

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Pregnancy: Month 7

THIRD TRIMESTER!!!!!! This pregnancy really is flying by! Baby is growing and making himself known with lots of kicks and elbow jabs. This is still a super easy pregnancy and for that I am very grateful. Hopefully it means baby Chase is a nice, calm newborn too! 

25 Weeks
*Nesting might be setting in. I like things tidy but I usually run out of steam before everything is super, super clean. I want to deep clean everything but definitely have to take it in stages.
*Bought some maternity shorts at Ross and they fit so much better than the one pair I already had (which was a number size bigger than I normally would wear). Definitely needed more shorts since it's already in the 90's. Also bought some summer shoes to accommodate my slightly swelling feet. I also found my original pair of "Preggo shoes" from when I was pregnant with Jackson! I didn't think I kept those since I've gone through and purged my shoes a couple times recently.
*Ordered some more nursery decor. Got a moose clock, crib skirt, and found some wooden picture frames to go above the changing table. I want an oversized letter C for above the crib. 
*Baby kicks and squirms so much! Not uncomfortable yet, but super fun to feel him. Since he has been breech at my last two ultrasounds I'm trying to figure out if I feel feet kicking or elbows/hands. 
*Definitely having BH contractions right around bedtime. Usually I try to just sit down until they relax. Makes me a little worried that this baby will come early like Daniel and Matt might be in MI for Mark's wedding!

26 Weeks
*4/28 moved around the carseats and put in the baby base so I don't have to worry about it later. Then realized that Jackson's seat is in the middle and Matt will need that when they go to MI for Mark's wedding. But it seems like too much hassle to take it out and put it back in when I'm full term and ready to pop. 
*Getting to work on the nursery! I fixed the changing table- a shelf had fallen out. I put the crib mattress on the highest level and removed all of Daniel's old baby bedding. All the furniture is in it's spots and the picture frames are waiting for their prints to be hung on the walls. I cleared out all the older boys' bday clutter and removed most of the accumulated toys. Baby Chase's personal space is coming along nicely!
*Difficulty sleeping. It's hard knowing how much of this is from pregnancy and how much from my two boys who still wake up at night. I am feeling so tired that I fall asleep before I can get comfortable and wake up with kinks in my neck or a sore back. 
*Belly getting in the way of things. Definitely have to be more mindful of my movements and exertion. I have to take frequent rests throughout the day in between chores or playing with the boys. 
*Renewed motivation to work on photo books! I feel the pressure now with baby 3 and knowing my free time will be even less than it is now. I finished Jackson's 6-12 month baby book and began to sort through our family 2013 book. I hope to at least have 2013 organized and Daniel's first year pictures organized and ready to be put in a book before Chase is born. Plus I should remove older pictures from my computer (onto my external hard drive) since more pictures will soon be coming! 
*No real cravings (I mean, I could always eat a baconator!), but for a couple days nothing sounds super good. I hope it's because my neck had been hurting and making my stomach feel upset. I sure have enjoyed eating anything I want this pregnancy and it would be a bummer if the last 3 months were filled with "nothing sounds good". 
*Weigh 124 lbs. So far I've gained 14 lbs. (going off of 110 as my pre-Preggo weight. I was a little lower than that, but 110 is easy to remember! I'll make 105 my goal weight for post pregnancy either way)
*Jackson felt the baby kick and then went "goochy goochy goo!" While pretending to tickle my belly. So sweet! He understands that a baby is coming and is very excited!
*our mop broke awhile ago and the kitchen floor needed a good cleaning. So I scrubbed it on my hands-and-knees! Definitely nesting, even though I'll need to do that again before the baby arrives! It was hard work and I had to sit and rest for awhile afterwards. 
*We drove to MI for my Grma B's memorial service and I was so proud of myself for limiting bathroom breaks. Baby makes me have to pee several times an hour and it seems like such a time waster when I'm at home. 

27 Weeks
*A friend posted Social Security's official baby name list for popularity in 2015. Chase was the #74 baby boy name. Anything in the top 100 is popular, but so glad it's not in the top 10. Jackson and Daniel have been in the top 20 consistently for years. 
*in MI went to Goodwill (as in tradition) with my mom. I always have such great luck here. I found so many cute post-Preggo clothes! Definitely good motivation to lose the baby weight and get back to being a cute Mumma! I don't understand how some women truly let themselves go once they have kids. I am still me and I like having nice clothes and looking presentable. Found some great options for dresses that will allow nursing too! I've missed wearing dresses! 
*Have been having issues with my left hip for the past week or so. One morning I woke up and it felt like I had pulled a muscle in that area and throughout the days since then it has continued to throb and hurt. Sometimes I'll take a bad step and it will hurt and sometimes when I've been sitting and stand up it will hurt. I was lying flat on the ground to stretch out and could feel the exact spot where the issue is- towards the back of my left hip. I can't figure out how to stretch it or help it, but I feel like it needs to "crack" or "pop". Oh Preggo pains! 
*recently started having headaches again. In the same spot as normal- so it's been about 6 or 7 months of being off the migraine medication before they came back. I'll call that a blessing! Hopefully this baby doesn't react to the medication when I'm nursing so I can take it again. 

28 Weeks 
*exactly at 28 weeks baby started full on kicking, not just squirming. He is so much bigger now and has more room to wiggle. It felt like he kicked his leg straight out. He is definitely making his little presence known!
*5/12 my GB Pockit stroller arrived! This is our only expensive purchase for this baby. I'm selling my other two single strollers and both PPB diaper bags to help with the cost though. It folds up so small so that will help with trunk space! I love it! 
*Baby's crib sheet finally arrived! It was custom made. It is a dark blue in a wood grain pattern. It looked navy in the online picture, but more of a muted slate blue in person. It is still cute and I'm happy with it. It is very well made so that makes up for the slight color difference.

Daniel is starting to notice the baby bump. He doesn't understand about a baby coming at all, but he doesn't like not having as much room to sit on my lap anymore!

Pockit Stroller! 

Got our old Bumbo seat from my friend, Abby, while we were in MI. I had given it to her for her baby. Perfect timing! 

Some days I feel a little stressed that we're not ready for the baby and we only have two months left! Other days I just want him to be here already and two months seems like a long ways away. All the newborn clothes are hanging up and he'll be sleeping in the rock n play at first. We'll get diapers at the hospital and can have Amazon deliver newborn diapers super quick. So we're ready whenever he decides to arrive! I stress over the little details that aren't important and can happen after he's born. I'm sure it will all happen before he's born. I can't believe we're having another baby. It still seems so shocking that we got pregnant again. We were trying, but it was a sudden decision to try again. I feel ready to handle three boys though. 

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