

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Summer Block Leave is All About Pure Michigan

We were able to go "home" to Michigan for two whole weeks at the beginning of June! What a treat! We generally go up at least once a year for a week, but haven't been home for longer than a week since college. That is definitely a nice thing about the Army, not the set two weeks vacation time for the year like most civilian jobs. 

The car ride up seemed long, but went MUCH better than we anticipated. Daniel did very well and didn't cry nearly as much as we expected. He didn't like when we had to change speeds or come to a stop, which was unfortunate because we ran into a lot of construction. Jackson threw up once very unexpectedly. Thankfully he didn't act sick at all and didn't make a bigger mess of it by playing with it or trying to clean it up. Stopping to clean that to and all the construction slowed us down. Otherwise both boys did great! The trip took around 11 hours and we were so excited to finally arrive at Grammy and Papa's house. 

It was nice to be able to think of this trip as relaxing. Since we usually go up for a week we feel like we have to see all our family and close friends and it makes the trip very busy. We were able to spread visiting with everyone out and have a couple just lounge-around-the-house days. I was able to see my best friend, Abby twice and celebrate her wedding (that happened while we were in town) and new baby due in the winter, my high school friends Lauren and Erika, and my friend Laura from college. We were able to see my Grpa and Grma Bonnell, O to lunch with my Grandma Koutz, and have dinner with Matt's Grandpa and Grandma Iveson. We also were about to see some of our aunts, uncles, and cousins. Matt's brother, Mark, came over often for some video gaming and we saw my sisters and their families also. It is always so nice to be able to spend with family and I do not take it for granted since we never know when the next time we'll be home will be. 

One of my favorite moments from the trip is when I introduced Daniel Watson to my Grpa Bonnell, Bruce Watson. Daniel is my Grpa's 14th (I think I did the math correctly) great-grandchild and his namesake. My Grpa has always been one of my favorite people. He suggested the name "Rebecca" when they were waiting for me and when I was a little girl I would always get so excited when Grpa was coming to visit. I would run and get a book because he always read stories time. I attribute my love for reading to his example. When he held Daniel for the first time I almost cried. Tears were in my eyes which was unexpected. It was such a special moment.

Many of my friends now have children of their own. I love seeing Jackson play with these kids. I wish we lived in town so that our kids would grow up being friends too. It is such a privilege to parent alongside these girls. I text with then often about parenthood and the highs and lows of life with babies or toddlers. I realized on this trip how very different my friends and I are than we were even five years ago. Before kids, before marriage, before graduating from college we were so young; but of course, we didn't think we were young at the time. I thought about how different our conversations were this visit compared to when I would come home from college. While we are all still happy and have girl talk, we aren't giggly girls who have nicknames for each other and can't stop talking about our boyfriends or latest crushes. It made me realize just how old we are, but in a very good way. I am so thankful for how these ladies and myself have grown and matured and I am thankful for my friendships with them. 

One day my dad, Matt, the boys, and I went to Fred Meijer Gardens. It is such  gem for the Grand Rapids area. I have been many times before but Matt has only been once and only to part of it. We walked around the kid area and Jack had fun exploring and digging in the giant sandbox. We walked around the sculpture park and admired (and made fun of some of) the sculptures. There was a sculpture made of little letters that Jackson loved! We went into the "butterfly room" but the butterflies are there in the spring. There were some interesting plants in there to see all the same. It was a fun morning and I am thankful my parents have a membership there so we could visit for free. 

It was so fun introducing Daniel to everyone. I do love to show off my babies! I mean, I know I'm biased, but my kids are just adorable. Calvin loved to hold Daniel. Brookie was super interested in her baby cousin too. I think she likes having younger cousins around since on the Bonnell side she's the youngest in town. She and Jack played well together. It was also nice having extra hands to help with the boys. Especially when Jackson was sick and throwing up for a couple days. My mom didn't mind snuggling with Daniel while I cared for and cleaned up after Jackson. 

Matt and my anniversary fell over our trip also. We were able to have dinner out while the boys stayed with my parents. It was so nice to have someone we trusted around to watch both boys since I'm not ready to leave Daniel with a babysitter yet. We had dinner at The Melting Pot to celebrate 6 years together. We had the four course meal and everything tasted delicious! 

