

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Daniel Watson 5 Months

Yesterday my little mister turned 5 Months old. Time is going by so quickly with this little guy. It has been so much fun to watch him grow and learn and begin to interact with us. I love seeing more and more of his personality emerging and noting the similarities he has with Matt, myself, and Jackson and the individual traits that are all his own.

17 weeks 
8/14 While I was bouncing him waiting at the Dr. office he giggled! Not a full belly laugh, but multiple giggles in a row! He is very happy and always smiling at people, but just not as prone to laugh hard. Later in the day when we were waiting for Daddy at the MP office he giggled when I tightened his car seat straps. I did it multiple more times and he kept giggling. Then I was sitting in the front seat with him and would bounce him then sit him on the steering wheel and he would giggle some more. But it didn't last long: he would do a single laugh, pout his lip, and begin to whimper. He is still so sensitive. Maybe he doesn't understand the laughing sensation he has. Maybe it makes his tummy hurt or something. Poor, silly baby! But Mumma sure loves hearing his little laugh!

18 weeks 
For about a week Daniel has been waking up at 1 am and 5 am to eat. Sometimes he stays awake at 5, but others he'll go back to sleep for a few hours. Hopefully this is just a growth spurt and he goes back to sleeping 10-12 hours a night soon! I'm not complaining since he's still a better sleeper than Jackson was, but it throws my sleep cycle way off to be woken up mid dream multiple times a night. 

8/17 Had a super fussy day. Cried all day, didn't want to nurse, but did take a couple bottles when I pumped. He would arch his back when I tried to feed him and cry. He did nurse a couple times and did fine at bedtime and throughout the night. Gave some Motrin to see if it helped. Didn't have a fever but may still be symptoms of his shots (3 days later). Hopefully not just teething pain because that will be a long journey for all his teeth! 

Daniel constantly watches Jackson play. He follows him with his eyes and smiles sometimes, but gets startled too since Jackson changes what he's doing quickly or screeches. 

Has been leaking through his diapers at night. I try to change him when he wakes up so he isn't in the same diaper all night. It mainly happens when he's already peed and then poops. It is too full so it spills out. His sheets have been washed at least 4 times in one week! We've gone through lots of jammies too. Glad his digestive system is working well! 

8/19 belly laugh! Finally! When Mumma was going boohoohoohoo at him. Normally he has a growling laugh and sounds like an old man.

8/20 enjoys the jumperoo! He can reach for the toys to chew on and his feet and touch the ground on his tippy toes, but I put a pillow under him so it's not such a long reach. He loves when Mumma helps him jump. 

8/21 began blowing raspberries. His new favorite thing. He will do it on his own or in response to someone blowing raspberries at him. His face lights up and he just spits all over the place.

8/22 first time using the high chair! He sat with us for dinner at the table and made it about 3/4 through before he was tired of sitting in it. Not planning to feed him solids until he's 6 months, but he has been wanting to sit upright. He did not like when the chair was reclined. He cried until I put it back upright. 

19 weeks
Getting upset at toys when they don't do what he wants, which is usually to chew on them. Gets upset at the knobs attached to the jumperoo that he wants to hold (just like Jackson did).

Doesn't mind tummy time anymore. Just looks around. When I help him roll over he smiles but hasn't done it on his own. 

Reaches for Jackson and smiles at him. Jackson still loves Daniel and pats his head or cheek and gives him hugs and kisses, but he doesn't seem to notice that Daniel loves him back. I love their little relationship and how it is growing.

Stopped timing his meals since he eats whenever he wants.. I am trying to stop feeding him after 5 pm so he can get a larger meal right before bed to sleep longer. He typically wants to eat at 6 pm and then again at 7 pm for bedtime. He has still been consistently waking up around 1:30 am and 4:30 am to eat each night. 

20 weeks 
Likes hey diddle diddle. Doesn't always want Mumma to sing to him though. When I try to sing other songs often he'll whine until I stop. He still loves to rock though, so I'm not too offended.

Still likes baby bicycle. Sometimes I think he has gas so I'll bicycle his little legs and he'll just smile away. But sometimes I'll do it if he wants to be held because my arms and neck get tired from supporting his weight. Isn't it about time for him to sit up? I am ready for the relief.

Laughs more easily- when doing "this is the way" horsey, slow airplane, and when Mumma laughs at him.

Loves to watch tv- it's a great baby sitter when I need to be hands free. I try not to fall back on the TV too much, but it is nice to have on in the background to entertain the boys. I try to only put it on when I'm making meals, cleaning, or need a little break from holding Daniel (since he always wants to be held).

Very good to reaching for things in front of him, grabbing them, and keeping ahold of them. He is very alert and is starting to play with a wider variety of toys. He likes rings, his taggies triangle, oballs, and the lion teether I bought him. He still loves having his wubbanubs almost always.

Possibly getting incisors? Saw two little red bumps on the bottom gumline. Been giving Motrin when he is overly fussy in the morning. 

Always chewing on my hands when being held. He chews on other people's hands too but they don't seem to mind. I try to always have a toy or burp cloth nearby so he can chew on it instead of people.

