

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Chase Month 2

This little boy turned 2 months yesterday! The initial transition to a family of five was fairly seamless, but now life is catching up to all of us, I think. The big boys still love baby Chase and try to help him when he cries by rocking his swing, giving him a paci, bringing him toys, or singing to him. I am so thankful they love him because both have noticed how much less time I can give them throughout the day. We've been working through it, but I definitely have not been as patient or gentle as I should. So month two hasn't been the easiest, but I think we're all learning and readjusting and growing together as a family.

Chase loves to be held and would probably love to be worn by Mumma all day if he could. When he falls asleep he often will stir if I lie him down, so I sit on the couch a lot to keep him happy. I still love his snuggles so I'm not complaining. He eats well but still spits up a lot. Some days we make it in the clothes we put on in the morning, but others we have 3 outfit changes! I am getting better at catching his spit up instead of letting it get all over us. He had taken bottles, but lot of times he will refuse. He is cooing a lot and will follow us around the room with his eyes. He smiles so much now and I just love his little dimple.

4 Weeks
*8/29 circumcision plastibell fell off
*loves go look at his gallery wall above the changing table when I change him.
*hates getting wiped, baths, and getting his clothes over his head.

5 Weeks
*9/1 slept from 9:30 pm to 2:30 am, ate, fell back asleep immediately, and ate again at 5 am. What a restful night for me!
*going 2 full hours between feedings more often, compared to every 1-1.5 hours. 
*we call him our "tomato baby" because when he cries or poops he turns bright red! Even Daniel says "red baby!"
*9/4 we're not positive, but he may have smiled purposefully at Matt yesterday and then at me today. These smiles are much bigger than his gassy smiles and he does it when he's looking directly at us and we're smiling/cooing at him. But shortly after he would fuss a little.
*9/6 moved into 0-3 month sleepers. He was too long for newborn sleepers!
*likes to be held against my chest with my hand behind his neck so he can fall asleep leaning back away from me. Eventually he will lay his head on his arms that are propped up on my chest, then I can lean him over into my elbow while he sleeps. Does not like to be laid down on his own. 

6 Weeks
*9/11 went in the nursery for the first time! It was promotion Sunday at church so Matt and I were in the 3's Sunday School class so Chase went in with Miss Kellie and did great. He ate 1 oz out of a bottle in the car and the other oz when we got home.
*had to put away his smaller NB clothes. Still fits in some of the long Carter's onesies but have been putting him in some 0-3 months clothes.
*has a sweet spot on the couch. I put him on one of the cushions so he's wedged between the back cushion and the small throw pillow. Since he's surrounded by soft pillows I think it feels like he's being held. This allows me to get some things done while he naps.

7 Weeks
*9/16 purposefully reached and hit the toys on his baby gym mat. He will look at them and bat then over and over and sometimes smiles when they move.
*smiles at me and toys purposefully often.

8 Weeks
*9/22 Mumma has a real bad case of poison ivy. My entire left leg is swollen so much that I can't straighten my leg and it really hurts to walk. With the swelling, I went to the walk-in clinic. It took 3 hours for me to be seen and Chase was home with Daddy. He slept most of the time and cried for awhile, but Daddy was able to calm him down. Even though he wasn't happy the whole time, he is managing better without me. He does fine in church nursery and during Cubbies until it's time to eat. Usually then he at least waits until the very end of class.
*much more interested in toys. Will watch the hanging animals from the car seat handle in the car. Will follow and bat at his jingle moose. Can't grab things consistently yet, but has grabbed hanging rings from his play gym... And promptly started crying because he couldn't figure out how to let it go.
*does NOT like any kind of airplane game. I barely lift him up, I don't even fully extend my arms and he tightens up and makes a scared face (exactly the same as Daniel) and starts to cry. 
*has started caring when he has a dirty diaper. He'll cry and no rocking or nursing will settle him. So if those fail and I didn't know he needed a change then I check and he is happy as can be after he's clean
*seems to have a "restless sleep" time when he first settles down in the sleeper. Usually this is around 9-10:30 for an hour or so. I peek at him often to make sure he isn't lying there awake, but he just breathes heavily, snores, and makes some little noises in his sleep. 
*9/27 was smiling at a lady in my PWOC study! This was the first time he has given his giant smiles to a non-family members of melted my heart and I am so thankful for another happy boy.

Today he has his check up. He is growing great and is smaller in height and weight than both his brothers at two months. He is very strong and the Dr. thinks he'll be rolling over soon. He did the worst with shots of the boys. With the oral vaccine he spit up a lot even though I was waiting to feed him until after all the shots. He was fussy on and off all afternoon, but would settle down to nap. He woke up after dinner screaming and I am had to send Daddy to the store for infant Tylenol since all we had was Motrin. He spit up a lot when I gave him Tylenol and was very unhappy. 

I love being a Boymom and Chase has been such a wonderful little baby. He is definitely a Mumma's boy like the other two and I am not complaining! He is already getting so big to me, but since he is so expressive now it's hard to truly miss the newborn phase. 

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