

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Morher's Day 2014

Today (as I am not yet sleeping, but it is past midnight) was Mother's Day. First, I would like to thank the mothers in my life: my mom- who has never given up on me even though I was a very trying child, my mother-in-law- who raised my wonderful husband, and my birth mother- who not only chose to give me life, but also chose to give me a better life through adoption than she was able. To these three women, thank you for your love, care, support, and prayers through my almost 27 years of life. 

Second, to my boys: Matt- for giving me two wonderful boys to mother, Jackson- for making me a mother for the first time two years ago, and Daniel- for expanding my love limits. I am so blessed to be loved by these three men and I am so proud of them and thankful for the opportunity to influence their lives. 

Third, to God: for blessing me with the opportunity to be a mommy and for creating in me a heart to nurture and care for my boys in ways I never would have imagined even 7 years ago. He knew I needed to learn of my passion for parenting and kept those desires and feelings locked up until the appropriate time. He brought Matt and I together (which no one saw coming) and has guided and blessed our relationship. He gave me three wonderful babies and taught me so much in parenting them whether that be in life or loss. 

I love being a mommy. I love staying home with my boys and watching them learn and grow. I love teaching them and building a relationship with them of trust. I pray they grow in The Lord and become men who change the world for Him.

This morning at church we also dedicated Daniel to The Lord. I am so thankful we had this opportunity at or new church home. We hope that while we are here at Fort Campbell Daniel (and Jackson too) will learn about Jesus in their Sunday School classes and children's church and we can partner with their teachers. I am so thankful to have found a church that we plan to call home while we are here. 

Today celebrates Mother's. But there are those who are not mothers yet and desperately wish to be. I pray for them as I know the ache of wanting and waiting for children. I hope they will have faith and trust as they wait to see the plans for their future family whether that be through birth, adoption, or mentor ship. Morher's Day seems like a slap in the face to these women and for that I am sorry and I wish we could erase this day. Have hope. Be encouraged. Be patient. Have love. 

Happy Mother's Day! 

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