

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Five Months

In five months we are planning to PCS. I am excited for a new home, getting Jackson started in school, looking into and possibly starting the adoption process, meeting new friends, and finding new and exciting things to do in the area. 

I am also very, very sad. I have felt comfortable here at Fort Campbell for about two years, but now I feel like I belong and that this is home. I have a great community and have multiple things I'm involved in that help shape me outside of motherhood. I have birthed two children here and there is always something special about important milestones like that. It is nice not needing to use GPS. I have made one of the best friends I have ever had and several other friends as well. I have grown so much while being here and am a much better person because of it.

But now we are nearing the end of our time here and it will be time to start all over. I know I can make lifelong friends quickly because it happened here. I know I can find things to be involved in with the Army and church because I have found so many ways to help here. I know that my kids will make friends because they are young and I teach them that all little kids can be their friends and they believe that. I am sure my husband will enjoy work more because I really don't think we will find a less organized unit anywhere! Thankfully, he has worked with some great people and he has learned a lot and has continued to shine in his career despite the frustrations. So I have high hopes for Fort Bragg. 

But it is still scary and new and unknown.

We could be there for 18 months. We could be there for 4 years. Either way, it will be home for awhile and I want to fully invest myself in that home while we are there. 

I had looked at rent prices when we learned we'd be going to Fort Bragg and it was discouraging because for the kind of house we would like the rent was way higher than BAH. We can afford to pay over BAH, but we also have to keep in mind Jackson's school tuition since we plan to send him to private school. I just checked again and all the options in the area we like are well within our budget! That is one big sigh of relief for me! We were willing to compromise on some things because Jackson's schooling is more important than having an extra bedroom for an office, but it will be so nice to have a little more wiggle room and have all the perks we want in our next house. 

I have worked a lot on worry while I have been here at Fort Campbell. I have truly learned to worry less and only over the big things, which I am working on giving over to God in faith and trust. But I still have worries over this move, over fishing friends, over Jackson succeeding at real school. But I have seen how much God has provided for us here at Fort Campbell and I know He is going ahead of us to Fort Bragg. 

I am already feeling super sad when I think about leaving, but I am hopeful for what is to come.

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