

Monday, September 12, 2016

Postpartum: Round Three

While I don't plan on being pregnant again, I still wanted to keep track of my postpartum healing in case we hange our minds. I mean, we weren't planning on birthing a third child until we changed our minds! So you never know!

*Oh my cramps! Uterine contractions continue during recovery and they are no joke! These were worse than my previous recoveries and I took Percocet at the hospital when previously I had only taken Motrin. At home I told Matt they felt like what I imagine getting stabbed in the abdomen would feel like. I try to massage the area while it is contracting and it is so hard and painful! 
*Less overall bleeding than before. The nurses say that the more pregnancies you have the more your body know what to do and it gets more efficient at healing.
*Milk came in 3 days after birth... Rock hard. I tried not to pump but I had to relieve even a little of the pressure so I could sleep! Didn't do much good but it will pass soon. Chase seems to enjoy the milk.
*losing pound by pound. Excited to do some exercises at home to help cinch my waist once I feel like I've healed.
*8/11 able to wear my polka dot chambray shorts! They are just slightly too big regularly. They fit fairly well right now so I'm hoping my other shorts will fit soon!
*having some soreness over a couple of my lower vertebrae. I assume this is where the epidural was administered. It doesn't hurt all the time, but if I massage that area I feel like I have a bruise and it is very tender. Hopefully that goes away and doesn't persist or worsen with time. 
*Two weeks postpartum: some blood while wiping and some in pads, but about 3/4 of the day/night I would say my bleeding has stopped.  Mostly feel back to normal with a little pooch. It feels like everything has gone back to normal size down there and my stitches have dissolved.
*very emotional! Cry over commercials that aren't even supposed to be sad/emotional! My face has been having some mild breakouts too. I'll be ready for my hormones to settle once again! 
*8/16 wore the new pair of jeans Matt got me for my birthday! I have a muffin top, but I'm able to button them in comfort and if I wear a loose top it's not noticeable. Hopefully by the time I start exercising I will be close to my normal shape. I want to wait until all the bleeding has stopped before doing my regular at home exercises. I will probably wait until after my 6 week check up to do my workout DVDs just to be sure I'm all healed. 
*8/27 no more spotting! So thankful for feel mostly healed! Where my stitches were has felt a little sore lately, but they healed within the past week so I'm hoping nothing has compromised that site. I am 10 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and I plan to begin light exercises this week to try to knock out those lbs. 
*9/4 the past couple days I've had some swelling along my stitches site. The stitches have all dissolved but it is agitated. I also have been having some discharge that may be due to more exertion on my part. 
*9/8 had my postpartum Dr. appt. He asked if I needed stitches because the site had healed so well. I had begun bleeding again a couple days prior. The Dr. said that where the placenta was forms a scab and sometimes that tears off and will start a rebleed. This can happen over the next couple months. So I will wait until it stops again before beginning exercise. I have begun abs work though. 

Overall, I feel great! I do want my pooch belly gone ASAP, but I know it takes some time. Nursing has continued to go well. I feel very tired, much more tired than when the first two were babies. But, of course, there are three of them to keep up with now! I think we've all fallen into our new schedule. The big boys have been more fussy lately, which I think is due to less attention. Both of them have been needing more snuggles recently. I try to accommodate them as much as possible. It hurts my mumma heart that they feel neglected, but they truly do love their baby brother, so I know it will be wonderful in the long run for them. 

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