

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pregnancy: Month 8

Tomorrow I will be full term! This pregnancy had just flown by and thankfully has continued to be smooth sailing. I have been thinking that baby will arrive between July 20-25 so we'll see if my random mommy intuition remains accurate like it was for the other two boys. 

33 Weeks
*Long weekend plus looking at the calendar and realizing just how close our due date is has helped motivate me to finish up the nursery. I cleared out the trash, sold the old baby items/toys I didn't want to keep, put away random toys and craft supplies that have accumulated, put away diapers and reorganized the bookshelf, and hung the C above the crib. I am waiting on a couple more items in the mail for the gallery wall and the custom print of his verse and then I'll hang all that up and I think we'll be ready! I always try to have the nursery and my hospital bags all packed and ready by 35 weeks so I can just sit back and relax at the end. 
*Putting away the newborn diapers on the changing table... Oh my word! How are they so tiny? How?!?! I always forget just how little newborns are. I just love the newborn phase and am so excited to have a little snuggle ball again. 
*lots of elbows and knees jabbing away in my belly. It also feels like he shakes his little fists often, like how my other boys would as infants when they would stretch. Chase doesn't seem to get hiccups often. I love to watch him move across my tummy, but it is also definitely strange. 
*I know I need to slow down and not overwork myself, but I've been surprised at how much I've been able to do without getting worn out. Playing with my boys has definitely helped me keep active and keep trimmer than I was in my other pregnancies. I still rest and just sit down often, and thankfully the boys seem to understand that sometimes Mumma just needs to sit, but overall I'm able to play with them or help them or get them snacks etc whenever they want/need. 
*I've always been a night owl, but I definitely struggle with pregnancy insomnia. I am always tired though. Even when I have the opportunity to nap I usually lie awake most of the time and only get a couple minutes. I pray this baby is our best sleeper and sleeps through the night early and never changes that pattern.
*this baby generally sits a lot lower then the others. But I don't feel like he's "trying to escape" as much as the others. He likes to flip and wiggle as opposed to feeling like he's "scratching". 
*unsettled stomach after eating often. Don't feel aversions before eating but feel nauseated after eating. Hits at different times of day. Hoping it doesn't last until baby is born, but if it does we are almost done either way! 

34 Weeks
*acid reflux? Still have nauseated feelings after eating often and then a little pinch in my throat often that tastes acidic. 
*haven't noticed any new stretch marks. My few marks from the other boys usually aren't too noticeable, but I can see them more clearly with them all stretched it again. 
*laid out the gallery wall for the nursery but am waiting on the custom verse print to hang them all up. I didn't like how the picture frames looked with the natural wood decor, so I painted them white. Someday I may repaint them dark brown or navy, but we had some white acrylic paint. 
*ordered a new set of pjs and a long robe for the hospital. It's always nice to have something new for hospital stays. 
*Dr. appt: only gained 20 lbs so far! I know it's normal to gain a lb. a week at this point, but I have definitely stayed smaller this time than my other pregnancies. Heartbeat in 150s. Didn't catch how big I was measuring, but the Dr. didn't say anything about being too small or anything. I'm still hoping baby is born early! 
*when I have stronger BH contractions I have been trying to practice breathing through them. I didn't practice breathing at all before having Daniel (I just expected it all to just happen since I knew it from Jackson's pregnancy) and I was kinda scrambling during labor. I found a rhythm that worked though and was able to truly breathe my way through labor with no epidural. It truly is mind over matter so that gives me hope for non-medicated birth this time. As long as labor isn't so long that I miss sleep and can't enjoy it. 
*So thankful I haven't had leg cramps or restless legs this pregnancy! When I stretch sometimes my calves will begin to cramp but I just immediately stretch them the opposite way and it subsides. I struggled with both restless legs and cramps in my previous pregnancies and it was exhausting. The cramps would make my legs sore for days afterwards and the restlessness would cause me to lose sleep. There really hasn't been any strong pregnancy symptoms this entire time and I am certainly not complaining.
*baby has been getting hiccups a LOT. He only got them maybe 2-3 times I noticed the rest of the pregnancy. He gets them daily now. Hopefully that means his lungs are developing and growing strong!
*I've been waddling for weeks, but it is really ridiculous now! I feel like my legs are turned out like a crab! 

