

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Chase Month 1

Chase Andrew- I cannot believe one month has already passed! That picture was taken in August 28, but I have just been delayed in posting. You are my third baby, but you are no less important! Each of your milestones has been just as amazing to me as when Jackson was a baby. You have added so much joy and love to our family. I am so thankful for you and all the extra snuggles you've gifted to me. This first month has been an adjustment period, but I think we all are settling into our new normal just fine. 

*born 6/28. 6 lbs. 14 oz. 19.75 inches long.
*immediately latched on and started feeding well. Will go hours between feeds then cluster feed for an hour.
*6/29 weighs 6 lbs. 10 oz. normal weight loss 
*loves to be swaddled and held
*wondering if he'll have a little reflux. Seems to be "chewing" and has spit up some.
*seems to have worked out night and day- though he sleeps the large majority of the day.
*not bothered by his brothers' noise. He can sleep through it thankfully.
*eats every 1-2 hours on average and doesn't make a milky mess even though I have an over production. He is such a good little eater!
*poops so much! Almost every diaper I change has poopy in it! No question that his little bowels are working! 
*8/2-4 Grammy and Papa visited! They were so excited to meet baby Chase. He gave them both good snuggles.
*8/3 had newborn pictures with my friend, Stephani Potter. They looked so cute and he did so well! I can't wait to get them back!

1 Week
*8/4 first bath. He spit up all over himself so needed a bath! At first he didn't mind it, but hen he decided he hates the bath! He looks all fuzzy now though.
*Spit up a couple times to drench his outfit. Poops with almost every diaper change (7-10 a day). Wondering if he may be sensitive to dairy. Will try to limit dairy and substitute as much as possible to think of that makes a difference. 
*8/6 lost his umbilical cord! We'll see how it heals, but he may be the first in our family to have an outtie! 
*8/8 peed on the couch! I was changing his diaper and just wasn't quick enough! The Dr said to pay attention to if his pee is a stream or more of a drizzle as a drizzle can mean there's a connection issue. It seemed to be a drizzle this time, but may have just been how he was sitting. Mumma needs to change diapers on the changing pad or floor from now on!
*poor baby drank too much milk and spit it up all over himself and it came out of his nose! That never happened with the other boys. 

2 Weeks
*8/11 drank his first bottle! I have a good supply of frozen breastmilk from my overproduction the first week. Hopefully I can replace it as I use it. I took a bottle to the FRG mtg but he wasn't interested. When we got home he guzzled down 3 oz! So thankful he can take a bottle and breastfeed. 
*has a very mild cold. Runny nose and teary eyes. He's been sneezing a lot and sometimes will sneeze out big boogers. It hasn't seemed to affect his eating though. He has been slightly fussier and wants to be held more.
*he went to bed on 8/13 and I swear he woke up and his face was so much older looking! He filled out more and was much more alert. He is starting to lose some of his newbornness, which is wonderful and sad. He is so clingy and always wants to eat, so it will be nice when he's older and can eat baby food and goes longer between nursing and can play with toys. But I just love newborn snuggles and how little he is! It isn't as easy to just hold him for a long time anymore, he's definitely gained weight.
*poops almost every single diaper. Has between 7-10 changes a day. He probably could have more if I changed him every time I noticed he needed one, but if he's soundly sleeping I usually wait. 

3 Weeks
*sleeping well for his age. He usually goes to sleep around 7:30-8 and wakes 2-4x to eat. He usually won't fully wake up and I can feed him and he'll fully dose back off when he's done. When I remember I change his diaper and I try to hold him after eating long enough to burp him so he doesn't spit up all over the rock n play. Sometimes we cosleep, but mostly he stays in his rock n play. 
*Poor baby cries a lot more than either of his brothers at this age. Since I have to care for the other two boys' needs too, sometimes that means baby has to sit and cry longer than I would like while I finish getting snacks or changing diapers or smuggling after a tumble. But Chase calms down quickly when he is finally picked up.
*eyes rolls back into his head often. His eyes stay partially open when he sleeps often. I close then whenever I notice it.
*8/23 had his two week wellchild, even though he was 3 weeks 5 days. He weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz and was 21.5 inches long. 
*8/24 was circumcised. He had the plastibell put on as opposed to just having it fully removed like the other two boys. I could hear him crying down the hall and it was torture, but they numbed him so I knew it was mostly because he was strapped down. His pediatrician said he stopped crying right before she started and when she clipped him he didn't even flinch. It went very well. He was very fussy for the first couple hours after but then he would take long naps and wake up screaming. He'd eat little meals and fall back asleep. 

4 Weeks
*started doing tummy time. He has a very strong neck and can hold it up and look around. His brothers love to lie next to him and do tummy time too. 
*he is super fussy in the evenings. He knows that I need to make dinner, eat, and do dishes/tidy up then since Daddy can occupy the big boys... So he just cries. He is very gassy but I'm not sure if that is what causes his crying. I rub his belly, do bicycle legs, try to burp him numerous ways, and have been using gas drops. He will cry hard and then suddenly stop and his head will loll back and he'll be dead asleep and then he'll start up crying hysterically again. Thankfully, he usually settles down for bedtime.
*spits up so much! Sometimes he over- eats so he'll spit up while eating, but sometimes he won't until later. Most days he has at least one outfit change. 

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