Matt and I also made our Michigsn residency official! With the Army Michigan has been our legal residence since Matt joined. We haven't been back in town with time to update everything though. So we went to the Secretary of State and got new driver's licenses, vehicle titles, and license plates for our cars. It feels so good to have a Michigan plate again! Plus the jeep had a VA plate and we had to pay personal property tax on it every year! No more! Matt's plates were about to expire and our driver's licenses would have expired in 2015 so it's nice to have everything taken care of! 

My Grma had a birthday party at the home she lives in. The boys and I went and I was glad to get to spend more time with her and see some of my extended family. Grma just loved seeing the boys. She has Alzheimer's but still mostly remembers people, which is truly such a blessing. She was able to say my name when I first visited earlier in the week and she loved holding Daniel. We could tell she was getting tired from holding him but didn't want us to take him away. She finally let me take him when I said I would give him back after she rested her arms. It was precious to see her loving him. He normally gets startled easily and cries but he just looked at her while she held him and was so calm. She yells when she talks and that didn't seem to bother Daniel either. What a blessing for them to have such a pleasant time together. 

Jackson loved spending time with his Papa. When we lived in Michigan while Matt was at BCT and OCS Jackson developed a special bond with my dad. They played together and went for walks together. Jackson always got excited when my dad would come home from work. Jackson loves his Grammy too, but he played a game the whole trip where he wouldn't go over and give her a hug. You could tell he was being a stinker because he would make his stinker face when we told him to give hugs. I felt bad about that, but she knows he loves her. 

The trip home went so smoothly! We accidentally took a different route than normal when the gps rerouted, but it may have been faster. There were lots of traffic lights on 65 mph rounds so that was annoying. But the trip took 9.5 hours. Hopefully the construction on our reguular route will be completed the next time we make the trip so we can take it and  not have to stop at lights for hours and hours. 

It was so nice to be home and see everyone. I was dreading coming back to TN, but 9.5 hours in the car with two kids (even though they were well behaved) made me so thankful to be done driving! It felt so nice to walk into our own home and not worry about Jackson breaking anything. He was excited to have his Melissa and Doug puzzles again. He took them all down and played with them right away. Yes, Michigan will always be home but it is nice to be in our own house and back on our regular schedule again. 

Right before we got in the car to drive up to MI. What a handsome little man and that smile just made my day!

Jackson got Frosty treats from Grammy!

After a day of shopping with my dear bride-to-be (at this point), Abby.

How I got the boys to sleep. My mom got  a co sleeper for beside the bed for Daniel and Jackson slept in his little tent. He is asleep up there on the pillows though.

Jackson's little bed.

Snuggles with Grammy.

Nap time for both boys while Jackson wasn't feeling well.

Wrestling with Papa.

Daniel was so calm when Papa was holding him. 

Bruce Watson holding Daniel Watson.

Jackson loved Papa's keyboard and piano!

Fred Meijer Gardens

Fred Meijer Gardens- Jackson is looking at the bugs 

Walking around the Gardens.

The big horse. 

The letter sculpture. Jackson loved reading it.

The beautiful koi fish pond and waterfall.

Great-Grma Bonnell. 

My boys and I with Great-Grma.

Aunt Dee Doy (Lisa) and cousin Noah.

Jackson just loves his baby brother and is always lying next to him, hugging him, patting him, and asking to hold him. 



Jackson and Harley playing. 


The three boys 

I love how Harley is hugging Jackson 

What get togethers look like now. Phones out and pointed at the babies! 

Over two decades of friendship with these two lovely ladies! 

Daniel started out fully on the blanket. He scootched himself half off it! 

Six year anniversary dinner.

On or anniversary (we went to dinner the night before)

Updated Bonnell family picture. Not bad for self timer, so many people, and crazy kids! 


Jackson and Lincoln playing peekaboo.

Little Lincoln  smiling away! 

Grandma Iveson 

Aunt Sue 

Daddy and Jackson playing with some of Grandma's toys. 

At the park by Grandpa and Grandma's house.

Jackson loved the slide and was spoiled by Great-Grandpa lifting up to the top each time. 

Happy little swinging boy. 

Great- Grandma Koutz 

The new Mrs. Elenbaas! Her wedding was only immediate family but I definitely wanted to see her after she was hitched! 

Calvin getting smiles from Daniel. 

Jackson wearing Calvin's glasses.

Great-Aunt Pam

I love how Daniel and Grpa are looking at each other! 

Yes, it was a wonderful trip! It is always good to be back home. We hope to move back to Michigan once Matt retires from the Army. Even the harsh winters don't seem so bad if it means being at "home". 

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