35 Weeks
*started to pack my hospital bag. Got my new pjs and robe in the mail- the robe is perfect and exactly what I've been looking for for years. I love baby's coming home outfit... But I don't have a cap and shoes that match it super well- oh well. 
*both big boys definitely know change is coming. They have been much more clingy (compared to their normal clinginess) and always want to be on top of me. Baby 3 will probably have to fend for himself a lot more than the other two did as newborns. I just love snuggling sleepy newborns though, so we'll see if I can lie him down on his own.
*very sensitive nose. I can smell multiple scents in a room that distract me, but thankfully very little makes me feel sick.
*always. have. to. pee.
*haven't started tracking contractions, but there have been a few times I've wondered if it was the start to early labor when I realize I've had at least 4 in a 1-2 hour period. It is too early for labor so I'm not overly worried about it, but definitely am paying more attention.
*Definitely nesting! Get too tired or have contractions to be able to clean the whole house at once. But the mess bothers me and I do as much as I can handle before needing a rest. I also don't want to over exert myself and help speed labor. Not yet, anyways. I have been making sure to clean up the boys' toys more often, sweep the kitchen everyday, and I sanitized the kitchen today. The nursery is done and waiting for baby. I'm trying to declutter common areas and our bedroom- also since our sitters will be here for who knows how long, I want to be sure the house looks good for them. I need to clean the bathrooms well, tidy up our bedroom, and I want to shampoo the carpets next weekend. Then as long as I can just spot clean the house as needed we should be good until baby arrives! 
*very, very moody. I think it's more due to discomfort than hormones. I'm not that horribly uncomfortable compared to my past pregnancies, but it is harder to function like "normal" and I get so tired. It is wearing and I snap at the boys more often. I know I shouldn't and I feel guilty about it, but the boys are quick to forgive and quick to obey when they aren't being good listeners. I am very thankful for two low key, sweet boys. They make pregnancy a lot easier than it could be and I'm sure will make the transition once Chase comes home easier.

36 Weeks
*Jackson likes to put his hands on my belly and his ears against it. He said "Baby Chase? Are you coming out?"
*Definitely smaller this time all around. I bought two new pair of jeans for postpartum, my first pairs of 7 for all Mankind jeans! So excited! I figured it would be a really bad idea to try them on since with my past pregnancies I couldn't get my regular jeans up over half my thighs, let alone my hips! But these fit all the way but there was no way to zip or button them, to be expected. Gives me hope that I'll bounce back to pre-Preggo shape even quicker than previously!
*got lots of freezer meals and had to play Tetris to get everything to fit. Hopefully baby doesn't take too much longer so I get lazy and use up all the meals instead of cooking!
*baby is particularly low, but I don't think he's dropped for good yet. It often feels like he's punching down into my leg! That is a sharp pain that I hope he doesn't get used to if he plans to stay in there another month! He doesn't like it when I sit at a fairly right angle (like at church or on the toilet) and likes to jab at my legs then.
*Haven't really struggled much with Preggo acne until the last month or so. Very thankful to not have a horrible complexion like when I was pregnant with Daniel. The breakouts I do have are still annoying, but manageable. 
*weighed myself and have only gained 23 lbs! Not sure if I'm just healthier this time, or if that means baby isn't planning on being born for a bit yet. Still, if he stays in another month I can't imagine packing on 10-15 more lbs in that time! Maybe 5 or so. I don't remember exactly how much weight I gained with my past pregnancies, but it was around 35 or so, less than 40 for sure.
*can't lie or sit comfortably in the bathtub anymore. No longer relaxing and that is sad. I can lie on my side and not have it hurt my back, but that's not ideal.

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