Working on sitting up, doesn't have a very strong core yet. Can prop himself up with hands in front of him but he is about 2 inches from the ground. He generally just topples over to the side or the front. I've been doing little baby crunches with him to try to strengthen his core. He thinks it's so silly and will try to pull himself up if I lay him back down. Sometimes he'll giggle when we reach the top (so he's at a right angle, sitting). So so adorable.

Turns 90 degrees when tummy time on the floor. Likes to be facing to the left side. Still hasn't completed the roll though.

9/4 almost rolled over from tummy to back. Have on video. At the last moment he flipped back to his belly. (But has rolled over whole sleeping again, so 2x total)

21 weeks 
9/6 figures out jumping in jumperoo on his own. He accidentally jumped and looked up so surprised! He smiled and has been working on jumping on his own more and more.

Has a definite "whiny cry". He's not sad, he's not scared; he just wants attention and he's not getting it. Sounds like "rrrwah rrrwah rrrwah waaaaah". 

9/8 Laid Daniel down in his crib to fall asleep on his own (without being rocked or nursed to sleep). He lay there looking around and sucking on his paci and fell asleep within 5 minutes. He is such a different sleeper than Jackson! 

9/9 rolled over from back to tummy! I was taking a picture of him sucking his thumb on his back while holding the blanket and he just rolled right on over! I was so excited and he was all smiley at me praising him. 

When he's in the swing or sleeper and gets upset he pushes himself so that his head is off the back edge! Hasn't pushed himself out yet, but it may be time go put those things away- getting so big! He has kicked so much that he's slide out of the swing in the front. He just sat there looking at me like "How did I get down here on the floor?". 

Likes to sit up now. Strains if he's in the swing, highchair, or being held to sit up. Can't quite do it on his own yet. Can balance hunched over but fusses after a minute. 

Found his feet while in his bumbo! Still doesn't grab them while on his back though. Likes to lie straight on his back, not curled up. If I try to give him toys while he's in his bumbo he'll fuss until I move them so he can just play with his toes. 

5 Month Pictures

How did I get so lucky to have to snuggle bugs?

We've been waking up extra early lately. Daniel will wake up and be all happy and ready to play and Jackson will hear us and wake up. Jackson isn't usually quite ready to wake up, but normally just wants to snuggle next to me.

All smiles when we got in the car after his 4 Month Well-Child and he had shots. Makes me feel better when his tears only last a few minutes.

I try to do my devos first thing in the morning, but when you have two needy children sometimes you fit it in whenever you can.

Sharing in caring.

Blurry, but I wanted to capture this moment. Jackson loves to climb up next to his brother and just hug him.

I am so thankful I have been able to nurse both boys. I love these moments when the look up at your and smile. So happy, so content, so secure.

Behaving so well at PWOC Bible study.

Jackson shares his iPad now so Daniel can watch his cartoons too.

Again, blurry (it in Daniel's room at night), but I just love how snuggly they are. Jackson heard me go into Daniel's room. I was feeding him but Jackson stumbled in, curled up next to us, and fell back asleep.

Daniel taking a nap with Daddy.

Practicing sitting up.

So entertained by him brother.

With some of our best friends, Isla. Her brother Jonny is the same age as Jackson and they have a middle brother, Danny.

Working so hard to scootch.

Getting frustrated when the teether won't fit in his mouth.

Helping to hold his bottle. I usually thaw some milk for church or when we have a sitter. He rarely eats it at that time so I'll make him eat it all before he can nurse since I can't refreeze it. 

My days and my heart are very full. This was after Daddy left for Afghanistan. They boys have been so well behaved, which is so very helpful for Mumma.

I buckle him in now so he doesn't fall out!

Daniel likes the backseat. He fell right asleep.

Laying Daniel down in his crib to fall asleep on his own for the first time.

First time he rolled over from tummy to back!


Storytime with Daddy. We didn't record new videos of Matt since he looks the same and we have about six books of his reading to Jackson. We filmed them in 2012 before he left for Basic Training. The boys both loved watching Daddy.

The blurry moments are the best moments. They happen so quick but they melt this Mumma's heart.

Bandana bibs for my drool monster!

Rump up!

I hope he always has the support of his big brother.

First time in high chair.

Jackson loves sitting in the rock n play and swing. Silly, buddy.

Daniel chilling while Mumma does home preschool with Jackson.

You can't really see too well, but his whole middle and legs are off the floor. Planking baby.

He is trying so hard to roll over but he usually doesn't get all the way flipped.

Sitting up is hard work!

Watching Toy Story 3 on Mumma's bed while she backs up her computers. Sometimes I just need them occupied so I can get work done!

5 Months. Where has the time gone? Seriously? I still think of him as my little baby, but he is over a third of a year old! I was so worried that my love for Daniel would be different since I was so attached to Jackson. It is so hard to explain, but that is most definitely not the case. I love them both differently but both the same. Daniel needs me in ways that Jackson no longer does and that is so endearing. Every mother needs to feel needed. Daniel is not quite as attached to me as Jackson was (he is happy being held by anyone), but that is a blessing. Daniel is his own little person and I love him so very, very much.

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