gate 5 park. Jackson ran around with these older boys (probably age 4-5) and they let him play with them. He played so nicely and tried to do what they were doing. He even shared his snack with them! It was so cute to watch and made me wonder if he wants more boy friends since my friends all have girls. He also sat down with some other mommies and kids who were having a picnic. I caught him before he stole their food, but he went back later and took a goldfish cracker! They said it was ok though. 
Jackson has been doing so much better about eating meals with us as opposed to only wanting to snack all day. He eats mostly what we eat too! I try to make meals that I know he likes, but before he would be picky and still want other food. He now will sit with us, pray, and then eat a good lunch/dinner. It is so encouraging go see him growing up in ways like this. We wouldn't make a big deal about him snacking as long as it wasn't unhealthy snacks all day and he didn't make a mess with his food. 
Jackson asks me to sing songs several times a day. "Song? Song?" He will also bring me books and say "read it?" I love that he is getting more verbal. It really helps me to understand his wants and needs. The cutest one currently is "bunka forehead (or whatever body part he bumped)". 
Jackson says "tooty toot" when he toots and then says "excuuuuse me!" He also points to D's bottom and say "ew! Baby toot! Baby toot!" 
Very worried about cuts and scrapes. 
5/4 drew a smiley face on his magma doodle. It looked like a sad face, but he said "happy!". He had been having Matt and I draw various emotion faces lately. I told him to draw a happy face. 
5/7 put on a pair of shorts all by himself! He put each leg through the holes while standing and then pulled them up, with a lot of frustration when he had to keep pulling awhile. 
5/7 told me he had to go pee pee on potty while we were outside playing. Up until this point he had just gone outside in his swimsuit/shorts.
Has been throwing mini tantrums. He has expectations (especially when we are in the car and he thinks we're going someplace other than where we're actually going) and when they're not met he melts down. Big crocodile tears, screeching screams, asking for what he originally wanted. Unfortunately, he gets this trait from me.
Has been having mini tantrums often lately. He seems to have expectations for things we are going to do and then when those expectations aren't met he melts down. Examples: we were at a chipotle and he thought we were going to eat outside. We didn't and he wailed and had to sit on my lap to settle down. We went to play upstairs and he thought we were going to play with a toy and when we didn't he wailed and needed to be shushed on my lap. It usually doesn't last long, but it is loud and seems so out of character for him. I told Matt about it and he just looked at me like "you know where he gets that from!" Yes, another one of my negative traits picked up by the boys.
5/18 finally pooped on the potty! All day I had been telling him that if he pooped on the potty he would get red fish (Swedish fish). He didn't poop all day- not in his overnight diaper, undies, or nap time pull-up. Before bath he sat on the potty like normal and he looked very concentrated. I asked if he needed to go poopy and he said "ok" and went on the potty! He didn't act scared or upset like he did the few other times he's gone on the potty. I made a big deal of it, clapped, waved my arms in the air, and said "yay! Big boy Jackson! You did it!" Over and over. He was so excited and after his bath he got his red fish (like gooey fish from Mickey Mouse clubhouse). 
5/21 Jackson went 4/5 times poopy on the potty today!!!!! I am so excited!!! I had been worried that he would still be having major accidents when he went to preschool in August, but if he keeps up this progress then we'll be golden and fully potty trained by preschool! Woohoo! 
Started calling to his toys when he can't find them. Like "bubbles? Bubbbbbbbles? Where the bubbles?" 
Loved having puppies around while we dog sat. Loved playing with them and feeding them. 
5/29 has been doing so well with pooping and peeing on the potty, we began wearing shorts over underwear! He had one pee pee accident, then he started to pee and stopped before it got on the floor, then he told me when he had to pee or poop! Successfully moved on to the next stage in potty training! Hopefully he continues to do well in shorts at home and soon we can go out of the house in underwear! 
Poopy on potty!!!!
5/21 4/5, 5/22 2/3, 5/23 4/4 , 5/24 1/3, 5/25 2/3, 5/26 1/2 (morning diaper), 5/27 3/3, 5/28 4/4, 5/29 wearing shorts. 2 pee pee accidents. 3/4 (night diaper), 5/30 told Kelsi (babysitter) he had to go pee pee!, 3/5 (night diaper), 5/31 2/3 (night diaper)
6/1 ran errands at the mall in undies. Kept asking him if he needed to go potty, he would say no. At the end he didn't respond and I saw that he had wet himself. Still needs pull ups while out. 
6/3 told me he had to go potty while at Bonfiglio's. 
6/10 went to the potty completely in his own. Walked in there, pulled down his pants, went, pulled his pants back up. We have been working on pulling his pants up since he has trouble getting it over his little booty!
6/14 started peeing standing up. Thinks it is so fun and laughs at the "bubbles!" 
6/15 loves to pee standing up! That didn't take long! He will adjust his spray to be in the center of the bowl and tries to make shapes with it- without anyone telling him to do that. He peed standing then turned around, sat down, and pooped! He understands!
6/17 we were out of the house for 4.5 hours with no accidents! We had a play date with Ellie Boyles and then went to publix. 
When he goes pee pee standing up, he goes "bubbles! I love bubbles!" It's hilarious!
6/22 the past couple days Jackson has been verbalize for his thoughts/feelings on his own, not using tv quotes like usual. I had been worried he was falling behind with communication but he's still learning! Unfortunately, he may be regressing in potty training because of it. More accidents, but we're pushing through it! 
It is such a JOY to watch Jackson learn and figure things out. He pulled out a train engine from the bin of wooden cars and pulled out various cars looking at them to see if they were a train car. He would examine the car, put it back, pull out another, put it back, until he found a train car that connected to the engine and he was so happy when he did! He hasn't been into trains until this moment and him figuring out which cars are trains and which are regular cars on his own is just fascinating to me. Kids really do learn through okay and I need to embrace playing more and not focus on teaching him to write or anything like that right now.
Jackson has the bad habit of biting his nails and fingers. He also does this with his toes if he notices them. He will rip off the skin and then his fingers hurt.

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